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IA CM Robert Wheeler Open 2019 FIDE Open Section

Last update 20.05.2019 05:17:24, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NMGlaves Raheem2049JAM 3w1 38b1 10w1 4w½ 5b0 15b14,50415,5
2CMMerritt Kevin1946JAM 34w1 8b0 22w1 7b1 4w½ 12b14,50414
3Shaw Jaden1607JAM 1b0 24w1 20b1 36w1 6b½ 13w14,50413,5
4NMByfield Geoffrey1983JAM 18b1 37w1 8w1 1b½ 2b½ 5w½4,50315,5
5CMPorter Russel2092JAM 14b1 19w1 8b½ 1w1 4b½4,50315
6Hinds Nathan1931JAM 24b1 12w½ 27b1 3w½ 11w14,50313
7Brown Raehanna1713JAM 37b1 2w0 26b1 20w140311,5
8FMSmith Shreyas2171JAM 42w+ 2w1 4b0 5w½ 14b½ 19w140215,5
9Christie Michael1881JAM 36b1 14w½ 19b½ 21w140212
Jordan Valence1772JAM 32w1 40b+ 1b0 11w0 31b+ 23b140212
11Lyn Nicholas1541JAM 40w0 39b1 16w1 10b1 15w½ 6b03,50313
12Soares Andre1734JAM 33w1 6b½ 26w1 13b½ 2w03,50213,5
13Campbell Kevron1828JAM 28w1 31b1 12w½ 3b03,50212,5
14Mcdermott Peter John1662JAM 5w0 34b1 35w1 9b½ 8w½ 16b½3,50212,5
15Diedrick Michael1799JAM 41b1 30w1 11b½ 1w03,50212,5
16Lyn Christopher1862JAM 37b0 18w1 11b0 41w1 30b+ 14w½3,50210,5
17WCMClarke Adani1614JAM 38w½ 19b0 36b+ 24w13,50111
18Downer Odel1471JAM 4w0 16b0 39w1 21b0 35w1 32b13039
19Mckennis Darren1750JAM 29b1 36w½ 5b0 17w1 9w½ 8b030213
20Nash De Mario1835JAM 3w0 35b1 22w1 7b030213
21Wilson Howard0JAM 30b0 18w1 27w1 9b030212
22Tracey Shaun M1641ENG 2b0 32w1 20b0 29w130211
23Rodgers Andryck1680JAM 26b0 37w1 29b1 10w030210,5
24Chung Antonic1392JAM 6w0 3b0 34w½ 25b1 38w1 17b02,50212,5
25Mckoy Troy1534JAM 36b0 29w0 33b1 24w0 39b½ 37w12,5028,5
26Martin Shamir1205JAM 23w1 12b0 7w0 27b½2,50112,5
27Edwards Dujean1660JAM 32b1 6w0 21b0 26w½2,50111,5
28Kidd Aulanni1499JAM 13b0 29w0 37b½ 39w12,5019,5
29Bryan ONeill0JAM 19w0 25b1 31w0 28b1 23w0 22b020211,5
30Gray Krishna1655JAM 21w1 15b0 16w- -020112,5
31Thomas Carson1505JAM 29b1 13w0 10w- -020112,5
32Boyd Stanford0JAM 10b0 -1 27w0 22b0 34w1 18w020110,5
33Johnson Remone1543JAM 12b0 25w0 34b½ 41w1 -020110,5
34Walsh Nathan1432JAM 2b0 14w0 24b½ 33w½ 32b0 41b120110
35Jervis Kevin1203JAM 14b0 20w0 18b0 -120012
36CMMellace Andrew1983JAM 25w1 19b½ 9w0 3b0 17w- -01,50112,5
Stephenson John1321JAM 16w1 4b0 7w0 23b0 28w½ 25b01,50112,5
38Wilkinson Ian1870JAM 39w1 1w0 17b½ -0 24b0 -01,50111,5
39CMLyn Anthony1338JAM 38b0 11w0 18b0 -1 25w½ 28b01,50010,5
40CMCurriah Malik2043JAM 11b1 10w- -0 -0 -0 -010112,5
41Stephenson Amy1361JAM 15w0 16b0 33b0 34w010011,5
42Johnson Obrian1708JAM 8b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00009

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)