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XII Open Internacional Memorial Ezequiel Martin 215840

Última actualización09.06.2019 20:08:41, Propietario/Última carga: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 9 rondas

Rk.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1GMNarciso Dublan Marc 28b1 81w1 36b1 4w1 8b1 18w1 2b1 11w½ 6b½8025412409
2IMSosa Tomas114w1 42b1 23w1 46b1 20w½ 5b1 1w0 31b1 19w17,5024072347
3GMPerez Mitjans Orelvis 68w1 84b1 39w1 5b0 35w1 46b1 17b½ 4w1 11b17,5023672306
4FMHerrera Reyes Jose Antonio104w1 53b1 35w1 1b0 45w1 10b1 19w1 3b0 21w17023482309
5IMLacasa Diaz Jose Antonio101b1 40w1 37b1 3w1 30b½ 2w0 41b1 9w½ 17b17023182353
6IMGarriga Cazorla Pere115b1 48w1 7b1 31w½ 17b0 47w1 65b1 16w1 1w½7023142245
7IMBobadilla Viera Jorge Samuel117w1126b1 6w0 79b0 62w1 53b1 57w1 18b1 20w17021632116
8MKOrtega Serra Marc109w1 79b1 34w1 19b1 1w0 12b½ 14w½ 10b½ 38w16,5022732263
9GMMoskalenko Viktor 62w1 45b1 15w1 20b0 10w0 83b1 49w1 5b½ 31w16,5022392205
10MKVillar Reymundo Juan Antonio105b1 63w1 30b0 67w1 9b1 4w0 24b1 8w½ 32b16,5022222221
11GMAroshidze Levan118w1 34b0106w1 49b1 21w1 33b1 20w1 1b½ 3w06,5022192293
12FMGarcia Ramos Daniel 98b1 38w1 31b0 48w1 26b1 8w½ 37b1 17w½ 13b½6,5022172168
13FMAyats Llobera Gerard107b1 67w1 41b1 30w½ 33b½ 16w½ 18b½ 45w1 12w½6,5022082311
14FMGonzalez Raul Omar 69w1 50b0 60b1 40w1 24b1 30w½ 8b½ 32w½ 41b16,5021682084
15IMPerpinya Rofes Lluis Maria 61b1 80w1 9b0 38w1 32b½ 41w0 64b1 47w1 30b16,5021442126
16IMCruz Filemon130w1 83b1 21w0 42b1 29w1 13b½ 34w1 6b0 37w16,5021402164
17IMVehi Bach Victor Manuel145w+ 43w1 50b1 18b½ 6w1 20b½ 3w½ 12b½ 5w06022842425
18IMRios Cristhian Camilo 82b1 24w1 22b1 17w½ 31b1 1b0 13w½ 7w0 45b16022792246
19GMCuartas Jaime Alexander102b1 32w1 65b1 8w0 25b1 22w1 4b0 23w1 2b06022422274
20IMValenzuela Gomez Fernando 74b1 47w1 25b1 9w1 2b½ 17w½ 11b0 26w1 7b06022402328
21MKAlfonso Durban Xavier 91b1116w1 16b1 33w0 11b0 51w1 80b1 22w1 4b06021062218
22FMRamirez Garcia Jorge Alberto 56w1 66b1 18w0 53b1 57w1 19b0 84w1 21b0 48w16020982150
23Pena Morales Hugo112b1 59w1 2b0 51w1 47b0 67w1 81b1 19b0 57w16020602106
24FMPovill Claros Xavier 90w1 18b0114w1 89b1 14w0 56b1 10w0 55b1 46w16020552026
25MKNieto Farreny Francesc127w1 55b1 20w0 58b1 19w0 79b0106w1 52b1 53w16020191994
26MKSanchez Perales Ezequiel138w1106b1 46w0 54b1 12w0 52b1 79w1 20b0 58w16020042034
27Nadal Fajardo Ricard125b1 30w0 88b1 36w½ 61b1 65w0102b1 39w1 33b½6019932106
28Garcia Caro Juan Alber 1w0 95b1 29w0 93b½111w1127b1 42w1 35b½ 49w16019731968
29Chernikov Vladimir103b0 85w1 28b1 59w1 16b0 80w0118b1 51w1 50b16019651880
30IMPanelo Marcelo 52w1 27b1 10w1 13b½ 5w½ 14b½ 31w0 34b1 15w05,5022132209
31FMMartorell Aguado Joan131w1 54b1 12w1 6b½ 18w0 66b1 30b1 2w0 9b05,5021712385
32Molano Lafuente Ismael 93w1 19b0 82w1103b1 15w½ 49b½ 46w1 14b½ 10w05,5020662173
33IMVidarte Morales Arturo 96w1 44b1 49w½ 21b1 13w½ 11w0 45b0 79b1 27w½5,5020642138
34WFMGarcia-Castany Musellas Gal.La129b1 11w1 8b0 63w1 65b½ 36w1 16b0 30w0 72b15,5020532273
35MKMartorell Aubanell Adria108b1103w1 4b0 80w1 3b0 59w1 47b½ 28w½ 40b½5,5020372013
36MKAyza Leon David 86w1 58b1 1w0 27b½ 79w1 34b0 66w0 68b1 67w15,5020351992
37MKMorros Faura Ricard 97w1 72b1 5w0 66b½ 55w1 44b1 12w0 69w1 16b05,5019992042
38Minguell Soler Joan121w1 12b0104w1 15b0 82w1 39b½ 68w1 65w1 8b05,5019942100
39FMFernandez Diaz Cristian 77b1 64w1 3b0 47w0 60b1 38w½ 54w1 27b0 66w15,5019911975
40Liarte Genoves Sergi 99w1 5b0 56w1 14b0 52w0117b1 60w1 85b1 35w½5,5019521875
41Garcia Lopez Nicolas 95w1141b1 13w0 72b½127w1 15b1 5w0 66b1 14w05,5019182018
42Garcia De Blas Esteban122b1 2w0 74b1 16w0102b½107w1 28b0 94w1 69b15,5018981859
43Planella Sanchez Xavier 87w1 17b0108w0 69b0110w1103b½ 97w1 82b1 65w15,5018451723
44Povill Batlle Ramon 73b1 33w0105b½115w1 71b1 37w0 69b0112w1 70b15,5018351706
45MKComellas Blanchart Jordi 92b1 9w0102b1 50w1 4b0 63w1 33w1 13b0 18w05020752239
46IMGonzalez Rodriguez Jorge A. 88b1 51w1 26b1 2w0 81b1 3w0 32b0 80w1 24b05020612157
47Planella Sanchez Jordi137w1 20b0 86w1 39b1 23w1 6b0 35w½ 15b0 54w½5020012197
48Magallanes Gustavo100w1 6b0 52w1 12b0 68w½ 88b1 55w½ 56b1 22b05019511963
49MKVicient Calvo Ramon133b1113w1 33b½ 11w0 72b1 32w½ 9b0 59w1 28b05019082110
50Terrones Hernandez Jonathan136b1 14w1 17w0 45b0103w1 57b0 86w1 84b1 29w05019082026
51Bernado Lopez Roger111w1 46b0 69w1 23b0104w1 21b0 62w1 29b0 86w15019031950
52Alquezar Calpena Marc 30b0125w1 48b0 70w1 40b1 26w0 75b1 25w0 81b15018922068
53Diaz Comas Jordi132b1 4w0112b1 22w0115b1 7w0114b1 87w1 25b05018601964
54Navarro Escura Marc146w+ 31w0 70b1 26w0 94b½ 73w1 39b0 71w1 47b½5018571880
55Reyes Menendez Antonio 71b1 25w0128b½ 73w1 37b0105w1 48b½ 24w0 91b15018391791
56Garcia Gil Oriol 22b0119w1 40b0124w1 75b1 24w0 63b1 48w0 80b15018381944
57Gomez Benitez David 85b0133w1 98b1116w1 22b0 50w1 7b0 61w1 23b05018341906
58Collell Rodriguez Victor119b1 36w0129b1 25w0 88b½ 61w½ 76b1 81w1 26b05018161873
59Romeu Perulles Jaume135w1 23b0 87w1 29b0108w1 35b0104w1 49b0 90w15018041856
60Custodio Criado Jofre -0138b1 14w0120b1 39w0 91w1 40b0 92w1 87b15018031781
61Fernandez Lopez Mario 15w0110b½137w1111b1 27w0 58b½ 83w1 57b0 79w15018021877
62Malonda Rey Albert 9b0 92w1 81b0 91w1 7b0133w1 51b0122w1 84w15017931945
63Sagrado Crespo Alvaro123w1 10b0139w1 34b0 89w1 45b0 56w0101b1 85w15017731746
64Salinas Tomas Daniel142w1 39b0 89w0 97b1 69w½ 94b1 15w0 90b½ 95w15016951690
65FMGalvan Jesus 94b1 75w1 19w0 83b1 34w½ 27b1 6w0 38b0 43b04,5019372101
66Bes Alvarez Alex134b1 22w0 85b1 37w½105b1 31w0 36b1 41w0 39b04,5018662076
67Alvarez Serra Jordi110w1 13b0117w1 10b0 96w1 23b0 82w½105b1 36b04,5018461950
68Casares Bonals Ainhoa 3b0 89w0121b1 92w1 48b½ 71w1 38b0 36w0112b14,5018061860
69Navajas Alvarez Josep 14b0134w1 51b0 43w1 64b½ 72w1 44w1 37b0 42w04,5018021960
70Lambert Pont James 79w0109b1 54w0 52b0 97w½ 93b1127w1 83b1 44w04,5017301727
71Munoz Cozar Marti 55w0127b½130w1126b1 44w0 68b0 96w1 54b0104w14,5016951727
72Colomer Gomez Jordi143b1 37w0113b1 41w½ 49w0 69b0103w1 73b1 34w04,5016791800
73Navajas Alvarez Antoni 44w0 96b1126w½ 55b0130w1 54b0109w1 72w0107b14,5016751734
74Parra Ordorica Arnau 20w0121b1 42w0100b0 85w0135b1 89w1 76b½105w14,5016671619
75Pous Garriga Antoni140w1 65b0103w0117b1 56w0108b1 52w0104b½100w14,5016481637
76Doblado Garcia Asier 80w- 86b0138w1104b0 95w1130b1 58w0 74w½118b14,5016211658
77Rocamora Martorell Ferran 39w0140b1 83w0 84b0135w1 90b½100w½106b½110w14,5015921703
78Gardner Leo 83w0130b½127w0109b0132w1110b1 94w0108b1106w14,5015491620
79ACMLucas Navas Jose Manuel 70b1 8w0 91b1 7w1 36b0 25w1 26b0 33w0 61b04019292120
80Delgadillo Torrico Felipe 76b+ 15b0 97w1 35b0 86w1 29b1 21w0 46b0 56w04018432087
81FMPena Riasco Alexander120w1 1b0 62w1108b1 46w0106b1 23w0 58b0 52w04018281999
82Bons Fuses Marc 18w0 93b1 32b0129w1 38b0 92w1 67b½ 43w0 99b½4017641865
83Parra Bola Jose Maria 78b1 16w0 77b1 65w0114b1 9w0 61b0 70w0117b14017561919
84Gonzalez Cuervo Eloy 89b1 3w0115b0 77w1118b1116w1 22b0 50w0 62b04017501915
85Puigdecanet Lopez Joan 57w1 29b0 66w0114b0 74b1115w1116b1 40w0 63b04017251865
86Escalona Rafael 36b0 76w1 47b0113w1 80b0119w1 50b0118w1 51b04017171811
87Lambert Pont Michael 43b0 94w1 59b0 98w1106w0 96b1 88w1 53b0 60w04016581752
88Garcia Garrido Enric 46w0 99b1 27w0139b1 58w½ 48w0 87b0111b1 97w½4016581738
89Molins Rafa Xavier 84w0 68b1 64b1 24w0 63b0114w0 74b0139w1115b14016511814
90Gabanach Fernandez Victor 24b0115w0123b1102w0 98b1 77w½107b1 64w½ 59b04016311750
91Planella Zavala Ivan 21w0123b1 79w0 62b0136w1 60b0121w1109b1 55w04016241742
92Higueras Ruiz Blai 45w0 62b0135w1 68b0139w1 82b0117w1 60b0114w14016191723
93Sanchez Oliveras Guillem 32b0 82w0136b1 28w½107b0 70w0119b1113w1 94b½4016181581
94Mancha Cerezuela Sergio 65w0 87b0140w1141b1 54w½ 64w0 78b1 42b0 93w½4015621686
95Lambert Paul 41b0 28w0119b0134w1 76b0124w1115b1 98w1 64b04015541628
96Catalan Monteagudo Elm 33b0 73w0125b1119w1 67b0 87w0 71b0135w1124b14015511505
97Carbones Llobet Josep 37b0143w1 80b0 64w0 70b½ 99w1 43b0128w1 88b½4015461693
98Alvarez Villa Javier 12w0100b1 57w0 87b0 90w0140b1120w1 95b0123w14015441604
99Herman Gamazo Isaac 40b0 88w0109w½130b0137w1 97b0132w1127b1 82w½4015101616
100Fernandez Climent Albert 48b0 98w0143b1 74w1116b0112w½ 77b½114w1 75b04014771715
101Lopez Gomez Antonio 5w0137b½111w0131b0113b½136w1133b1 63w0122b14014681586
102Gonzalez Muelas Javier 19w0120b1 45w0 90b1 42w½128b1 27w0 -0 -03,5018191987
103Miro Arbelaes Aleix 29w1 35b0 75b1 32w0 50b0 43w½ 72b0107w0131b13,5017171940
104Molina Manas Miquel 4b0132w1 38b0 76w1 51b0129w1 59b0 75w½ 71b03,5016701796
105Lopez Torralba Oscar 10w0135b1 44w½110b1 66w0 55b0128w1 67w0 74b03,5016571770
106Caro Martinez Ramon139b1 26w0 11b0112w1 87b1 81w0 25b0 77w½ 78b03,5016561892
107Cobo Sampron Ramon 13w0111b½110w0137b1 93w1 42b0 90w0103b1 73w03,5015981593
108Gardner Richard 35w0124b1 43b1 81w0 59b0 75w0129b½ 78w0128b13,5015811784
109Casares Bonals Asier 8b0 70w0 99b½ 78w1128b0113w1 73b0 91w0129b13,5015631486
110Ojea Pacheco Matias 67b0 61w½107b1105w0 43b0 78w0131b1129w1 77b03,5015611624
111Morales Rubiella Albert 51b0107w½101b1 61w0 28b0131w1112b0 88w0138b13,5015381633
112Gonzalez Duran Daniel 23w0142b1 53w0106b0140w1100b½111w1 44b0 68w03,5015181717
113Gil Jimenez David144b+ 49b0 72w0 86b0101w½109b0130w1 93b0127w13,5014791700
114Palau Barrufet Vinyet 2b0122w1 24b0 85w1 83w0 89b1 53w0100b0 92b03016461788
115Roa Ribera Alvaro 6w0 90b1 84w1 44b0 53w0 85b0 95w0121b1 89w03016241778
116Gil Gil Antoni124w1 21b0141w1 57b0100w1 84b0 85w0 -0 -03015561784
117Sanchez Oliveras Oriol 7b0136w1 67b0 75w0122b1 40w0 92b0125b1 83w03015291782
118Bertran Nadal Santiago 11b0129w0122b1133w1 84w0120b1 29w0 86b0 76w03015151784
119Burriel Beltran Alex 58w0 56b0 95w1 96b0138w1 86b0 93w0120b1 -03015071569
120Llonch Farres Gerard 81b0102w0134b1 60w0124b1118w0 98b0119w0135b13014101612
121Juncosa Padros Ernest 38b0 74w0 68w0135b0134b1139w1 91b0115w0136b13013941546
122Oliver Romero Jordi 42w0114b0118w0142b1117w0123b1138w1 62b0101w03013591662
123Barat Serna Judit 63b0 91w0 90w0140b0125b1122w0136b1133w1 98b03013051496
124Gonzalez Gonzalez Ismael116b0108w0 -1 56b0120w0 95b0140w1138b1 96w03012941539
125Vallejo Ferreira Tiago 27w0 52b0 96w0136b0123w0137b1143b1117w0139b13012651482
126Vicente Bessen Kirian128b1 7w0 73b½ 71w0131b1 -0 -0 -0 -02,5016811654
127Novoa Prieto Jose Benito 25b0 71w½ 78b1128w1 41b0 28w0 70b0 99w0113b02,5015411571
128Delgadillo Vidal Philippe Arnau126w0131b1 55w½127b0109w1102w0105b0 97b0108w02,5014621609
129Lacasa Diaz Oriol 34w0118b1 58w0 82b0141w1104b0108w½110b0109w02,5014551704
130Lobo Pereira Arami 16b0 78w½ 71b0 99w1 73b0 76w0113b0 -0142w12,5014411469
131Garcia Torres Adolfo 31b0128w0132b½101w1126w0111b0110w0140b1103w02,5013941559
132Monforte Sopesen Carlos 53w0104b0131w½138b0 78b0141w1 99b0137w½133b½2,5012481508
133Garcia Castany Jose 49w0 57b0142w1118b0143w1 62b0101w0123b0132w½2,5012331667
134Gomez Cervantes Joan Carles 66w0 69b0120w0 95b0121w0142b1139b0143w1137b½2,5011651453
135Planella Zavala Irene 59b0105w0 92b0121w1 77b0 74w0141b1 96b0120w02013091561
136Cabrera Gallego Alejandro Nic 50w0117b0 93w0125w1 91b0101b0123w0141b1121w02012441510
137Vallmitjana Gorillo Alex 47b0101w½ 61b0107w0 99b0125w0142w½132b½134w½2012291528
138Gil Jimenez Ruben 26b0 60w0 76b0132w1119b0143w1122b0124w0111w02012171474
139Gonzalez Perez Cesc106w0 -1 63b0 88w0 92b0121b0134w1 89b0125w02012041558
140Morales Gesti Jose Narciso 75b0 77w0 94b0123w1112b0 98w0124b0131w0 -12011631592
141Ortiz Gabarroca Berenguer -1 41w0116b0 94w0129b0132b0135w0136w0143b12010341545
142Garcia Raschke Hernan 64b0112w0133b0122w0 -0134w0137b½ -1130b01,509591556
143Egea Guerrero Arnau 72w0 97b0100w0 -1133b0138b0125w0134b0141w0105301472
144Colome Rovira Oscar113w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00030
Boldu Zabih Llorenc 17b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00030
Cacho Lafuente Marc 54b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00030

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Recursive Ratingperformance
Desempate 3: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)