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Rockadens Öppna Onsdagskamp VT 2019

Senast uppdaterad17.04.2019 18:18:51, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schackförbund

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Korstabell efter 9 ronder

Plac.NamnRatingNation1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPoäng TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Bryntze Stefan2211SWE 20b1 6w1 12b1 2w1 4b1 3w1 7b1 9w1 5b0845,581
2FMLögdahl Harald2280SWE 3w1 8b1 17w1 1b0 7w1 5w1 12b1 4b1 6w1845,580
3Masoudi Karam1687SWE 2b0 18w1 9b1 6w1 10b1 1b0 4w0 7w1 13b+64760
4Rubinstein Rikard2033SWE 16w+ 21b1 7w1 17b1 1w0 12w½ 3b1 2w0 8b½64450
5Ekenberg Ulf2004SWE 10b1 12w0 13w1 7b0 21w1 2b0 8w½ 15b1 1w15,54450
Viklund Dick1820SWE 23w1 1b0 11w1 3b0 17w1 10b½ 14w1 12b1 2b05,54450
7Sjögren Christer1726SWE 11b1 15w1 4b0 5w1 2b0 9w1 1w0 3b0 18b1547,550
8Bruhl Peter1872SWE 14b1 2w0 10b0 24w1 13b½ 15w½ 5b½ 18w1 4w½540,530
9Jovic Rado1919SWE 19w1 17b0 3w0 23b1 11w1 7b0 10w1 1b0 14w+54050
10Bäcklund Elias1506SWE 5w0 23b1 8w1 13b1 3w0 6w½ 9b0 14b½ 12w154040
11Karlsson Håkan0SWE 7w0 -1 6b0 15w1 9b0 14b0 22w1 21b1 16w153540
12Molin Nils1730SWE 22w1 5b1 1w0 21b1 19w1 4b½ 2w0 6w0 10b04,544,540
13Enholm Herman1375SWE 15b½ 20w1 5b0 10w0 8w½ 21b½ 19w1 17b1 3w-4,53630
14Kalingas Dimitris1473GRE 8w0 22b1 21w0 19b½ 24b1 11w1 6b0 10w½ 9b-43530
15Ohlsson Andreas1748SWE 13w½ 7b0 19w½ 11b0 22w1 8b½ 21w½ 5w0 23b1434,520
16Arvidsson Rickard1574SWE 4b- -0 -0 20w1 18b0 22b1 23w1 24w1 11b043240
17Ivarsson Daniel1744SWE 24b1 9w1 2b0 4w0 6b0 20w1 18b0 13w0 19b½3,539,530
18Nygren Albert1417SWE 21w0 3b0 23w0 22b1 16w1 19b½ 17w1 8b0 7w03,53330
19Stern Sven-Inge1498SWE 9b0 24w1 15b½ 14w½ 12b0 18w½ 13b0 20b½ 17w½3,532,510
20Cao Zhang Lina1677SWE 1w0 13b0 22w0 16b0 23w1 17b0 24b1 19w½ 21w13,531,530
21Arbeus Carl-Johan1777SWE 18b1 4w0 14b1 12w0 5b0 13w½ 15b½ 11w0 20b033720
22Roddis Marc1314SWE 12b0 14w0 20b1 18w0 15b0 16w0 11b0 23b1 24w+330,530
23Gardenalli Luan1463SWE 6b0 10w0 18b1 9w0 20b0 24w1 16b0 22w0 15w0233,520
24Alwahsh Adam1344SWE 17w0 19b0 -1 8b0 14w0 23b0 20w0 16b0 22b-13100

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)