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Club Argentino de Ajedrez - Gran Prix SUB-2000 - VALIDO ELO FIDE - 6 RONDAS - SEMIFINAL CAMP. AMATEUR

Last update 07.03.2019 04:02:46, Creator/Last Upload: FADA – Comision Tecnica Argentina

Player overview for per

4Chanduvi Fidel1940PER½½½1013,516163920-20,20

Results of the last round for per

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Brinkmann Nicolas0 0 - 1 Chanduvi Fidel1940

Player details for per

Chanduvi Fidel 1940 PER Rp:1639 Pts. 3,5
1-not paired- --- ½
2-not paired- --- ½
328Valente Hector Manuel1666ARG3,5w ½20-6,60
429Yalet Nestor1635ARG2s 1202,80
527Castiglione Jose1675ARG4w 020-16,40
642Brinkmann Nicolas0ARG2,5s 1