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CCA All Bengal School Chess Tmt_2019 @ Shyambazar (Under-12)

Posledná aktualizácia 13.01.2019 13:52:49, Creator/Last Upload: A B CHOUDHURY

Search for player Hladaj

Konečná tabuľka po 6 kolách

Por.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1Ritam Kundu1188IND 20w1 31b1 8w1 15b1 2w1 3b16022,525,525,506
2Gargee Bose1108IND 44w1 32b1 11w1 6b1 1b0 18w15022,525,519,505
3Shourya Paul0IND 19w1 34b1 33w1 12b1 9w1 1w05021,524,518,505
4Sagar Sinha0IND 5b½ 51w1 28b½ 38w1 16w1 12b15019,52217,754
5Shreshtha Surai1055IND 4w½ 30b½ 53w1 31b1 32w1 7b150192116,754
6Ankita Kundu1254IND 62b1 43w1 13b1 2w0 35b1 14w150192116,005
7Swapnadeep Kar0IND 55b1 25w1 10b1 9w½ 27b1 5w04,5020,52215,754
8Jagriti Agarwal1041IND 24b1 50w1 1b0 41w1 26b½ 27w14,50202315,254
9Tushar Bhunya1119IND 63w1 22b1 29w1 7b½ 3b0 25w14,50202215,254
10Debapriyo Saha1425IND 53w1 26b½ 7w0 30b1 52w1 17b14,50182013,754
11Sreedeep Ganguli0IND 37b1 57w1 2b0 25w½ 34b1 26w14,501718,513,254
12Shayan Das1116IND 70b1 18w1 38b1 3w0 19b1 4w040212212,004
13Swapneel Gupta1037IND 69w1 21b1 6w0 22b1 17w0 31b1402021,512,504
14Anjishnu Chatterjee0IND 36b1 27w0 47b1 28w1 15w1 6b040192213,504
15Debarpan Saha1081IND 66w1 54b1 17w1 1w0 14b0 44b140192111,004
16Kaushal Golchha1077IND 48b1 41w1 27b½ 26w½ 4b0 36w140182112,503
17Subhrajit Dey0IND 65b1 23w1 15b0 58w1 13b1 10w0401819,512,004
18Satyaki Dutta0IND 72w1 12b0 37w1 34b1 29w1 2b040181910,504
19Akansha Dey0IND 3b0 70w1 48b1 42w1 12w0 45b140181910,004
20Kousik Samui0IND 1b0 40w0 51b1 59w1 42b1 33b14017,519,510,504
21Spandan Bhattacharyya0IND 49b1 13w0 43b1 23w1 25b0 37w1401719,513,004
22Satyamoy Ghosh0IND 71b1 9w0 56b1 13w0 40b1 35w14016,517,59,004
23Amlan Santra0IND 45w1 17b0 54w1 21b0 60w1 32b140161810,004
24Sagnik Dutta0IND 8w0 46b0 75w1 55b1 54w1 39b14014147,004
25Aranya Chatterjee0IND 77b+ 7b0 45w1 11b½ 21w1 9b03,5020,5239,253
26Samriddhi Gharami0IND 51b1 10w½ 52w1 16b½ 8w½ 11b03,502022,511,502
27Upayan Barman0IND 61w1 14b1 16w½ 33b1 7w0 8b03,502021,511,003
28Subhaditya Das0IND 39w1 52b½ 4w½ 14b0 63w1 29b½3,50182010,502
29Samadrita Mukherjee (Rai)1004IND 59b1 42w1 9b0 36w1 18b0 28w½3,5018209,753
30Arnabi Sen1030IND 47b0 5w½ 49b1 10w0 69b1 52w13,501819,59,503
31Sarthak Bansal0IND 40b1 1w0 71b1 5w0 56b1 13w03020216,003
32Shayak Das0IND 56b1 2w0 57b1 40w1 5b0 23w0301920,57,003
33Swastik Roy1122IND 68b1 47w1 3b0 27w0 41b1 20w03018,520,58,003
34Ritoban Basu1099IND 64b1 3w0 68b1 18w0 11w0 62b13017,519,56,003
35Agnidipta De Sarkar0IND 78b1 38w0 64b1 50w1 6w0 22b03017,519,55,003
36Soumalya Khaskel0IND 14w0 61b1 39w1 29b0 46w1 16b03017,5198,003
37Argha Mitra Ghosh0IND 11w0 76b+ 18b0 70w1 47b1 21b03017,518,54,003
38Suravi Bhattacharya0IND 58w1 35b1 12w0 4b0 44w0 53b1301718,57,003
39Avideep Roy0IND 28b0 59w1 36b0 48w1 50b1 24w03016,518,58,003
40Abhijit Aine0IND 31w0 20b1 66w1 32b0 22w0 63b13016188,003
41Shrijata Basak0IND 67w1 16b0 46w1 8b0 33w0 58b1301617,57,003
42Sreerup Roy0IND 46w1 29b0 69w1 19b0 20w0 55b1301617,56,503
43Atmadeep Paul0IND 60w1 6b0 21w0 45b0 70w1 54b13016175,003
44Rajanya Ray0IND 2b0 56w0 65b1 57w1 38b1 15w03015,5177,003
Soham Mitra0IND 23b0 65w1 25b0 43w1 58b1 19w03015,5177,003
46Arhat Chattopadhyay0IND 42b0 24w1 41b0 64w1 36b0 59w13015178,003
47Samadrito Saha0IND 30w1 33b0 14w0 53b1 37w0 57b1301516,57,503
48Ritama Das0IND 16w0 75b1 19w0 39b0 67w1 56w13014,514,54,003
49Anwesha Paul0IND 21w0 69b½ 30w0 72b1 51w½ 60b13013,514,55,002
50Souradeep Chatterjee0IND 75w1 8b0 55w1 35b0 39w0 61b13013,513,54,003
51Puspan Dutta1029IND 26w0 4b0 20w0 75b1 49b½ 69w12,5017173,002
52Pratyasha Ghosh1002IND 73b1 28w½ 26b0 71w1 10b0 30b02,5016173,752
53Dev Rishi Ghosh0IND 10b0 73w1 5b0 47w0 64b1 38w02017,518,53,002
54Soumil Dutta Chowdhury0IND 74b1 15w0 23b0 62w1 24b0 43w0201717,53,002
55Chirodeep Ghosh0IND 7w0 77b+ 50b0 24w0 73b1 42w02016,517,51,002
56Agniraj Basak0IND 32w0 44b1 22w0 66b1 31w0 48b02016185,002
57Aloran Sarkar0IND 76w+ 11b0 32w0 44b0 68w1 47w02016182,002
58Ayanaba Sen0IND 38b0 78w+ 60w1 17b0 45w0 41w02015172,002
59Sanidhya Dutta0IND 29w0 39b0 61w1 20b0 75w1 46b02015152,002
60Srijatri Adhya0IND 43b0 62w1 58b0 68w1 23b0 49w0201415,54,002
61Debanka Dewan0IND 27b0 36w0 59b0 -1 66w1 50w02013,514,55,001
62Diptajit Pramanick0IND 6w0 60b0 72w1 54b0 71b1 34w02013142,002
63Pratyush Chakraborty0IND 9b0 71w0 74b1 73w1 28b0 40w0201313,52,002
64Rajbeer Singh0IND 34w0 67b1 35w0 46b0 53w0 72b12012,513,53,002
65Avrajeet Karmakar0IND 17w0 45b0 44w0 67b0 -1 70b12012,5134,001
66Riddhiman Basak0IND 15b0 74w1 40b0 56w0 61b0 75w12011111,002
67Aman Chowdhury0IND 41b0 64w0 70b0 65w1 48b0 73w+2010,511,53,002
68Manan Goyal0IND 33w0 72b1 34w0 60b0 57b0 71w12010,511,52,002
69Sailaj Mukherjee0IND 13b0 49w½ 42b0 74w1 30w0 51b01,501616,52,501
70Priyank Gupta0IND 12w0 19b0 67w1 37b0 43b0 65w0101516,52,001
71Agnideep Chowdhury0IND 22w0 63b1 31w0 52b0 62w0 68b01013,515,52,001
72Abhiraj Saha0IND 18b0 68w0 62b0 49w0 74b1 64w0101313,51,001
73Yash Singh0IND 52w0 53b0 -1 63b0 55w0 67b-101011,53,000
74Antariksh Paul0IND 54w0 66b0 63w0 69b0 72w0 -1108,58,53,000
75Anuva Pramanik0IND 50b0 48w0 24b0 51w0 59b0 66b00014,516,50,000
76Shreyas Bhowmik0IND 57b- 37w- -0 -0 -0 -00012,513,50,000
Spandan Saha0IND 25w- 55w- -0 -0 -0 -00012,513,50,000
78Sharanyak Das0IND 35w0 58b- -0 -0 -0 -00012130,000

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break5: Greater number of victories/games variable