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1st Chess Tournament "Galaxy2011"

Last update 15.01.2011 13:40:42, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMNikolaidis IoannisGRE 35w1 34b1 12w1 10b½ 7w1 3b1 2w16,5266
2Stavrianakis IoannisGRE 31b1 47w1 21b1 6w1 3b½ 4w1 1b05,525,55
3Papadakis MichalisGRE 24w1 49b1 16w1 5b1 2w½ 1w0 9b15,524,55
4Mamoulakis EleftheriosGRE 48w1 23b1 20w1 8b1 10w½ 2b0 19w15,524,55
5Pappas KonstantinosGRE 86b1 17w1 14b1 3w0 15b1 11w1 6b½5,523,55
6Girvalakis SpyridonGRE 94w1 37b1 18w1 2b0 20w1 16b1 5w½5,523,55
7Kounalakis EvryklisGRE 38b1 13w1 15b½ 9w1 1b0 29w1 14b15,522,55
8Fragiadakis EmanouelGRE 59b1 32w1 50b1 4w0 14b½ 17w1 22b15,522,55
9Bras EmanouelGRE 64w1 28b1 26w1 7b0 18w1 10b1 3w05235
10FMMaris IoannisGRE 96b1 54w1 11b1 1w½ 4b½ 9w0 23w1522,54
11Konstantinomanolakis StavrosGRE 83w1 56b1 10w0 72b1 26w1 5b0 28w15215
12Kosmadakis DimitrosGRE 69b1 60w1 1b0 36w1 17b0 53w1 31b15205
13Hadzakis GeorgiosGRE 51w1 7b0 48w1 -0 57b1 41b1 30w15185
14Petrakis StylianosGRE 74w1 33b1 5w0 24b1 8w½ 27b1 7w04,520,54
15Koumis FilipposGRE 68w1 53b1 7w½ 46b1 5w0 19b0 45w14,520,54
16Gratsea EkateriniGRE 57b1 27w1 3b0 53w1 51b1 6w0 17b½4,520,54
17Kadianis GiorgiosGRE 63w1 5b0 74w1 30b1 12w1 8b0 16w½4,519,54
18Varveraki ArgiriGRE 76b1 61w1 6b0 31w1 9b0 33w1 25b½4,519,54
Koutsidis GiorgiosGRE 30w1 -0 59b1 73w1 22b½ 15w1 4b04,519,54
20Anagnostakis CharalamposGRE 80b1 88w1 4b0 33w1 6b0 35w1 24b½4,519,54
21Spiliopoulos AlexiosGRE 90w1 72b1 2w0 28b1 45w½ 23b0 26w14,519,54
22Lyrakis StavrosGRE 46b½ 43w1 29b½ 32w1 19w½ 45b1 8w04,519,53
23Despotakis VasileiosGRE 66b1 4w0 64b1 27w½ 47b1 21w1 10b04,5194
24Papadakis GiorgiosGRE 3b0 25w1 47b1 14w0 50b1 34b1 20w½4,516,54
25Petrakis NikolaosGRE 28w0 24b0 90w1 83b1 56w1 52b1 18w½4,514,54
26Tolias FotisGRE 77b1 29w1 9b0 43w1 11b0 32w1 21b04194
27Markomihelakis DimitriosGRE 52w1 16b0 84w1 23b½ 46w1 14w0 29b½417,53
28Vitsaxakis NikolaosGRE 25b1 9w0 88b1 21w0 76b1 39w1 11b04174
29Eleftherakis PanagiotisGRE 65w1 26b0 22w½ 58b1 52w1 7b0 27w½4173
30Mardoyan Ararat T. ArturGRE 19b0 86w1 60b1 17w0 36b1 54w1 13b04164
31Margaritis GiorgiosGRE 2w0 65b1 34w1 18b0 73w1 49b1 12w04164
32Serpetsidaki EvanthiaGRE 40w1 8b0 78w1 22b0 74w1 26b0 62w14164
33Magoulianos GeorgiosGRE 73b1 14w0 85b1 20b0 40w1 18b0 50w14164
34Fragiadaki EiriniGRE 92b1 1w0 31b0 42w1 38b1 24w0 46b14154
35Magoulianos NikolaosGRE 1b0 39w1 45w0 66b1 75w1 20b0 49w14144
36Androulakis NikolaosGRE -0 41w1 61b1 12b0 30w0 76w1 59b14144
37Daskalakis Antonis M.GRE 39b1 6w0 55b0 76w0 67w1 80b1 51w14134
38Pervolarakis EmmanouelGRE 7w0 82b1 49w0 44b1 34w0 63b1 52w14134
Mardoyan ArturGRE 37w0 35b0 81w1 84b1 72w1 28b0 56w14134
Petrakis EmmanouelGRE 32b0 69w1 42b0 59w1 33b0 64w1 53b+4134
41Lantzourakis EmmanouelGRE 49w0 36b0 96b1 60w1 77b1 13w0 54b14134
42Skandalis EvaggelosGRE 62w½ 58b0 40w1 34b0 43w½ 65b1 55w14133
43Fakidis Georgios A.GRE 58w½ 22b0 62w1 26b0 42b½ 82w1 57b14133
44Nichlos MichaelGRE 54b0 59w0 86b1 38w0 69b1 60w+ 71w14114
45Fakidis SimosGRE 82w1 50b- 35b1 55w1 21b½ 22w0 15b03,517,53
46Fakidis AntoniosGRE 22w½ 62b1 58w1 15w0 27b0 51b1 34w03,516,53
47Serpetsidakis NikolaosGRE 78w1 2b0 24w0 65b1 23w0 74b1 48w½3,513,53
48Sfinias NektariosGRE 4b0 79w1 13b0 61w1 54b0 58w1 47b½3,512,53
49Archoleon KonstantinosGRE 41b1 3w0 38b1 51w0 55b1 31w0 35b03153
50Xirouchakis EmmanouelGRE 85b1 45w+ 8w0 52b0 24w0 81b+ 33b03153
51Hristodoulakis AlexandrosGRE 13b0 93w1 54b1 49b1 16w0 46w0 37b03153
52Kiriazis EfstratiosGRE 27b0 80w1 57b1 50w1 29b0 25w0 38b03153
Haralabaki AthinaGRE 93b1 15w0 75b1 16b0 63w1 12b0 40w-3153
54Kontaki MariaGRE 44w1 10b0 51w0 92b1 48w1 30b0 41w03143
55Hliavoras Georgios - AlexandrosGRE -0 63b1 37w1 45b0 49w0 75w1 42b03133
56Fakidis MariosGRE 75b1 11w0 73b0 88w1 25b0 61w1 39b03133
57Karidis EmmanouelGRE 16w0 87b1 52w0 91b1 13w0 73b1 43w03123
58Vidozacharakis KonstantinosGRE 43b½ 42w1 46b0 29w0 62w½ 48b0 80w13122
59Chatzakis MichaelGRE 8w0 44b1 19w0 40b0 66w1 79b1 36w03113
60Fthenakis AggelosGRE 87w1 12b0 30w0 41b0 92w1 44b- 76b13113
61Pervolarakis ZahariasGRE 95w1 18b0 36w0 48b0 68w1 56b0 74w13113
62Margaritis MinasGRE 42b½ 46w0 43b0 85w1 58b½ 77w1 32b03112
63Ntoulis IoannisGRE 17b0 55w0 69b1 64w1 53b0 38w0 95b13103
64Brokalakis - Gounaris Christos -AristeidisGRE 9b0 89w1 23w0 63b0 78w1 40b0 79w13103
65Katalagarianaki EleniGRE 29b0 31w0 93b1 47w0 85b1 42w0 75b1393
66Manousakis EleftheriosGRE 23w0 -0 94b1 35w0 59b0 90b1 83w1383
67Koutrakis KonstantinosGRE -0 -0 -0 96w1 37b0 87w1 77b1373
68Kapetanakis EvangelosGRE 15b0 73w0 79b0 70w1 61b0 91w1 82b1373
Kapretsos Alexandros - FilipposGRE 12w0 40b0 63w0 95b1 44w0 89b1 73w1373
70Fakidis GiorgosGRE -0 -0 -0 68b0 90w1 92b1 78w1363
71Balothiari EleniGRE -0 -0 -0 90b½ 91w1 84b1 44b02,572
72Bachlitzanakis Charalabos - KarolosGRE 79b1 21w0 91b1 11w0 39b0 -0 -02122
73Vitsaxaki IrisGRE 33w0 68b1 56w1 19b0 31b0 57w0 69b02112
74Karidis FotisGRE 14b0 77w1 17b0 79w1 32b0 47w0 61b02102
75Viskadourakis EmmanouelGRE 56w0 90b1 53w0 80w1 35b0 55b0 65w02102
76Kokolakis KonstantinosGRE 18w0 84b0 95w1 37b1 28w0 36b0 60w0292
77Balothiaris AndreasGRE 26w0 74b0 82w1 78b1 41w0 62b0 67w0292
78Lantzouraki OlgaGRE 47b0 96w1 32b0 77w0 64b0 94w1 70b0282
79Raptakis PantelisGRE 72w0 48b0 68w1 74b0 83w1 59w0 64b0282
80Kassapakis EmmanouelGRE 20w0 52b0 87w1 75b0 93w1 37w0 58b0282
81Egglezakis MichaelGRE -0 -0 39b0 89w1 88b1 50w- -0272
Koutrakis NikolaosGRE 45b0 38w0 77b0 94w1 84w1 43b0 68w0272
83Kapretsou Ilianna IzambelaGRE 11b0 85w0 89b1 25w0 79b0 93w1 66b0272
84Antonopoulos Fedonas AnastasisGRE 88b0 76w1 27b0 39w0 82b0 71w0 93b1272
85Zacharioudakis DimitriosGRE 50w0 83b1 33w0 62b0 65w0 -0 91b1272
86Bournelis NikolaosGRE 5w0 30b0 44w0 87b1 -0 88w1 -0262
87Viskadourakis GiorgosGRE 60b0 57w0 80b0 86w0 96b+ 67b0 92w1242
88Nikas IasonasGRE 84w1 20b0 28w0 56b0 81w0 86b0 89w½1,57,51
89Stratis Christos - IliasGRE -0 64b0 83w0 81b0 -1 69w0 88b½1,53,50
90Epitropaki ElisavetGRE 21b0 75w0 25b0 71w½ 70b0 66w0 -11,530
91Plevraki DespoinaGRE -1 -0 72w0 57w0 71b0 68b0 85w0170
92Lamas SpyridonGRE 34w0 95b1 -0 54w0 60b0 70w0 87b0161
93Tsagari Maria KonstantinaGRE 53w0 51b0 65w0 -1 80b0 83b0 84w0140
94Bervanaki KalliopiGRE 6b0 -0 66w0 82b0 95w1 78b0 -0131
95Mastorakis AchileasGRE 61b0 92w0 76b0 69w0 94b0 -1 63w0120
96Akhalkatsi LukaGRE 10w0 78b0 41w0 67b0 87w- -0 -0000

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories