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VIII Limbažu Starptautiskais šaha festivāls VIDZEMES VASARA 2019 Ātrspēles turnīrs.

Last update 21.07.2019 12:58:13, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMShirov Alexei2612ESP 30w1 17b1 8w1 5b½ 4w1 2w½ 3b1 13w1 21b1 6b1 7w110271,5762513
2IMPultinevicius Paulius2551LTU 31b½ 12w1 25b1 13w1 7w1 1b½ 5b1 21w1 3b1 8b1 10w110173,578,52472
3GMMiezis Normunds2387LAT 32w1 18b1 9w1 7b½ 5w½ 6b1 1w0 22b1 2w0 10b½ 19w17,5472772236
4GMMeijers Viesturs2353LAT 33b1 19w1 11b1 15w1 1b0 13w½ 21b½ 8w0 23b½ 25w0 24b16,51470,575,52034
5IMAntoms Guntars2271LAT 34w1 20b1 14w1 1w½ 3b½ 22b1 2w0 16b1 8w0 13w0 15b17775,5802192
6MKBolsakovs Vadims2149LAT 35b1 21w1 13b0 20w1 17b1 3w0 19b½ 31w1 7b1 1w0 25b06,51371,5772040
7MKAgafonov Yuri Dr2115LAT 36w1 22b1 16w1 3w½ 2b0 10b0 18w1 14b1 6w0 28b1 1b06,51272,578,52130
8FMMartinkus Rolandas2091LTU 37b1 23w1 1b0 21w0 35b1 28w1 20w1 4b1 5b1 2w0 13b07873,5772108
9MKRusov Valery2083RUS 38w1 24b1 3b0 23w1 19b1 21w0 22w0 27b1 16w0 32b1 18w17962,567,51952
10MKKolesnikovs Ivans2058LAT 39b1 25w½ 15b0 30w1 31b1 7w1 13b0 19w½ 24b1 3w½ 2b06,51569,5742010
11MKPavlovs Sergejs2046LAT 40w1 26b1 4w0 22b0 36w1 20b0 25b1 23w0 33b1 24w½ 28w½62361651807
12MKDudzinskis Vsevolods2043LAT 41b0 2b0 52w1 43w0 49b½ 53w1 44b1 29w½ 36b0 45w½ 48b½53757,561,51301
13IKarba Andres2039EST 42w1 27b1 6w1 2b0 16w1 4b½ 10w1 1b0 15w1 5b1 8w18,5372772311
14NMSaksis Juris2029LAT 43b1 29w1 5b0 27w1 21b0 23w1 24b½ 7w0 25b0 41w1 35b16,51862,567,51808
15MKGudovskis Konstantins2029LAT 44w1 28b1 10w1 4b0 22w0 24b0 33w1 26w1 13b0 27b1 5w06216165,51890
16NMKoops Maris1991LAT 45b1 41w1 7b0 29w1 13b0 27w1 26b1 5w0 9b1 19w½ 21b17,5563,568,51953
17ISaksis Ivo1923LAT 46w1 1w0 33b1 24b1 6w0 26b0 35w½ 28b0 34w1 30b1 20w05,5285962,51752
18WFMVidruska Renate1914LAT 47b1 3w0 35b1 31w½ 28b0 33w1 7b0 30w1 29b1 23w½ 9b06226165,51776
19MKVaskevicius Augustas1910LTU 48w1 4b0 32w1 26b1 9w0 29b1 6w½ 10b½ 22w1 16b½ 3b06,51763,568,51971
20MKBrikers Aleksandrs1891LAT 49b1 5w0 37b1 6b0 38w1 11w1 8b0 24w½ 31b0 29w1 17b16,5195962,51836
21MKBogorad Michail1888GER 50w1 6b0 36w1 8b1 14w1 9b1 4w½ 2b0 1w0 31b1 16w06,51173,575,52063
22MKPetrovs Jaroslavs1851LAT 51b1 7w0 39b1 11w1 15b1 5w0 9b1 3w0 19b0 36w1 23b062064,568,51904
23MKMelderis Uldis1841LAT 52w1 8b0 38w1 9b0 37w1 14b0 39w1 11b1 4w½ 18b½ 22w17105962,51885
24MKPedmanson Albert1833EST 53b1 9w0 41b1 17w0 39b1 15w1 14w½ 20b½ 10w0 11b½ 4w05,5276165,51828
25MKPedmanson Herman1828EST 54w1 10b½ 2w0 28b0 32w1 34b1 11w0 35b1 14w1 4b1 6w17,566365,51997
26NMParhomenko Margarita1806LAT 55b1 11w0 43b1 19w0 41b1 17w1 16w0 15b0 28w0 48b0 40w153658,5621555
27ISenkans Antons1702LAT 56w1 13w0 45b1 14b0 40w1 16b0 43w1 9w0 39b1 15w0 36b05346265,51589
28IMitenieks Matiss1700LAT 57b1 15w0 47b½ 25w1 18w1 8b0 31b0 17w1 26b1 7w0 11b½62460,5631800
29ISmits Gundars1670LAT 58w1 14b0 40w1 16b0 43w1 19w0 45b1 12b½ 18w0 20b0 44w15,53058591623
30MKPlume Gunars1659LAT 1b0 31w½ 44w1 10b0 34w0 48b1 37w1 18b0 40b1 17w0 41b04,54258,5621572
31MKBabris Ivars1648LAT 2w½ 30b½ 42w1 18b½ 10w0 36b1 28w1 6b0 20w1 21w0 39b16,5166468,51880
32IPlitnieks Janis1617LAT 3b0 46w1 19b0 47w½ 25b0 49w½ 48b1 41w1 45b1 9w0 43b05356063,51424
33IMarkss Olegs1547LAT 4w0 48b1 17w0 42b1 47w1 18b0 15b0 40w1 11w0 35b0 52w153954,558,51546
34IVidrikis Ansis1518LAT 5b0 47w0 53b½ 50w1 30b1 25w0 41b0 46w1 17b0 49w1 45b04,54352,554,51325
35IValdats Maris1485LAT 6w0 50b1 18w0 44b1 8w0 42b1 17b½ 25w0 47b1 33w1 14w05,52958601637
36INorkeliunas Matas1470LTU 7b0 49w1 21b0 45w1 11b0 31w0 51b1 42w1 12w1 22b0 27w162556,560,51655
37IIPukite Elza1431LAT 8w0 52b1 20w0 46b1 23b0 44w½ 30b0 47w0 57b1 43w0 54b03,5515052,51234
38IHemmelis Viesturs1416LAT 9b0 51w1 23b0 49w1 20b0 43b0 47w1 45w0 46b1 39w0 56b154053,5571306
39ILebedevs Jevgenijs1396LAT 10w0 54b1 22w0 48b1 24w0 46b1 23b0 43w1 27w0 38b1 31w053856,5591479
40ITamanis Anzelms1362LAT 11b0 53w1 29b0 51w1 27b0 45w0 55b1 33b0 30w0 57w1 26b044848,5511322
41INorkeliunas Sarunas1301LTU 12w1 16b0 24w0 57b1 26w0 47b½ 34w1 32b0 44w1 14b0 30w15,53152,5551612
42IIMagone Andris1291LAT 13b0 55w1 31b0 33w0 51b1 35w0 49b1 36b0 48w0 50b1 47w154153,555,51254
43IValdats Reinis1243LAT 14w0 56b1 26w0 12b1 29b0 38w1 27b0 39b0 52w1 37b1 32w162649,5531591
44IIBabris Rihards1238LAT 15b0 57w1 30b0 35w0 52b1 37b½ 12w0 53w1 41b0 51w1 29b04,5454850,51355
45ILehes Erik Johannes1230EST 16w0 58b1 27w0 36b0 57w1 40b1 29w0 38b1 32w0 12b½ 34w15,53250511526
46IILehes Ott Oskar1075EST 17b0 32b0 54w1 37w0 55b1 39w0 52b1 34b0 38w0 56w½ 49b03,5524446,51167
47IKarpenko Viktoriia0UKR 18w0 34b1 28w½ 32b½ 33b0 41w½ 38b0 37b1 35w0 53w1 42b04,5445255,51410
48ILehes Leho0EST 19b0 33w0 55b1 39w0 56b1 30w0 32w0 51b1 42b1 26w1 12w½5,53348,5521479
49IIIlchenko Yuliia0UKR 20w0 36b0 56w1 38b0 12w½ 32b½ 42w0 55b½ 58w1 34b0 46w14,54647,548,51328
50IIKarba Karoliina0EST 21b0 35w0 57b0 34b0 58w1 55w0 53b0 54w1 56b0 42w0 51b02574243936
51IIKarba Kertu0EST 22w0 38b0 58w1 40b0 42w0 56b1 36w0 48w0 54b1 44b0 50w145044451137
52IIStrazdins Maris Kristaps0LAT 23b0 37w0 12b0 53w1 44w0 57b1 46w0 56b1 43b0 58w1 33b044945461209
53IIVabulnieks Aris0LAT 24w0 40b0 34w½ 52b0 54w1 12b0 50w1 44b0 55w1 47b0 58b14,54740411207
54IIVidrusks Jekabs0LAT 25b0 39w0 46b0 56w0 53b0 58w0 57w½ 50b0 51w0 55b1 37w12,55639,540,5946
55IIIMeijers Janis0UKR 26w0 42b0 48w0 58b1 46w0 50b1 40w0 49w½ 53b0 54w0 57b13,55439401006
56IIIMeijers Jaroslav0UKR 27b0 43w0 49b0 54b1 48w0 51w0 58b1 52w0 50w1 46b½ 38w03,5534243998
57IIIVidrusks Arturs0LAT 28w0 44b0 50w1 41w0 45b0 52w0 54b½ 58b1 37w0 40b0 55w02,5554142995
58Parsa Anita0LAT 29b0 45w0 51b0 55w0 50b0 54b1 56w0 57w0 49b0 52b0 53w01584042699

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)