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Laagri Kooli lahtised meistrivõistlused males 2019: U10

Last update 11.05.2019 13:43:36, Creator: Rae Huvikool;,Last Upload: Kaksikodad;

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Blokhin Georg1292EST 35b1 16w1 11b1 3w1 4b1514113
2Stepanov Roman1235EST 29w1 34b1 12w½ 13b1 14w14,51192
3Kamp Laura1363EST 23w1 31b1 5w1 1b0 17w1415122
4Snitsarenko Ilja1447EST 44w1 19b1 18w1 14b1 1w0414112
5Jarts Nikita1182EST 20b1 27w1 3b0 11w1 12w1413102
6Kompus Karl Erik1308EST 43b1 28w0 22b1 21w1 24b141193
Shchiry Roman1257EST 26b1 11w0 37b1 16w1 13b141193
Andersoo Alex0EST 25b1 10w0 33b1 38w1 18b141193
9Sandberg Laur-Markus1052EST 32b0 26w1 27b1 30w1 15b14973
10Esnar Andreas1329EST 41w1 8b1 13w0 12b½ 30w13,512102
11Süld Klen0EST 17w1 7b1 1w0 5b0 31w1316132
12Orlova Sofiya1384EST 22b1 24w1 2b½ 10w½ 5b0315123
13Plaks Magnus0EST 30b1 15w1 10b1 2w0 7w0315122
14Rajandu Aaron1337EST 37b1 21w1 28b1 4w0 2b0313,511,53
15Jepihhin Georgi1294EST 45w1 13b0 23w1 19b1 9w0313102
16Rähn Ronan1026EST 33w1 1b0 34w1 7b0 32w1312,5112
17Reisner Frank Rasmus1179EST 11b0 32w1 43b1 20w1 3b0312103
18Pljusnin Fjodor1274EST 47w1 36b1 4b0 28w1 8w0312102
19Rebane Joonas1151EST 49b1 4w0 29b1 15w0 26b131193
Ozols Robert Taaniel0EST 5w0 44b1 39w1 17b0 28b131193
21Rudiger Maria Helena1055EST 48w1 14b0 36w1 6b0 29w131192
Eesmaa Verner0EST 12w0 46b1 6w0 36b1 40w131192
23Hertmann Eva-Lotta0EST 3b0 49w1 15b0 27w1 33b1310,593
24Buklov Stepan1172EST 46w1 12b0 45w1 31b1 6w031092
25Välek Rambak-Krull0EST 8w0 45b0 -1 43w1 35b13872
26Nelovkov Ruslan0EST 7w0 9b0 42w1 39b1 19w0213112
Tenner Martin0EST 39w1 5b0 9w0 23b0 44w1213112
28Lugantsev Anton1045EST 42w1 6b1 14w0 18b0 20w0213102
29Normak Mihkel0EST 2b0 38w1 19w0 44b1 21b0212,510,53
30Vares Bagrat1181EST 13w0 47b1 41w1 9b0 10b021210,53
31Eesmaa Herbert1034EST 40b1 3w0 32b1 24w0 11b0212103
32Unt Lisete0EST 9w1 17b0 31w0 41b1 16b0212103
33Viilup Annimari0EST 16b0 -1 8w0 45b1 23w0211,5102
34Ööpik Gregor0EST -1 2w0 16b0 35w0 49b1211,59,52
35Mikultshik Vladimir0EST 1w0 39b0 48w1 34b1 25w02119,52
36Teliman Aleksandr0EST 38b1 18w0 21b0 22w0 43b121193
37Janisoo Asmo0EST 14w0 48b1 7w0 40b0 46w121092
38Sai Oskar1090EST 36w0 29b0 46w1 8b0 45w12982
39Vili Uku1079EST 27b0 35w1 20b0 26w0 47b12973
40Valdes Enrico0EST 31w0 41b0 47b1 37w1 22b028,573
41Laks Linda Marie0EST 10b0 40w1 30b0 32w0 42b½1,59,57,53
42Vaher Sören0EST 28b0 43w0 26b0 -1 41w½1,56,55,52
43Laks Silver0EST 6w0 42b1 17w0 25b0 36w0111,59,52
44Binsol Robert0EST 4b0 20w0 49b1 29w0 27b011193
45Lõokene Ferdinand Markus0EST 15b0 25w1 24b0 33w0 38b0110,58,53
46Zikunov Giselle0EST 24b0 22w0 38b0 49w1 37b011083
47Naarits Henry0EST 18b0 30w0 40w0 48b1 39w01972
48Tuul Tony0EST 21b0 37w0 35b0 47w0 -11872
49Tartu Sander0EST 19w0 23b0 44w0 46b0 34w008,57,52

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Most black