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Children Open Chess Tournament Hospete Ballari Dist ( U-12 Category ) 13/01/2019 Contact Prakash B 9945680284

Last update 13.01.2019 13:56:22, Creator/Last Upload: Basavaraja M

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Disha U A1050IND 46b1 51w1 54b0 49w1 44b½ 14w1 83b½5803236
2Abhigyan K0IND 47w1 52b1 58w0 45b1 60w0 53b1 51b0424028,531
3Abhishek Kawad0IND 48b1 54w0 86b0 47w0 42b½ 36w0 27b12,56902122
4Abhishikth B0IND 40w1 55b1 61w0 62b1 64w0 75b1 60w151602527
5Abhithi R P0IND 49b0 39w1 46b0 53w0 48b1 55w1 33b035302224
6Abubakar0IND 50w1 59b1 62w1 61b1 58w0 88b0 64w0423028,531,5
7Adithi R P0IND 51b0 46w0 56b1 55w1 71b0 39w1 41b035402223,5
8Akshay Reddy P0IND 54b0 48w1 47b1 46w0 49b0 56w1 53w034802526,5
9Ambrin0IND 55w0 47b0 57w0 50b0 -1 38w1 56b1368014,515
10Amogha Varsha M0IND 56b1 58w0 49b0 63w1 47b0 68w1 57b1442020,522
11Ananthashayana J0IND 57w1 61b0 52w1 75b0 62w0 50b1 77w0355021,524
12Anu0IND 58b0 56w1 51b0 68w1 53b0 69w0 55b1352022,524
13Anuj A0IND 59w0 40b0 66w0 67b½ 74w0 63b0 31w00,58701819,5
14Ariga Mohith Sai0IND 70b0 74w1 53b1 51w½ 94b1 1b0 71w14,521029,531,5
15Aryan0IND 60b0 66w1 55b1 59w0 57b0 79w1 47b035902123
16Bhuvan Chandra T0IND 62b0 68w1 59b0 76w+ 66w1 57w1 78b1520020,522,5
17Bhuvan Gouda0IND 63w1 65b0 69w1 80b1 61w1 59b1 54w0515025,527
18Chaithra V0IND 64b0 73w1 60b0 79w1 69b1 78w0 81b144002224,5
19Charan G0IND 66b1 60w1 64b1 70w0 77b1 72w0 86b1511028,531,5
20Deepanshu Nagpure0IND 67w1 69b1 65w0 89b1 75w1 60b1 58b0517024,526
21Devesh S Pathak0IND 68b1 62w0 63b1 60w0 78b0 81w0 82b1362018,520
22Divija Repal0IND 69w0 63b- 68b0 92w- -0 -0 -0094014,515,5
23Gagan0IND 71w0 67b1 75w0 52b1 80w0 66b1 62w036102021,5
24Gourav Gad B0IND 72b0 78w1 76b1 64w0 81b1 84w0 69b1433023,526
25Gourav P lalwani0IND 73w+ 64w0 79b1 77w0 82b0 87w1 90b0360020,522
26Harshika J S0IND 74b1 70w0 80w0 57b0 89w0 31b1 63w1358021,523
27Harshith M Goud0IND 75w0 79b0 67w1 66b0 50w0 74b0 3w0186017,519
28Harshitha0IND 76b- 80w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0089016,517,5
29Hrithik0IND 77w- 81b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0090016,517,5
30Hrutiq0IND 78b1 72w0 81b1 83w0 84b0 82w1 92b034902426
31Impana A P0IND 79w1 71b- 83b- -0 55b0 26w0 13b127602020,5
32Jagruthi C P0IND 80b1 76w1 70b0 84w1 83b0 94w0 93b0347027,530
33Jayashree K0IND 81w1 75b1 71b½ 44w0 51b0 90w1 5w14,522025,528
34Karthik Kulakarni0IND 82b1 77w0 84b0 81w0 63b1 92w0 68b1365017,519
35Karthik Reddy P0IND 83w0 85b+ 90b0 82w1 68b0 93w0 79b0277019,521,5
36Madhavi Varavina0IND 84b0 82w1 89w0 69b0 52w½ 3b1 75w02,571018,520,5
37Madhusudan0IND 85w- 89w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0091016,517,5
38Manasvi M Varavina0IND 86b0 92w0 73b+ 78b0 56w0 9b0 67w0185017,519
39Manjunath P0IND 88w0 5b0 74w1 87b0 76w+ 7b0 52w136401819,5
40Manoj Kumar B N0IND 4b0 13w1 92b1 90w0 87w1 61b0 89w1444020,521
41Mayank0IND 89b1 84w1 72b0 94w0 93b1 86w0 7w143102426,5
42Mokshith Omkar Karthik N0IND 91w+ 86w0 94b0 93w- 3w½ 52b0 74w12,570020,522,5
43Naimuddin0IND 92b1 94w1 77b1 72w0 86b1 83w0 84b1513026,530
44Nandan M M B0IND 93w1 83b1 88w½ 33b1 1w½ 65b1 72w16203033
45Naveen Patil0IND 94b0 87w1 93b1 2w0 92w1 62b1 61w1518023,525
46Nayana B0IND 1w0 7b1 5w1 8b1 65w0 77b1 80w151902326
47Nitesh0IND 2b0 9w1 8w0 3b1 10w1 80b0 15w144502022,5
48Nitin M0IND 3w0 8b0 78w0 74b1 5w0 67b1 66w0279017,519
49Praket Mishra0IND 5w1 88b0 10w1 1b0 8w1 89b1 65w0427025,528
50Pranav A T0IND 6b0 90w0 82b0 9w1 27b1 11w0 87b136601718
51Pranav H0IND 7w1 1b0 12w1 14b½ 33w1 71b1 2w15,5702427
52Prathik H V0IND 87b1 2w0 11b0 23w0 36b½ 42w1 39b02,572017,519
53Prathik V0IND 65w0 57b1 14w0 5b1 12w1 2w0 8b1437022,525,5
54Prithu R Yaligar0IND 8w1 3b1 1w1 65b1 70w0 64b1 17b16303032,5
55Puneeth J S0IND 9b1 4w0 15w0 7b0 31w1 5b0 12w0273020,523
56Puneeth Srinivas N0IND 10w0 12b0 7w0 -1 38b1 8b0 9w028101717,5
57Raviprasad0IND 11b0 53w0 9b1 26w1 15w1 16b0 10w0356021,524
58Rizwan Jatti0IND 12w1 10b1 2b1 86w1 6b1 70b0 20w16402831
59Rohith R G0IND 13b1 6w0 16w1 15b1 90b1 17w0 94b0428025,526
60Sahana0IND 15w1 19b0 18w1 21b1 2b1 20w0 4b042602629
61Sai Charan0IND 90b1 11w1 4b1 6w0 17b0 40w1 45b042502730
62Sai Prakash J0IND 16w1 21b1 6b0 4w0 11b1 45w0 23b1430024,527,5
63Samarth M Goud0IND 17b0 22w+ 21w0 10b0 34w0 13w1 26b0274020,521
64Samarth R Suthrave0IND 18w1 25b1 19w0 24b1 4b1 54w0 6b151202830,5
65Shakthi R Sutrave0IND 53b1 17w1 20b1 54w0 46b1 44w0 49b15903135
66Shankar0IND 19w0 15b0 13b1 27w1 16b0 23w0 48b1363018,519
67Shashivaram G0IND 20b0 23w0 27b0 13w½ 79b0 48w0 38b11,583014,515
68Shefali0IND 21w0 16b0 22w1 12b0 35w1 10b0 34w027502021,5
69Shreyas H S0IND 22b1 20w0 17b0 36w1 18w0 12b1 24w0350023,526
70Shrihari Venkatesh Deshpande0IND 14w1 26b1 32w1 19b1 54b1 58w1 88w17103033
71Shrikar0IND 23b1 31w+ 33w½ 88b0 7w1 51w0 14b03,546026,529,5
72Siddharth Repal0IND 24w1 30b1 41w1 43b1 88w0 19b1 44b0510029,532,5
73Sinchana0IND 25b- 18b0 38w- -0 -0 -0 -008801718
74Sristi S B M0IND 26w0 14b0 39b0 48w0 13b1 27w1 42b0282015,516
75Suhas Ihole0IND 27b1 33w0 23b1 11w1 20b0 4w0 36b143602324
76sunaina S0IND 28w+ 32b0 24w0 16b- 39b- -0 -018401921
77Syed Mohammed Sharffudin Ali B0IND 29b+ 34b1 43w0 25b1 19w0 46w0 11b143202426,5
78Tarun Kumar P0IND 30w0 24b0 48b1 38w1 21w1 18b1 16w0443020,521
79Udbav0IND 31b0 27w1 25w0 18b0 67w1 15b0 35w136701617
80Unnathi0IND 32w0 28b+ 26b1 17w0 23b1 47w1 46b043402325,5
81Vaishnav D U0IND 33b0 29w+ 30w0 34b1 24w0 21b1 18w0357021,524
82Vaishnavi P0IND 34w0 36b0 50w1 35b0 25w1 30b0 21w028001718,5
83Vamshi Krishna0IND 35b1 44w0 31w+ 30b1 32w1 43b1 1w½5,5602526,5
84Varun M C0IND 36w1 41b0 34w1 32b0 30w1 24b1 43w043902224,5
85Vashnavi J U0IND 37b- 35w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0092016,517,5
86Veerabhadra Gouda H0IND 38w1 42b1 3w1 58b0 43w0 41b1 19w042902525,5
87Vijaya Lakshmi0IND 52w0 45b0 -1 39w1 40b0 25b0 50w0278019,521,5
88Vilas Andrade0IND 39b1 49w1 44b½ 71w1 72b1 6w1 70b05,5502931,5
89Vinayak0IND 41w0 37b+ 36b1 20w0 26b1 49w0 40b0351022,525
90Vishnu M0IND 61w0 50b1 35w1 40b1 59w0 33b0 25w144102223,5
91Vishnu M0IND 42b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0093016,517,5
92Yashas H S0IND 43w0 38b1 40w0 22b+ 45b0 34b1 30w1438022,523
93Yashwini0IND 44b0 -1 45w0 42b+ 41w0 35b1 32w143502324,5
94Yogesh Kumar0IND 45w1 43b0 42w1 41b1 14w0 32b1 59w1514025,528

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)