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Fase prèvia Campionat de Catalunya d'Edats 2019 (Vallès Oriental-Osona-Maresme) Sub-12 - Cloenda: Les Franqueses 23/2,19h

Última actualización27.02.2019 10:53:28, Propietario/Última carga: Escola d'Escacs d'Osona

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 8 rondas

Rk.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3  Des 4  Des 5 
1Sanchez Aguilar Arnau 50w+ 23w1 11b1 2b0 9w1 7b1 4w1 3w1737,5413170
2Prada Villagrasa Adrià 19b1 33w1 10b1 1w1 6w1 4b½ 3b0 8w½639433250
3Doblado Garcia Asier 15w1 29b1 4w0 27b1 13w1 6b1 2w1 1b0638422960
4Burriel Beltran Alex 36b1 38w1 3b1 5w½ 10b1 2w½ 1b0 9w1637,5403050
5Boix Redorta Roc 21b1 34w½ 32b1 4b½ 8w½ 18b1 7w½ 10w1634,5382740
6Puente Fernandez Lucas 31b1 17w1 9b1 13w1 2b0 3w0 8b½ 16w15,536,5402850
7Lambert Pont Michael 20b1 22w1 13b0 32w1 17b1 1w0 5b½ 18w15,53538,52650
8Gascon Martel Alejandro 16w0 37b1 34b1 21w1 5b½ 35w1 6w½ 2b½5,533,536,524,540
9Carrasco Gomez Adahara 18w1 16b1 6w0 19b1 1b0 22w1 14w1 4b0536,540,52550
10Miró Arbelaes Aleix 27w1 47b1 2w0 33b1 4w0 15b1 13w1 5b0536382550
11Toquero Gracia Laura 37w1 14b1 1w0 18b½ 16w0 24b½ 19w1 25b1534372240
12Lobo Pereira Arami 54b1 44w1 -0 31w1 -0 16b1 25w1 -0533352550
13Ojea Pacheco Matias 39w1 26b1 7w1 6b0 3b0 36w1 10b0 22w1532,5352550
14Abelenda Nuñez Biel 24b1 11w0 22b1 17w0 31b1 20w1 9b0 23w153134,52250
15Muñoz Cozar Marti 3b0 48w1 17b0 23w1 38b1 10w0 29b1 24w1530,5331950
16Garangou Jordán Adrià 8b1 9w0 24b½ 20w1 11b1 12w0 35b1 6b04,53639,52240
17Gayoso Arjona Iago 53w1 6b0 15w1 14b1 7w0 19b½ 18w0 26b14,533,535,521,540
18Galcera Viada Jan 9b0 46w1 44b1 11w½ 29b1 5w0 17b1 7b04,53233,521,540
19Fernandez Lunar Alejandro 2w0 41b1 23b1 9w0 32b1 17w½ 11b0 31w14,531,534,519,540
20Samon Rodriguez Biel 7w0 49b1 35w½ 16b0 34w1 14b0 33w1 32b14,529,5311740
21Murciano Criado Victor 5w0 42b1 47w1 8b0 33w½ 23b0 37w1 35b14,528,530,51840
22Polo Sanchez Adrian 41w1 7b0 14w0 37b1 40w1 9b0 28w1 13b0432351940
23Katz Garcia Werner 40w1 1b0 19w0 15b0 37w1 21w1 36b1 14b0432351740
24Romero Gonzalez Denis 14w0 39b1 16w½ 34b1 35w0 11w½ 30b1 15b0431,53418,530
25Aguilar Torras Pau -0 -0 38b1 49w1 28b1 26w1 12b0 11w043132,51840
26Ortiz Gabarroca Berenguer -1 13w0 31b0 52w1 30b1 25b0 27w1 17w0430,5321930
27Verdugo Marquez Eric 10b0 52w1 45b1 3w0 36b0 38w1 26b0 43w142627,51740
28Dominkovics Alonso Pere -0 -0 41w1 42b1 25w0 44w1 22b0 39b1425,527,51540
29Espada Español Lledo 46b1 3w0 36b0 45w1 18w0 39b1 15w0 38b1425,5271740
30Fernandez Herrera Aina -0 -0 46b1 44w1 26w0 45b1 24w0 36b142324,51540
31Danielian Tomas 6w0 53b1 26w1 12b0 14w0 40b1 32w½ 19b03,532341730
32García Burgos Jaume 51w1 35b1 5w0 7b0 19w0 42b1 31b½ 20w03,53032,51930
33Bureu Fernandez Carlota 45w1 2b0 40w1 10w0 21b½ -0 20b0 44w13,530321730
34Guerrero Soler Pol 55w+ 5b½ 8w0 24w0 20b0 -0 49b1 48w13,53031,514,530
35Sola Pachon Arnau 52b1 32w0 20b½ 36w1 24b1 8b0 16w0 21w03,529,5312030
36Collado Moreno Miquel 4w0 51b1 29w1 35b0 27w1 13b0 23w0 30w0331,5341730
37Pérez Sánchez Arnau 11b0 8w0 43b1 22w0 23b0 41w1 21b0 45w1330321030
38Sales Casas Marc 42w1 4b0 25w0 47b1 15w0 27b0 45w+ 29w0329311530
39Gonzalez Gisbert Guillem 13b0 24w0 50b0 43w1 54b+ 29w0 46b1 28w0328,5301130
40González González Ismael 23b0 54w1 33b0 50w1 22b0 31w0 44b1 -0326,528,51430
41De Roca Vilardebò Alex 22b0 19w0 28b0 46w- 52w+ 37b0 47w1 51w132425,5730
42Arance Marlos Arnau 38b0 21w0 52b1 28w0 50b+ 32w0 43b0 46w1323,5251130
43Agàpito Garrido Guillem -0 -0 37w0 39b0 53w1 51b1 42w1 27b032325930
44Cebrian Montserrat Pau 49w1 12b0 18w0 30b0 46w1 28b0 40w0 33b023031,51220
45Carbo Casals Noa 33b0 -1 27w0 29b0 47w1 30w0 38b- 37b0226,528,51110
46Badia Coderch Sergi 29w0 18b0 30w0 41b+ 44b0 47b1 39w0 42b0222,524,5820
47Ramos Giro Kevin 48b1 10w0 21b0 38w0 45b0 46w0 41b0 49w1221,523920
48Alonso Gutierrez Salvador Andres 47w0 15b0 51w- -0 51w0 53b1 52w1 34b0221,523520
49Alsina Molins Marti 44b0 20w0 54b+ 25b0 -0 -0 34w0 47b012426610
50Gonzalez Baluja Carlos Alberto 1b- -0 39w1 40b0 42w- -0 -0 -0123,525,5610
51Corredera Moreno Vega 32b0 36w0 48b- -0 48b1 43w0 -0 41b012325,5410
52Malez Blasco Daniela 35w0 27b0 42w0 26b0 41b- -0 48b0 -112121100
53Lopez Kullis Tristan 17b0 31w0 -0 -0 43b0 48w0 -0 -002324000
54Sanchez Dachs Julia 12w0 40b0 49w- -0 39w- -0 -0 -0022,523,5000
55Cavalle Sanchez Arnau 34b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002122000

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Fide Tie-Break
Desempate 4: The greater number of victories
Desempate 5: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)