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III Dice Chess championship 2019 13.02.

Last update 14.02.2019 10:30:02, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 12 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NMSmorodinskis Igors2141LAT 18b1 18w0 19w1 19b1 10b1 10w1 2w1 2b1 5b0 5w1 3w0 3b1970742056
2FMMustaps Matiss2485LAT 6b1 6w0 18w1 18b0 12b1 12w1 1b0 1w0 13w1 13b1 5w1 5b1870741922
3IMSveshnikov Vladimir2415LAT 14w1 14b1 4b1 4w0 7w1 7b0 8b0 8w1 11w1 11b0 1b1 1w0779842124
4WGMBerzina Ilze2141LAT 13w1 13b1 3w0 3b1 5b1 5w0 7b0 7w1 8w1 8b0 11b0 11w1775802137
5MKGudovskis Konstantins2015LAT 17w1 17b0 20b1 20w1 4w0 4b1 9b1 9w1 1w1 1b0 2b0 2w0774761978
6WFMKrumina Linda2011LAT 2w0 2b1 12b1 12w0 18w1 18b1 11b0 11w0 7w1 7b1 8b1 8w0772761944
7MKKolesnikovs Ivans2107LAT 16w1 16b1 9b0 9w1 3b0 3w1 4w1 4b0 6b0 6w0 15w1 15b1771762125
8MKBrikers Aleksandrs2015LAT 12w1 12b0 17b1 17w1 9w1 9b0 3w1 3b0 4b0 4w1 6w0 6b1771761944
9MKLaimins Lauris2221LAT 15b1 15w1 7w1 7b0 8b0 8w1 5w0 5b0 10b0 10w1 12w1 12b1771761741
10Lambrou Adam0AUS 19b0 19w1 11b1 11w1 1w0 1b0 13b0 13w1 9w1 9b0 14b1 14w1770742029
11MKIndricans Vadims2015LAT 20b1 20w0 10w0 10b0 16b1 16w1 6w1 6b1 3b0 3w1 4w1 4b0768701760
12Dinevics Dags0LAT 8b0 8w1 6w0 6b1 2w0 2b0 18b1 18w1 14w0 14b1 9b0 9w0572762012
13MKAlipovs Anatolijs1912LAT 4b0 4w0 14b0 14w1 20w1 20b1 10w1 10b0 2b0 2w0 16w0 16b1566681653
14MKAuzins Artis1980LAT 3b0 3w0 13w1 13b0 19b0 19w1 17w1 17b1 12b1 12w0 10w0 10b0562661514
15MKMelderis Uldis1969LAT 9w0 9b0 16b1 16w0 17w1 17b0 19b0 19w1 18w1 18b1 7b0 7w0560641739
16IKrauze Anda1652LAT 7b0 7w0 15w0 15b1 11w0 11b0 20b1 20w1 19w1 19b0 13b1 13w0558601704
17IAminovs Maksims1535LAT 5b0 5w1 8w0 8b0 15b0 15w1 14b0 14w0 20w1 20b0 19w1 19b1558601700
18IDombrovska Stefanija1701LAT 1w0 1b1 2b0 2w1 6b0 6w0 12w0 12b0 15b0 15w0 20w1 20b1470721643
19IISekar Magesh1561LAT 10w1 10b0 1b0 1w0 14w1 14b0 15w1 15b0 16b0 16w1 17b0 17w0467721588
20Moskaluks Jurijs0LAT 11w0 11b1 5w0 5b0 13b0 13w0 16w0 16b0 17b0 17w1 18b0 18w0262661532

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)