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Ligue élite du dimanche - S10 - Blitz de fin de saison (Ouverte)

Dernière mise à jour 27.05.2019 15:45:53, Créateur/Dernière mise à jour: Lefong Hua

Chercher un joueur Rechercher

Grille américaine finale après la ronde 12

RgNomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd Dep.1  Dep.2 
1FMRODRIGUE-LEMIEUX Shawn2383CAN 20w1 20b1 10b1 10w1 7w1 7b1 2w1 2b0 12b1 12w½ 4b1 4w09,50
2GMROUSSEL-ROOZMON Thomas2477CAN 6w1 6b1 5b1 5w1 9w1 9b1 1b0 1w1 4b1 4w0 7b0 7w190
3FMCHIKU-RATTÉ Olivier Kenta2440CAN 8b1 8w0 17w1 17b1 11b1 11w1 7w0 7b½ 13b1 13w0 12w1 12b18,50
4IMDUONG Thanh Nha2305CAN 23b1 23w1 14w1 14b0 12b0 12w1 9b1 9w1 2w0 2b1 1w0 1b180
CMTANAKA Tyler2241CAN 25w1 25b1 2w0 2b0 20b1 20w½ 10b1 10w½ 7w0 7b1 14w1 14b180
WU Tony (Dongze)1998CAN 2b0 2w0 25w1 25b½ 26w1 26b1 11b0 11w½ 18w1 18b1 13b1 13w180
7IMG V Sai Krishna2481CAN 16b1 16w1 13w1 13b1 1b0 1w0 3b1 3w½ 5b1 5w0 2w1 2b07,50
NUNEZ-PINCHAUD Raphaël1966CAN 3w0 3b1 12b0 12w0 24w1 24b1 20w1 20b1 10b0 10w½ 16w1 16b17,50
9NMTOMB Maroun2268CAN 21w1 21b1 26b1 26w1 2b0 2w0 4w0 4b0 23b1 23w1 10w1 10b071
CMZHONG Kevin2199CAN 15b1 15w1 1w0 1b0 21b1 21w1 5w0 5b½ 8w1 8b½ 9b0 9w171
11NMSOUDRE Nicolas2305CAN 17w1 17b0 24b1 24w1 3w0 3b0 6w1 6b½ 14b0 14w0 22w1 22b16,50
CMSAHA Ananda2273CAN 24b1 24w0 8w1 8b1 4w1 4b0 14b1 14w1 1w0 1b½ 3b0 3w06,50
13WIMOUELLET Maïli-Jade2246CAN 22b1 22w1 7b0 7w0 14w1 14b0 16b1 16w1 3w0 3b1 6w0 6b061
NMFEOKTISTOV Dimitri2150CAN 18w1 18b1 4b0 4w1 13b0 13w1 12w0 12b0 11w1 11b1 5b0 5w061
15STEINBERG Ellis1826CAN 10w0 10b0 20b0 20w0 19w1 19b0 17b1 17w1 22b0 22w½ 23w1 23b15,50
16SAINE Zachary2045CAN 7w0 7b0 22b1 22w0 17b1 17w1 13w0 13b0 21w1 21b1 8b0 8w050
CRACIUN David1937CAN 11b0 11w1 3b0 3w0 16w0 16b0 15w0 15b0 25b1 25w1 24w1 24b150
PAGÉ Dany1730CAN 14b0 14w0 23w1 23b0 25b0 25w1 26w1 26b1 6b0 6w0 19w1 19b050
19RICHARD Léo2092CAN 26b0 26w0 21w0 21b0 15b0 15w1 24w1 24b½ 20b0 20w1 18b0 18w14,50
TINICA Gabriel1960CAN 1b0 1w0 15w1 15b1 5w0 5b½ 8b0 8w0 19w1 19b0 21b0 21w14,50
LALUMIÈRE Claude1891CAN 9b0 9w0 19b1 19w1 10w0 10b0 22w1 22b½ 16b0 16w0 20w1 20b04,50
MERCURE Gilbert1856CAN 13w0 13b0 16w0 16b1 23b1 23w½ 21b0 21w½ 15w1 15b½ 11b0 11w04,50
23ABRAN David1942CAN 4w0 4b0 18b0 18w1 22w0 22b½ 25b1 25w1 9w0 9b0 15b0 15w03,50
MORIN-PARÉ Victor1899CAN 12w0 12b1 11w0 11b0 8b0 8w0 19b0 19w½ 26w1 26b1 17b0 17w03,50
LIU Yu Qing1848CAN 5b0 5w0 6b0 6w½ 18w1 18b0 23w0 23b0 17w0 17b0 26b1 26w13,50
26VIGNALOU Joseph1723CAN 19w1 19b1 9w0 9b0 6b0 6w0 18b0 18w0 24b0 24w0 25w0 25b020

Départage 1: points (game-points)
Départage 2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)