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2019 Aurora Spring Open JU1000

Last update 31.03.2019 05:16:45, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 5)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 4 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Cheng Kyler Chi-Rey969 21b1 32w1 16b1 4w14048
Chen Ricky866 35b1 20w1 17b1 6w14048
3Yin Liyang692 42w1 8b1 5w1 13b½3,5039
4Zhu Jeremy827 41w1 18b1 7w1 1b030310
5Morin Kuni827 38b1 11w1 3b0 18w13039,5
6Yu Guanming736 34b1 22w1 14w1 2b03039,5
7Yin Owen0 15b1 28w1 4b0 16w13039,5
8Sreekumar Gauri839 26b1 3w0 19b1 23w13039,5
9Rolinsky Daniel944 19b0 27w1 24b1 17w13038
10Xu Jack Yuhao813 22b0 34w1 21b1 26b13037
11Wang Ethan650 31b1 5b0 36w1 25w13037
12Zhang Shuhan378 16b0 33w1 20b1 30w13036,5
13Zhuang Jeffrey835 37w1 30b½ 31w1 3w½3027
14Pillai Varun941 24b1 23w1 6b0 15w½2,50,529,5
15Zhou Felix653 7w0 43b1 29w1 14b½2,50,528,5
16Li Frank786 12w1 29b1 1w0 7b020212
17Pillai Karma768 27b1 19w1 2w0 9b020211
18Qian Ashley558 25b1 4w0 28b1 5b020210
19Profit Oliver645 9w1 17b0 8w0 37b12029
20Cherniak Illia694 39b1 2b0 12w0 34w12029
Chen Cheney544 1w0 39b1 10w0 31b12029
22Yang Jayden387 10w1 6b0 33w0 32b12028
23Huang Thomas695 36w1 14b0 37w1 8b02027,5
Inozemtseva Milana605 14w0 40b1 9w0 36b12027,5
25Morin Sato853 18w0 41b1 30w1 11b02027,5
26Li Kevin525 8w0 42b1 32b1 10w02027
27Guan Isabelle348 17w0 9b0 39w1 33b12027
28Luo Margaret755 43w1 7b0 18w0 38b12027
29Liu Chris200 33b1 16w0 15b0 35w12026,5
30Xing Wenqi668 44b1 13w½ 25b0 12b01,5018
31Li Triston997 11w0 38b1 13b0 21w01019
Zeng Gordon705 40b1 1b0 26w0 22w01019
33Zheng Ethan Haichuanzhou729 29w0 12b0 22b1 27w01019
34Rao Kyle224 6w0 10b0 42w1 20b01018
35Semianiuk Catherine582 2w0 36b0 40w1 29b01018
Ksenych Christian0 23b0 35w1 11b0 24w01018
37Luo Milek504 13b0 44w1 23b0 19w01017
38He Jasper485 5w0 31w0 44b1 28w01016
Ma Ruihan0 20w0 21w0 27b0 44w11016
40Thorne Ted200 32w0 24w0 35b0 42b11014
41Stroganov Arnold457 4b0 25w0 -0 -00007,5
Upadhya Niloy A.0 3b0 26w0 34b0 40w00007,5
43Stroganov Philipe242 28b0 15w0 -0 -00007
44Upadhya Rishav S.0 30w0 37b0 38w0 39b00004,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)