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Memorialul PAUL DIACONESCU - Cupa Hotel Central - editia 2019 sah rapid - copii U14 - Ploiesti, 16 februarie 2019

Posledná aktualizácia 16.02.2019 19:19:04, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 5)

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Konečná tabuľka po 7 kolách

Por.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IICiulic Raducu-Marian1517ROU 81b1 38w1 4b1 22w1 3b1 2w½ 5b16,50,532,532,25
2IIAncuta Eduard-Gabriel1425ROU 86w1 18b1 16w1 9b1 12w1 1b½ 10w16,50,531,530,75
3IIRata Andrei1409ROU 62w1 49b1 20w1 10b1 1w0 6b1 9w1603127,50
4Popescu Stefan-Adrian1212ROU 69b1 45w1 1w0 17b1 42b1 11w1 14b16029,526,00
5IIPetrica Dan-Andrei1160ROU 79w1 34b1 26w1 6b½ 25w1 13b1 1w05,5029,523,75
6IICiapa Ioana-Antonia1256ROU105b1 35w1 24b1 5w½ 23b1 3w0 22b15,502921,25
7IIBasturea Darius-Alexandru1245ROU 76w1 27b½ 29w1 15b½ 8w½ 28b1 24w15,502824,00
8IIIOlteanu Gabriel-Luca1147ROU 91b1 31w1 13b0 40w1 7b½ 36w1 23b15,502721,25
9IIGrigore Radu-Andrei1249ROU 75b1 44w1 14b1 2w0 33b1 19w1 3b0503021,00
10IICraciun Luca-Stefan1237ROU 90b1 54w1 33b1 3w0 38b1 15w1 2b0502918,50
11IIMarcu Daria-Ana1232ROU 60w1 39b1 23w½ 32b½ 18w1 4b0 27w1502821,25
12IILefter Albert1214ROU 89b1 46w1 53b1 13w1 2b0 14w0 35b1502818,50
13IIBanu Robert-Andrei1291ROU108w1 17b1 8w1 12b0 61w1 5w0 36b1502817,50
14IIMilitaru Mihai-Gabriel1141ROU 96w1 83b1 9w0 34b1 26w1 12b1 4w0502718,50
15IIRosu Mihai-Radu1182ROU 82w1 59b1 25w½ 7w½ 53b1 10b0 32w15025,519,00
16IVPreda Maria-Alexandra1171ROU 99b1 40w1 2b0 54w0 55b1 46w1 44b1502517,50
17IIBadica Ariana1097ROU 64b1 13w0 67b1 4w0 72b1 41w1 43w1502517,00
18IIICirstian David-Stefan1116ROU102b1 2w0 90b1 41w1 11b0 66w1 47b15024,514,50
19IISpiridon Teodora1191ROU 77w1 32b0 68w1 39b1 54w1 9b0 34w15023,517,50
20IIBasturea Ianis-Stefan1153ROU 67b1 66w1 3b0 53w0 62b1 45w1 31b15023,517,00
21Anton Rares-Andrei1122ROU 71b1 68w1 22b0 31w0 75b1 40w1 37b15022,517,00
22IIBalaban Nicolae-Adrian1227ROU 72w1 57b1 21w1 1b0 49w1 24b½ 6w04,502917,75
23ICiocirlan Bianca-Alexandra1140ROU 56b1 41w1 11b½ 28w1 6w0 25b1 8w04,5028,519,00
24IVMatei-Catruna Andrei1151ROU 73w1 37b1 6w0 65b1 32w1 22w½ 7b04,5026,516,25
25IIDragomir Carmen-Teodora1417ROU -1 36w1 15b½ 55w1 5b0 23w0 53b14,502617,00
26IIPopa Andra-Maria1379ROU101b1 42w1 5b0 35w1 14b0 53w½ 56b14,5025,515,25
27IVNita Victor-Gabriel1048ROU 58b1 7w½ 55b0 56w1 63b1 29w1 11b04,502517,25
28IISerban Stelian1212ROU109w1 65b1 32w½ 23b0 31b1 7w0 55b14,5024,512,50
29Iancu Cezar-Stefan1183ROU -1 63w½ 7b0 30w1 64b1 27b0 54w14,502416,00
30Radu Antonia1001ROU 39w0 60b1 37w1 29b0 65w1 54b½ 61b14,502215,25
31IIINastase Teodora-Andreea1017ROU 52w1 8b0 74w1 21b1 28w0 49b1 20w0402816,00
32IIBortun Radu-Valentin1016ROU110b1 19w1 28b½ 11w½ 24b0 61w1 15b0402712,75
33IIBarbieru Iustin-Mihai1130ROU 48w1 51b1 10w0 47b1 9w0 34b0 62w1402615,00
34IVNegrean Andrei1025ROU103b1 5w0 58b1 14w0 71b1 33w1 19b0402612,00
35IIJurkovschi Aida-Maria1076ROU 78w1 6b0 82w1 26b0 77w1 51b1 12w0402513,00
36IVOlteanu Luca-Ioan1110ROU 94w1 25b0 88w1 48b1 43w1 8b0 13w0402512,50
37IVZoican Alesia-Maria1013ROU107b1 24w0 30b0 67w1 50b1 38w1 21w0402512,00
38IIPislaru Victor1117ROU111w1 1b0 86w1 51b1 10w0 37b0 76w140259,50
39IIICioara Nicolae-Cristian1037ROU 30b1 11w0 91b1 19w0 69b1 43b0 79w14024,512,50
40IVVisan Davian-Stefan1063ROU 85w1 16b0 78w1 8b0 70w1 21b0 80w14024,512,00
IVBratasanu Vlad1001ROU 93w1 23b0 80w1 18b0 52w1 17b0 78w14024,512,00
42IVBulumac Ianis-Andrei1101ROU 92w1 26b0 77w1 70b1 4w0 47b0 69w14023,511,00
43IISoare Andrei1230ROU 88b1 53w0 63b1 44w1 36b0 39w1 17b0402313,50
44IIStan Andrei-Sebastian1067ROU -1 9b0 79w1 43b0 73w1 68b1 16w0402312,50
45IIMilitaru Cristian-Andrei1029ROU 87w1 4b0 92w1 61b0 48w1 20b0 64w1402311,50
46IVBostiog Cristina-Adriana1035ROU 70w1 12b0 48w0 82b1 94w1 16b0 73w1402311,00
47Bacu Victor1001ROU 55b0102w1 50b1 33w0 87b1 42w1 18w04022,512,00
48Mitu Andrei1001ROU 33b0105w1 46b1 36w0 45b0 75w1 63b1402211,00
49IIParaschiv Andrei (C.)1105ROU 98b1 3w0 89b1 87w1 22b0 31w0 72b14021,59,50
50Radu Rebecca-Aimee1001ROU 57w0 72b1 47w0 76b1 37w0 65b1 68w14020,512,00
51Berezoiu Luca-Bogdan1001ROU 95b1 33w0 84b1 38w0 74b1 35w0 71b1402011,00
52Stancu Andrei-Marius1001ROU 31b0 56w0 98b1102w1 41b0 67w1 66b14019,59,50
53IIGheorghe Raisa-Maria1044ROU100w1 43b1 12w0 20b1 15w0 26b½ 25w03,5027,513,25
54IIBorza Mara-Florentina1065ROU106w1 10b0 73w1 16b1 19b0 30w½ 29b03,5026,511,25
55Vasile-Basarabeanu Stefan1001ROU 47w1 61b½ 27w1 25b0 16w0 57b1 28w03,5025,513,50
56Miloiu Andrei-Constantin1001ROU 23w0 52b1 57w½ 27b0 59w1 80b1 26w03,5024,512,25
57IIBarbieru Dragos-Gabriel1029ROU 50b1 22w0 56b½ 64w0 83b1 55w0 74b13,502111,75
58Popescu David-Iulian1001ROU 27w0 76b1 34w0 62b0 60w½104b1 86w13,5020,58,75
59IVToma Alexia-Gabriela1045ROU 97b1 15w0 64b½ 63w0 56b0 70b1 88w13,50209,00
60Cristoiu Tudor-Stefan1001ROU 11b0 30w0 97b1 74w0 58b½103w1 87b13,50197,75
61IICirstocea Ioan-Mihai-Bogdan1148ROU 55w½ 81b1 45w1 13b0 32b0 30w03024,510,50
62Branza Dragos-Gabriel1001ROU 3b0 64w0 95b1 58w1 20w0 96b1 33b03023,57,50
63IIVoica Tudor1017ROU 80w1 29b½ 43w0 59b1 27w0 64b½ 48w0302310,25
64Patilea Teodora-Maria1001ROU 17w0 62b1 59w½ 57b1 29w0 63w½ 45b030239,75
65Toader Matei-Cristian1025ROU 74b1 28w0 71b1 24w0 30b0 50w0 96b130238,00
66IVAldea Florin-Alexandru1037ROU104w1 20b0 70w0 79b1 78w1 18b0 52w030237,50
67Ivan Tiberiu1001ROU 20w0 85b1 17w0 37b0105w1 52b0 97w13022,56,00
68Biclineru Radu-Gabriel1001ROU 84w1 21b0 19b0 91w1 93b1 44w0 50b030227,00
69Furtuna Mircea-Gabriel1001ROU 4w0 70b0100w1 85b1 39w0 97b1 42b030227,00
70Radu Maria (G.)1001ROU 46b0 69w1 66b1 42w0 40b0 59w0 89b13021,58,00
71Mocanu Andrei-Denis1001ROU 21w0 93b1 65w0 86b1 34w0 77b1 51w03021,57,50
72Dura David-George1001ROU 22b0 50w0103b1 95w1 17w0 92b1 49w03021,55,50
73Joenel Irina-Ioana1001ROU 24b0107w1 54b0 83w1 44b0 81w1 46b030217,00
74Samoil Teodor1001ROU 65w0109b+ 31b0 60b1 51w0 82b1 57w030216,50
75Calugareanu Ioana1001ROU 9w0 78b0106w1 92b1 21w0 48b0100w130215,00
76Ceapchie Sergio Francesco1001ROU 7b0 58w0110b1 50w0 98w1 94b1 38b030214,00
77Geonoiu Gabriel Andrei1001ROU 19b0110w1 42b0 84w1 35b0 71w0 95b13020,55,00
78Petroff Vlad1001ROU 35b0 75w1 40b0 90w1 66b0 89w1 41b030207,00
79Imbrea Mario-Andrei1001ROU 5b0103w1 44b0 66w0 84b1 93w1 39b030206,50
80Sbirneciu Maria1001ROU 63b0 99w1 41b0 89w1 81b1 56w0 40b03019,57,00
81Bostiog Luca-Stefan1001ROU 1w0 94b1 61w0 96b1 80w0 73b0 92w13019,56,00
82Gortoescu Andrei-Teodor1001ROU 15b0 97w1 35b0 46w0 95b1 74w0 93b130196,00
83Benchea Iosif-Luca1001ROU -1 14w0 87b0 73b0 57w0106w1 94b13018,56,50
84Voicu Bogdan-Nichola1001ROU 68b0 -1 51w0 77b0 79w0 99w1103b13017,57,00
85Serban Denis1001ROU 40b0 67w0 99b1 69w0 89b0 90w1 91b130166,00
86Botea Theodor-Andrei1001ROU 2b0 98w1 38b0 71w0 91b1 87w½ 58b02,50215,25
87Sadicovici Yannis-Andrei1001ROU 45b0 -1 83w1 49b0 47w0 86b½ 60w02,5020,57,75
88Dumitrascu Natalia-Mihaela1001ROU 43w0106b1 36b0 93w0103b½102w1 59b02,5016,53,25
89Duta Denis-Andrei-Valentin1001ROU 12w0100b1 49w0 80b0 85w1 78b0 70w020215,00
90Cismaru Ilinca1001ROU 10w0111b1 18w0 78b0 92w0 85b0107w120201,00
91Manescu Andrei1001ROU 8w0104b1 39w0 68b0 86w0105b1 85w02019,52,50
92Pana Eduard-Andrei1001ROU 42b0101w1 45b0 75w0 90b1 72w0 81b020194,00
93Turea Teodora-Valentina1001ROU 41b0 71w0 -1 88b1 68w0 79b0 82w02018,56,00
94Nita Maria-Alexandra1001ROU 36b0 81w0105b1101w1 46b0 76w0 83w02018,53,00
95Viroaga Rares-Andrei1001ROU 51w0 96b1 62w0 72b0 82w0 98b1 77w020184,00
96Mares Paula-Ioana1001ROU 14b0 95w0107b1 81w0101b1 62w0 65w020183,00
97Sevastian Cristina1001ROU 59w0 82b0 60w0111b+ 99b1 69w0 67b020182,00
98Oprea Constantin-Gabriel1001ROU 49w0 86b0 52w0110b+ 76b0 95w0106b+20171,00
99Habasescu Eva-Ilinca1001ROU 16w0 80b0 85w0104b1 97w0 84b0105w12016,52,50
100Postelnicu Ioachim-Florian-Daniel1001ROU 53b0 89w0 69b0107w1102b0101w1 75b02015,53,00
101Bulumac Ana-Maria1001ROU 26w0 92b0111w1 94b0 96w0100b0104w12014,51,50
102Niculae Robert-Andrei1001ROU 18w0 47b0104w½ 52b0100w1 88b0 -01,50202,75
103Soroiu Stefan-Marian1001ROU 34w0 79b0 72w0106b1 88w½ 60b0 84w01,5018,52,25
104Saboszlay Amalia-Sofia1001ROU 66b0 91w0102b½ 99w0107b1 58w0101b01,5014,51,75
105Voicu Matei-Eduard1001ROU 6w0 48b0 94w0 -1 67b0 91w0 99b01018,53,50
106Popescu Andrei1001ROU 54b0 88w0 75b0103w0 -1 83b0 98w-10153,50
107Tataru Gabriel Fabian1001ROU 37w0 73b0 96w0100b0104w0 -1 90b01014,53,50
108Burlacu Ilinca1001ROU 13b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,50,00
109Farcas Vladimir1001ROU 28b0 74w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000170,00
110Sendroiu Daniel1001ROU 32w0 77b0 76w0 98w- -0 -0 -000160,00
111Pita Nectarie-Razvan1001ROU 38b0 90w0101b0 97w- -0 -0 -000140,00

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable