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IV Torneio Xadrez da Mealhada - 15 de junho

Last update 15.06.2019 18:09:25, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 47)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Semedo Afonso Santiago Sequeira0POR 28w1 31b0 5b1 40w0 30b1 39w½3,51901618
2Garcia Alexandre Santos0POR 29b0 9w0 37b1 28w0 34b1 5w0244011,512,5
3Cruz André Carvalho da0POR 30w1 33b1 31w0 41b0 24w0 22b132401820
4Pires André Silva0POR 31b- 28b- -0 -0 -0 -0050066
5Dias Bernardo Amorim0POR 32w½ 36b1 1w0 9b1 47w0 2b13,52001617,5
6Maié Bruna Filipa Balau0POR 33b- 30b- -0 -0 -0 -0051055
7Zabolotnya Dana0POR 34w1 38b0 30b1 44w0 29b0 28w1330014,515,5
8Guilherme David Moreira0POR 35b0 37w1 34b1 49w0 28b1 51w032901516
9Simões Dénis Marques0POR 36w½ 2b1 45b0 5w0 21b0 32w01,545016,518,5
10Pato Dinis Duarte0POR 37b+ 29w1 35b0 51w1 40b1 49w155018,519,5
11Abrantes Dinis Lopes0POR 38w- 34b- -0 -0 -0 -0053044
12Sousa Diogo dos Santos0POR 39b- 40b- -0 -0 -0 -004906,56,5
13Pinheiro Diogo Fernandes0POR 40w1 39b0 33w1 47b½ 52w0 36w02,53301922
14Ferreira Diogo Henrique Maia0POR 41b0 43w1 40b0 30w0 42b0 -123801618
15Cardoso Francisca Tovim0POR 42w1 48b1 38w0 39b0 54w1 45b0325017,519,5
16Seabra Francisco Henriques0POR 43b1 35w0 44b0 34w1 53b0 30w132801617
17Marques Francisco Miguel0POR 44w1 52b1 39w1 38b1 31w1 41w16102124
18Aguiar Gabriela Agostinho de0POR 45b0 46w+ 47w0 33b1 48w0 42b0235018,518,5
19Gomes Guilherme Breda0POR 46w+ 41w0 50b1 53w1 44b0 48b032301919
20Lopes Henrique Simões0POR 47b0 51w0 32w1 54b0 43w1 33b023901618
21Matos Inês da Silva0POR 48w0 42b1 52w0 32b0 9w1 54b132701617,5
22Rodrigues Inês Miguel Pires0POR 49b0 53w0 43b1 42w1 51b0 3w023601820
23Capela João Afonso Mortágua0POR 50w1 54b1 41w0 48b1 39w1 31b154018,520,5
24Santos João Coutinho dos0POR 51b1 45w0 53b0 50w1 3b1 40w141201820
25Luís João Manuel Almeida0POR 52w- 44b- -0 -0 -0 -004808,58,5
26Conceição José Afonso Cunha0POR 53b1 47w1 49b1 35w1 41b0 44w153021,525,5
27Madureira Lara Sofia Gomes0POR 54w- 50b- -0 -0 -0 -0054044
28Ferreira Leandro Martim Alves0POR 1b0 4w+ 48w0 2b1 8w0 7b0241015,515,5
29Ferreira Leo de Gomes0POR 2w1 10b0 54w1 52b½ 7w1 47b03,51801921
30Cardoso Leonor Santos0POR 3b0 6w+ 7w0 14b1 1w0 16b0242014,514,5
31Cruz Maria Da Luz Baptista Da0POR 4w+ 1w1 3b1 45w1 17b0 23w049021,521,5
32Pereira Maria João Santos0POR 5b½ 49w0 20b0 21w1 36b0 9b12,53401617,5
33Curto Maria Oliveira0POR 6w+ 3w0 13b0 18w0 50b1 20w1332011,511,5
34Coelho Maria Pedro Baptista0POR 7b0 11w+ 8w0 16b0 2w0 43b014701313
35Melo Mariana Cardoso0POR 8w1 16b1 10w1 26b0 45w1 52b048021,524,5
36Antunes Martim Santos0POR 9b½ 5w0 51b0 37w1 32w1 13b13,52101415
37Sivtsov Max0POR 10w- 8b0 2w0 36b0 -1 50w0146016,518,5
38Ribeira Miguel Batista0POR 11b+ 7w1 15b1 17w0 49b0 53w032202020
39Santos Miguel Taborda Morais0POR 12w+ 13w1 17b0 15w1 23b0 1b½3,51702020
40Quinteiro Miriam Breda0POR 13b0 12w+ 14w1 1b1 10w0 24b032601717
41Castro Rafael Luís Pires0POR 14w1 19b1 23b1 3w1 26w1 17b05202224
42Almeida Rafael Serém0POR 15b0 21w0 -1 22b0 14w1 18w133101315
43Dias Rafaela Almeida0POR 16w0 14b0 22w0 -1 20b0 34w124301213
44Duarte Raphael Ferreira Aroma0POR 17b0 25w+ 16w1 7b1 19w1 26b041002020
45Antunes Rodrigo Mano0POR 18w1 24b1 9w1 31b0 35b0 15w141501718,5
46Ribeiro Ruben Emanuel Neves0POR 19b- 18b- -0 -0 -0 -0052055
47Matos Samuel Bizarro0POR 20w1 26b0 18b1 13w½ 5b1 29w14,57016,518,5
48Silva Tiago Ferreira da0POR 21b1 15w0 28b1 23w0 18b1 19w141601618
49Alves Tiago Luis0POR 22w1 32b1 26w0 8b1 38w1 10b0411018,520,5
50Simões Tomás André Neto0POR 23b0 27w+ 19w0 24b0 33w0 37b124001616
51Fernandes Tomás Cardoso0POR 24w0 20b1 36w1 10b0 22w1 8b1414017,519,5
52Santos Tomás Coutinho dos0POR 25b+ 17w0 21b1 29w½ 13b1 35w14,5601919
53Marques Tomás Manuel Breda0POR 26w0 22b1 24w1 19b0 16w1 38b141301820
54Coelho Xavier Miguel0POR 27b+ 23w0 29b0 20w1 15b0 21w0237016,516,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)