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Children Open Chess Tournament Hospete Ballari Dist ( U-16 Category ) 13/01/2019 Contact Prakash B cell 9945680284

Posledná aktualizácia 13.01.2019 12:55:43, Creator/Last Upload: Basavaraja M

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Shreesha U A1124IND 36b1 34w1 42w1 50b1 30b1 40w1 66w17102933
2Abuthala0IND 37w1 35b0 47w0 41b1 32w0 13b1 36w0338022,525
3Adarsh K B0IND 38b1 40w0 26b1 12w0 33b1 42w1 30b042102628,5
4Adharsh H0IND 39w0 41b1 27w0 23b½ 46b0 60w½ 56b025702325,5
5Adith Srinivas0IND 40b0 12w0 51b1 32w0 43w1 48b1 49w+431021,522
6Akash B R0IND 41w1 39b0 29w1 47b0 48w1 37b0 32w1427021,524
7Akhil B0IND 42b0 38w0 53b1 33w0 60b0 52w0 16b1262016,517,5
8Albur Adil0IND 43w1 42b0 31b0 34w0 61w0 55b1 39w+34602122
9Amoga R S0IND 44b0 43w1 34b1 35w0 37b0 39w- 48w-25602326
10Anirudh0IND 45w0 51b1 33w1 39b1 49w1 22b1 21w½5,57022,523
11Ankitha T0IND 46b0 53w1 36b0 37w0 62b1 56w1 42b0349019,521
12Arman Jatti0IND 47w½ 5b1 49w1 3b1 58w1 66b0 27w04,51502932,5
13Shiresh0IND 48b0 55w1 38b1 36w0 44b½ 2w0 60b½35101920
14Basava Kirana G K0IND 49w0 61b1 48w1 45b0 39w+ 59b1 35w1514020,523
15Bhargavi M0IND 50b0 56w0 55b1 38w0 63b0 41w+ 43w026101718
16Bibi Aisha Siddiga0IND 51w1 44b0 54w0 48b0 65w0 43b0 7w0168015,516
17Dhanush S0IND 52b½ 66w0 60b½ 70w1 34b0 63w1 46b142602325,5
18Disha Patil0IND 53w1 45b0 56w1 49b0 59w0 54b1 61w143301819,5
19Gopal0IND 54b0 57w+ 59w0 56b- 69b- -0 -0165016,518,5
20Siddarth S0IND 55w1 46b0 65w1 54b1 45w1 27b0 37w1512021,522,5
21Jeevan Kumar K M0IND 56b1 48w1 50b0 42w1 35b1 30w1 10b½5,5602527,5
22Kanakaraju Nekar0IND 57w+ 50w0 70b1 59b1 64w1 10w0 34b042202528
23Karthik V0IND 58b0 60w½ 52b1 4w½ 38b1 46w1 64b151302123
24Kiran Kumar P0IND 59w0 63b1 67w0 65b1 54w1 45b0 70w034402123
25Koti Samarth0IND 60b1 54w1 58b0 44w0 42b0 69w0 63b0258021,523,5
26Koushik K0IND 61w1 49b0 3w0 69b1 67w0 65b1 59w143202123,5
27Kushaal Shastri Mathad0IND 62b1 58w0 4b1 46w1 36b1 20w1 12b16202426
28Lakshmana N0IND 63w1 59b1 44w1 58b½ 66w0 31b½ 45w159025,528,5
29Manikanta0IND 64b0 62w1 6b0 60w1 56b1 58w0 69b1430021,523,5
30ManjunatH S0IND 65w1 67b1 45w1 64b1 1w0 21b0 3w158029,532
31Md Asif N0IND 66b0 68w+ 8w1 67b1 50w1 28w½ 40b04,516027,530
32Moinuddin kasab0IND 67w0 65b0 61w1 5b1 2b1 64w0 6b0339022,525
33Muneer H0IND 68b+ 64w0 10b0 7b1 3w0 61b0 54w1343021,523,5
34Mutthamma H0IND 69w1 1b0 9w0 8b1 17w1 49b1 22w1511023,526
35Naveen0IND 70b1 2w1 64b0 9b1 21w0 50w1 14b0423024,527,5
36Nikhil Singh K N0IND 1w0 69b1 11w1 13b1 27w0 67b0 2b141902729,5
37Nikitha Y V0IND 2b0 70w0 62b1 11b1 9w1 6w1 20b0428021,523,5
38Nirgun S Huddar0IND 3w0 7b1 13w0 15b1 23w0 70b0 62w1350019,521
39Prashanth E T0IND 4b1 6w1 66b0 10w0 14b- 9b- 8b-255025,527,5
40Prathyarthi Kashyap0IND 5w1 3b1 46w1 66b½ 47w1 1b0 31w15,55028,531,5
41Rahul C0IND 6b0 4w0 63b1 2w0 70b- 15b- 65w-164017,519,5
42Rakshitha Prabhu0IND 7w1 8w1 1b0 21b0 25w1 3b0 11w142502426
43Ranjan Kumar Sharma0IND 8b0 9b0 69w0 52w1 5b0 16w1 15b1353015,516,5
44Sahishnu0IND 9w1 16w1 28b0 25b1 13w½ 47b0 67w03,534022,523,5
45Saman Pathan0IND 10b1 18w1 30b0 14w1 20b0 24w1 28b041802932
46Sharan K0IND 11w1 20w1 40b0 27b0 4w1 23b0 17w0335028,530,5
47Shashank Somnath Huggi0IND 12b½ 52w1 2b1 6w1 40b0 44w1 58b04,51702628,5
48Shiva Swaroop H M0IND 13w1 21b0 14b0 16w1 6b0 5w0 9b+340022,523,5
49Shreyans Jain0IND 14b1 26w1 12b0 18w1 10b0 34w0 5b-336027,531,5
50Manasa M Swamy0IND 15w1 22b1 21w1 1w0 31b0 35b0 52w1420026,528
51Madhura0IND 16b0 10w0 5w0 61b0 55w0 62b0 -116701616
52Siddhath K0IND 17w½ 47b0 23w0 43b0 53w1 7b1 50b02,554022,524
53Siri P N0IND 18b0 11b0 7w0 62w0 52b0 -1 55w1263014,515
54Sitaansh M S0IND 19w1 25b0 16b1 20w0 24b0 18w0 33b026001920
55Sourab Bavikatti0IND 20b0 13b0 15w0 63w0 51b1 8w0 53b0166016,517
56Srivaths S Narayan0IND 21w0 15b1 18b0 19w+ 29w0 11b0 4w134502122,5
57Sudhanwa N G Nadig0IND 22b- 19b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0069016,517,5
58Suhas B0IND 23w1 27b1 25w1 28w½ 12b0 29b1 47w15,5402931
59Suveera D S0IND 24b1 28w0 19b1 22w0 18b1 14w0 26b033702426,5
60Swaroop S P0IND 25w0 23b½ 17w½ 29b0 7w1 4b½ 13w½34802022
61Thanushree B0IND 26b0 14w0 32b0 51w1 8b1 33w1 18b0347020,521
62Thejaswini D0IND 27w0 29b0 37w0 53b1 11w0 51w1 38b0259021,522
63Uday C0IND 28b0 24w0 41w0 55b1 15w1 17b0 25w135201819
64Usha0IND 29w1 33b1 35w1 30w0 22b0 32b1 23w0424024,527
65Varun J0IND 30b0 32w1 20b0 24w0 16b1 26w0 41b+34202223
66Vinay B0IND 31w1 17b1 39w1 40w½ 28b1 12w1 1b05,5303033,5
67Vishal V M0IND 32b1 30w0 24b1 31w0 26b1 36w1 44b1510023,526,5
68Wasif Ahmed0IND 33w- 31b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0070016,517,5
69Yariswamy0IND 34b0 36w0 43b1 26w0 19w+ 25b1 29w034102224
70Yashas N0IND 35w0 37b1 22w0 17b0 41w+ 38w1 24b1429021,523,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)