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Last update 16.06.2019 14:11:58, Creator/Last Upload: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Ianocichin Victor2169MDA 35b1 25w1 13b1 5w1 2b½ 3w½ 4b1 10w1 7b184744,0040,5
2IMPetrenko Svetlana2181MDA 26w1 9b1 24w1 4b1 1w½ 7b1 5w1 3b½ 8b½7,550,543,7541
3Nicora Cristi2157MDA 11w1 16b1 4w0 10b1 18w1 1b½ 6w1 2w½ 9b½6,549,537,7534,5
4Lutan Gleb1803RUS 32b1 18w1 3b1 2w0 13b½ 16w1 1w0 23b1 10b16,54733,0033,5
5Dergausov Denis1873MDA 22w1 36b1 28w1 1b0 6w1 24b1 2b0 7w0 14b164628,0034
6IMNevednichy Boris M2113MDA 31b1 14w½ 15b1 23w1 5b0 9w1 3b0 8w½ 24b1643,529,5032
7IMBargan Sergiu2285MDA 28b0 29w1 35b1 17w1 15b1 2w0 25w1 5b1 1w0643,528,0031
8Revencu Leon1898MDA 30b1 17w½ 23b0 21w1 16b½ 18b1 20w1 6b½ 2w½64330,7530
9Codreanu Marius1760MDA 37b1 2w0 17b½ 29w1 23b1 6b0 33w1 24b1 3w½64226,2529
10Putiatin Sergei1720MDA 46b1 23w½ 14b1 3w0 19b1 13w1 15b1 1b0 4w05,545,524,7532
11Russu Dumitru1481MDA 3b0 47w1 25b1 16w0 34b1 15w0 26b+ 20b½ 23w15,53821,0025
12Soltanovici Alexandr1692MDA 34b1 13w0 30b½ 14w0 41b1 23w0 46w1 35b1 25w15,533,519,5023,5
13Miron Iurii1829MDA 40w1 12b1 1w0 28b1 4w½ 10b0 14w½ 25b½ 17w½543,523,5028,5
14Panfilii Laurentiu1717MDA 44w1 6b½ 10w0 12b1 24w0 21b1 13b½ 15w1 5w0542,524,0026,5
15Martinenco Sergiu1798MDA 38w1 19b1 6w0 26b1 7w0 11b1 10w0 14b0 31w154222,5028
16Talmaci Chiril1735MDA 47w1 3w0 31b1 11b1 8w½ 4b0 23w0 19b½ 33w1541,520,0026,5
17Chiriac Daniel1709MDA 39w1 8b½ 9w½ 7b0 20w½ 19b½ 35w½ 27w1 13b½54123,2525
18Soilita Nichita1580MDA 45w1 4b0 40w1 36b1 3b0 8w0 27b½ 22w½ 32b1539,518,7525,5
19Rascu Dmitrii1610MDA 41b1 15w0 33b1 24b½ 10w0 17w½ 31b1 16w½ 20b½53820,7525,5
20Vorobiov Victor1746MDA 29b½ 28w0 41b1 30w1 17b½ 27w1 8b0 11w½ 19w½537,521,2525,5
21Mihailov Dimitri1667MDA 48w1 24b0 22w½ 8b0 37w1 14w0 34b1 33b½ 29w153616,0022,5
22Caras Andrei1331MDA 5b0 43w1 21b½ 25w0 30b½ 34w½ 36w1 18b½ 28b1535,519,5021
23Scovitin Albert2053MDA 27w1 10b½ 8w1 6b0 9w0 12b1 16b1 4w0 11b04,545,523,7527
24Colibaba Alexandr1840MDA 33b1 21w1 2b0 19w½ 14b1 5w0 29b1 9w0 6w04,544,520,5028
25Triboi Alexander1748MDA 42w1 1b0 11w0 22b1 32w1 26b+ 7b0 13w½ 12b04,54319,0025
26Lungu Vladimir1506MDA 2b0 37w1 32b1 15w0 46b1 25w- 11w- 29w½ 39w14,53815,5022
27Bujac Dan1396MDA 23b0 46w1 36w0 42b1 28w1 20b0 18w½ 17b0 35w14,533,515,5021,5
28Focsa Iurie1553MDA 7w1 20b1 5b0 13w0 27b0 33w0 37w1 30b1 22w0439,518,5022
29Luca Sabin1148MDA 20w½ 7b0 38w1 9b0 40w1 36b1 24w0 26b½ 21b043915,2521,5
30Cecoi Mihai1361MDA 8w0 39b1 12w½ 20b0 22w½ 46b½ 38w½ 28w0 42b1435,514,7518,5
31Tiganas Vadim1398MDA 6w0 44b1 16w0 37b0 42w1 32b1 19w0 38b1 15b043513,5019
32Antoha Ivan1243MDA 4w0 45b1 26w0 35w1 25b0 31w0 43b1 36b1 18w043513,0019
33Dragan Laurentiu1314MDA 24w0 48b1 19w0 47b1 36w½ 28b1 9b0 21w½ 16b04359,2521,5
34Berestean Vlaicu1074MDA 12w0 40b0 44w1 38b1 11w0 22b½ 21w0 42b½ 41w143413,5017
35Gaidau Ivan1490MDA 1w0 42b1 7w0 32b0 39w1 37b1 17b½ 12w0 27b03,54012,5018,5
36Geru Victor1711MDA 43b1 5w0 27b1 18w0 33b½ 29w0 22b0 32w0 46b13,535,512,0019,5
37Guzun Lavinia1161MDA 9w0 26b0 39w1 31w1 21b0 35w0 28b0 48w1 38b½3,5359,2515,5
38Tanas Andrei1236MDA 15b0 41w½ 29b0 34w0 48b1 43w1 30b½ 31w0 37w½3,5318,2515
39Albu Vlad1081MDA 17b0 30w0 37b0 45w1 35b0 40b½ 44w1 46w1 26b03,530,510,2513
40Dulteva Anastasia1249MDA 13b0 34w1 18b0 46w0 29b0 39w½ 45b½ 43w½ 47b13,529,59,7513,5
41Conovca Alexandru0MDA 19w0 38b½ 20w0 44b1 12w0 42b½ -0 45w1 34b03339,2514
42Balan Iurie1148MDA 25b0 35w0 43b1 27w0 31b0 41w½ 48b1 34w½ 30w0330,56,5013
43Bogus Catalin1087MDA 36w0 22b0 42w0 48b1 47w1 38b0 32w0 40b½ 44w½327,54,2512,5
44Mamaliga Camelia1119MDA 14b0 31w0 34b0 41w0 45b½ 48w1 39b0 47w1 43b½327,54,009
45Tanas Nikolai0MDA 18b0 32w0 46b0 39b0 44w½ -1 40w½ 41b0 48w13277,759
46Codreanu Severian1141MDA 10w0 27b0 45w1 40b1 26w0 30w½ 12b0 39b0 36w02,535,58,5015
47Bologan Anton1145MDA 16b0 11b0 48w1 33w0 43b0 -0 -0 44b0 40w01300,007
48Barjanschi Nadejda1001MDA 21b0 33w0 47b0 43w0 38w0 44b0 42w0 37b0 45b0027,50,000

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break