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CCA All Bengal School Chess Tmt_2019 @ Shyambazar (Under-18)

Last update 13.01.2019 14:03:41, Creator/Last Upload: A B CHOUDHURY

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1Subhayan Kundu1816IND 51w1 28b1 20w1 10b1 14w1 5b053022,525,519,505
2Rounak Pathak1513IND 52b1 27w1 17b1 7w1 25b½ 3w15,520212320,505
3Atri Chattopadhyay1456IND 53w1 30b1 22w1 14b0 24w1 2b04130222514,504
4Debargha Basu1446IND 54b1 31w1 23b1 15w½ 5b0 43w½41502123,513,503
5Sambarta Banerjee1445IND 55w1 32b1 24w1 40b1 4w1 1w1610212424,006
6Mehendi Sil1419IND 56b1 33w½ 50w1 19b1 15b½ 25w½4,590212417,503
7Vishal Pabari1405IND 57w1 34b1 26w1 2b0 28w1 16b½4,5100212214,254
8Pratyay Chowdhury1394IND 58b1 37w1 25b0 38w1 23b1 20w158018,520,515,505
9AGMBhattacharya Arunava1385IND 59w- 42b0 77w- -0 -0 -0094013,514,50,000
10Aniket Narayan Biswas1367IND 60b1 39w1 41b1 1w0 43b½ 40b03,530021,524,512,503
11Ritam Mukherjee1351IND 61w1 38b1 40w0 44b1 32w0 46b½3,532018,519,58,503
12Abhiraj Nag1314IND 62b1 41w0 56b½ 58b1 42w0 54w13,537016,5199,503
13Biswas Sampurna1292IND 63w1 40b0 58w0 79b1 48w0 80b1353015,5175,503
14Mouhurtik Ray1287IND 64b1 43w1 47b1 3w1 1b0 32w1550202318,005
15Dhritabrata Kundu1280IND 65w+ 44b1 95w1 4b½ 6w½ 53b15701921,515,754
16Akash Gunin1253IND 66b1 47w0 59b1 39w1 49b1 7w½4,5110182015,254
17Ananya Bothra1231IND 67w1 46b1 2w0 50b1 40w0 51b1414021,52411,004
18Srirup Saha1231IND 68b- 73w0 92b- -0 -0 -0099011,512,50,000
19Soumik Guchhait1229IND 69w1 48b½ 42w1 6w0 37b0 95b13,531019,521,511,253
20Arkya Chatterjee1228IND 70b1 49w1 1b0 41w1 95b1 8b04160212313,004
21Kriti Mundhra1210IND 72w1 50b0 62w1 46b½ 53w0 74b13,53601719,510,003
22Anjishnu Sinha1209IND 73b1 59w1 3b0 43w0 55b1 45w14240171911,504
23Souranshu Roy Chaudhuri1200IND 74w1 68b1 4w0 51b1 8w0 50b034401921,59,003
24Mayhul Munshi1195IND 75b1 80w1 5b0 47w1 3b0 49w034302021,58,003
25AIMAayush Bhattacherjee1194IND 76w1 85b1 8w1 33b1 2w½ 6b½5402224,519,504
26Shreya Shree Bansal1180IND 79b1 86w1 7b0 49w0 66b1 47w142801516,59,004
27Moumita De1179IND 77w1 2b0 64w1 53b0 58w0 68b0269018,5194,002
28Urja Goyal1179IND 78b1 1w0 70b1 52w1 7b0 56w142201819,510,504
29Archak Das1152IND 80w- 75w0 78b- -0 -0 -0097012,513,50,000
30Adrija Dawn1146IND 81b1 3w0 72b1 54w½ 56b½ 52w½3,540015,517,59,502
31Tushar Das1139IND 71w1 4b0 68w½ 63b1 46w0 62b13,542015166,753
32Vedika Agarwal1134IND 82b1 5w0 73b1 55w1 11b1 14b0419019,521,510,504
33Mehul Gupta1130IND 83w1 6b½ 48w1 25w0 54b1 42b½417020,521,512,253
34Agradeep Halder1126IND 84b1 7w0 75b1 95w0 73b1 94w0351016,518,57,003
35Sneha Baidya1126IND 85w0 74b½ 63w0 98w½ 81b1 84b136101213,56,502
36Shayan Das1122IND 86b- 79w- -0 -0 -0 -0098012,513,50,000
37Raina Das Gupta1121IND 87w1 8b0 76w½ 74b1 19w1 48b03,535018187,253
38Susovan Dey1114IND 88b1 11w0 80b1 8b0 59w0 75w0272016,5184,002
39Anushka Ray1110IND 89w1 10b0 79w1 16b0 62w½ 76b13,53901617,58,753
40Priyanshu Barua1107IND 90b1 13w1 11b1 5w0 17b1 10w15602022,516,505
41Saurya Sircar1104IND 91w1 12b1 10w0 20b0 72w1 58b1426016,518,511,504
42Sur Roychowdhury1100IND 92b½ 9w1 19b0 68w1 12b1 33w½427016,518,510,253
43Souhardya Majumder1097IND 93w1 14b0 85w1 22b1 10w½ 4b½418019,521,512,753
44Samriddhi Roy1090IND 94b1 15w0 84b1 11w0 75b1 59w½3,5340182010,753
45Samprikta Biswas1084IND 95w0 76b0 71w1 80b1 84w1 22b0359013145,003
46Kaushik Naskar1083IND 96b1 17w0 86b1 21w½ 31b1 11w½42501718,512,003
47Surjo Ghosh1083IND 97w1 16b1 14w0 24b0 96w1 26b0345019219,503
48Madhav Patel1070IND 98b1 19w½ 33b0 92w1 13b1 37w14,512016,518,513,254
49Shankhadeep Maity1068IND 99w1 20b0 89w1 26b1 16w0 24b1420018,51911,004
50Oishanee Biswas1065IND100b1 21w1 6b0 17w0 86b1 23w1423017,5198,504
51Avik Mondal1033IND 1b0 78w1 88b1 23w0 93b1 17w035201617,56,003
52Soumyajit Das1029IND 2w0 77b1 96w1 28b0 85w1 30b½3,533018,5198,753
53Prachi Bhushan1018IND 3b0 81w1 94b1 27w1 21b1 15w04210182011,504
54Sreedeep Guchait1015IND 4w0 71b1 97w1 30b½ 33w0 12b02,563017184,752
55Juhi Parekh1007IND 5b0 82w1 98b1 32b0 22w0 86w1347018,5206,503
56Manosij Malakar1002IND 6w0 83b1 12w½ 76b1 30w½ 28b0349018197,002
57Abhijit Mondal0IND 7b0 84w0 81b0 90w0 83b0 87w1191012120,001
58Amit Bairagya0IND 8w0 87b1 13b1 12w0 27b1 41w0350017,517,55,003
59Anshuman Ganguly0IND 9b+ 22b0 16w0 81w1 38b1 44b½3,538016,518,55,753
60Arka Datta Chaudhuri0IND 10w0 89b0 83w1 85b0 79w1 91b1360013145,003
61Auragni Basak0IND 11b0 88w0 82b0 83w1 80w0 79b0193010,511,51,001
62Avigyan Das0IND 12w0 91b1 21b0 82w1 39b½ 31w02,564016185,752
63Bidisha Karmakar0IND 13b0 90w½ 35b1 31w0 94b0 98w01,58601618,54,251
64Das Debojyoti0FID 14w0 93b1 27b0 84w0 82b1 88w1358013156,003
65Debanjoy Das0IND 15b- 94w0 87b1 86w0 88b0 92w0188013130,001
66Debangshu Chakraborty0IND 16w0 97b0 91w1 89b1 26w0 85b0271016,518,55,002
67Debanjoy Das_10IND 17b0 96w- -0 -0 -0 -0095013140,000
68Debjeet Sen0IND 18w+ 23w0 31b½ 42b0 90w1 27w13,541015,517,56,253
69Disha Saraogi0IND 19b0 98w0 93b0 87w1 99w1 89b0285011,511,51,002
70Gourav Saha Mondal0IND 20w0 99b1 28w0 96b0 89w0 83b1278014,5152,002
71James Patras Hansda0IND 31b0 54w0 45b0 91w0 87b1 81w0189013130,001
72Koushiki Sarkar0IND 21b0100w+ 30w0 88w1 41b0 93w1354015174,003
73Kundan Biswas0IND 22w0 18b1 32w0 97b1 34w0 96b0273016182,002
74Nitin Sarkar0IND 23b0 35w½ 90b1 37w0 92b1 21w02,566015,517,56,502
75Prajukta Paul0IND 24w0 29b1 34w0 99b1 44w0 38b135701414,53,003
76Pranjoli Tambuli0IND 25b0 45w1 37b½ 56w0 98b1 39w02,56201820,57,252
77Pratim Ghosh0IND 27b0 52w0 9b+ 93w0 91b0 82w0192011,5130,001
78Prithwiranjan Ray0IND 28w0 51b0 29w+ 94w0 97b0 99w1279014,5151,002
79Prothoma Dutta0IND 26w0 36b+ 39b0 13w0 60b0 61w1275015,516,51,002
80Rohan Pramanik0IND 29b+ 24b0 38w0 45w0 61b1 13w0280013,514,51,002
81Rupayan Roy0IND 30w0 53b0 57w1 59b0 35w0 71b1276014,515,52,002
82Sandipta Chatterjee0IND 32w0 55b0 61w1 62b0 64w0 77b1281013,5142,002
83Sayak Mitra0IND 33b0 56w0 60b0 61b0 57w1 70w0187013141,001
84Sayan Das0IND 34w0 57b1 44w0 64b1 45b0 35w0274015,516,54,002
85Sharanya Ray0IND 35b1 25w0 43b0 60w1 52b0 66w1346018,520,58,003
86Shreejit Dey0IND 36w+ 26b0 46w0 65b1 50w0 55b0270017,5191,002
87Shreyas Jaiswal0IND 37b0 58w0 65w0 69b0 71w0 57b00100011120,000
88Shubhan Roy0IND 38w0 61b1 51w0 72b0 65w1 64b0284012132,002
89Sohan Karmakar0IND 39b0 60w1 49b0 66w0 70b1 69w1355014,516,57,003
90Somarddha Das0IND 40w0 63b½ 74w0 57b1 68b0 97w12,568014153,752
91Somsekhar Kushari0IND 41b0 62w0 66b0 71b1 77w1 60w0282012,5132,002
92Souhardyo Ray0IND 42w½ 95b0 18w+ 48b0 74w0 65b12,56501617,53,002
93Soumyajit Bhattacharya0IND 43b0 64w0 69w1 77b1 51w0 72b0277014,5153,002
94Souradipta Mukherjee0IND 44w0 65b1 53w0 78b1 63w1 34b1429013,5157,504
95Souvik Mondal0IND 45b1 92w1 15b0 34b1 20w0 19w0348018208,503
96Sristi Sarkar0IND 46w0 67b+ 52b0 70w1 47b0 73w1356014,516,54,003
97Subhajit Saha0IND 47b0 66w1 54b0 73w0 78w1 90b028301213,54,002
98Subhajit Sen0IND 48w0 69b1 55w0 35b½ 76w0 63b12,56701516,55,002
99Sudeshna Chanda0IND 49b0 70w0 -1 75w0 69b0 78b0190012,5143,000
100Suhas Sen Roy0IND 50w0 72b- -0 -0 -0 -0096013140,000

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break5: Greater number of victories/games variable