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SCF National Junior HP-I Squad Training T1 2019

Posledná aktualizácia 08.03.2019 16:12:26, Creator/Last Upload: Singapore Chess Federation

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdBodyPor. TB1 
1ACMLee Alexandre Km1161ENG 28w1 17b1 12w½ 15b1 53b½ 21w1 6b0 35w1620
2Gan Wei En Justin1155SGP 29b1 18w½ 6b1 -0 15w1 43b½ 3w½ 4b04,5120
3Kwan Jun Yong David1131SGP 30w1 20b1 15w½ 43b1 4b1 53w0 2b½ 11w½5,550
4Pang Kay Yan Eden1114SGP 31b1 24w1 14b1 -0 3w0 16w0 25b1 2w1590
5Cheng Rong En Nathaniel1113SGP 44w1 21b0 43w0 39b1 25w1 14b½ 15w1 13b04,5130
6ACMTee Geng Kai1112SGP 32w1 35b½ 2w0 44b1 24w1 8b1 1w1 53b05,560
7Chung Ming Kang Darius1108SGP 33b1 40w1 53b0 24w½ 35b0 12w½ 36b1 16w½4,5140
8Amarnani Adityan Vivek1106BRA 34w1 36b1 21w0 -0 27b1 6w0 24b1 19b½4,5150
9Ding Simeng1099SGP 35b0 51w1 34b1 -0 50w1 19b1 13w0 21b½4,5160
10Yen Gideon1086SGP 36w0 38b1 39w1 -0 28b1 18w1 16b1 43b05100
11Sze En Hao Gabriel1059SGP 37b1 53w0 40b1 35w0 45b1 55w1 21b1 3b½5,570
12Vivaan Amarnani1050IND 39w1 50b1 1b½ -0 43w0 7b½ 14w1 40b04230
13Liew Tze Hsien1029SGP 40b0 37w1 41b1 45w1 18b1 35w0 9b1 5w1630
14Oh Xu Jie Dawson1024SGP 41w1 55b1 4w0 -0 48b1 5w½ 12b0 44b14,5170
15Chia Kei-Len1023SGP 42b1 56w1 3b½ 1w0 2b0 33w1 5b0 51w½4240
16Chang Hong Yu Henrison1019SGP 43w½ 54b½ 36w1 55b1 21w0 4b1 10w0 7b½4,5180
17Siddharth Sai1018SGP 45b1 1w0 42b1 -0 55w0 44b1 40w0 25w14250
18Liew Tze Chi1016SGP 46w1 2b½ 35w½ 56b1 13w0 10b0 51w0 36b03380
19Sun Shilian1012SGP 47b1 -0 46w1 -0 52b1 9w0 55b1 8w½4,5190
20Tjoeng Clarisse Giovanna1009SGP 48w1 3w0 45b0 54b1 56w0 40b0 37w1 42b03390
21Kapoor Tanush1004IND 49b1 5w1 8b1 53w0 16b1 1b0 11w0 9w½4,5200
22Advaith Praveen0SGP 50w0 39b0 37w0 26w0 31b1 32b0 29w0 -01530
23Avyay Badrinath0IND 51b½ -0 55w0 -0 46w½ 37b0 -0 47w12480
24Chan Fan Ying Beth0SGP 52w1 4b0 50w1 7b½ 6b0 56w½ 8w0 45b½3,5310
25Chen Yufei0SGP 53b0 41w0 47b1 42w1 5b0 45w1 4w0 17b03400
26Chen Ziyi Claire0SGP 54w½ 43b0 44w0 22b1 33w0 52b½ 50w½ 29b02,5440
27Chew Yi Ern0SGP 55b0 42w0 49b+ 41b1 8w0 48b½ 44w0 52b13,5320
28Haresh Venkata Narayanaswamy0SGP 1b0 -0 38w1 46b1 10w0 42w0 39b1 55w14260
29Hon Mao Xin Angela0SGP 2w0 44b½ 51w½ -0 38b½ 54w0 22b1 26w13,5330
30Kuo Alexander Boxian0SGP 3b0 45w0 52b0 47w1 39b0 34w0 38b1 37w02490
31Kuo Nicholas Huazhen0SGP 4w0 46b0 48w0 38b0 22w0 -0 47b1 41w01540
32Lee Tsuen Jin Aiesec0SGP 6b0 47w1 56b0 48w0 42b0 22w1 45b0 34w13410
33Li Donglin0CHN 7w0 48b1 54w½ -0 26b1 15b0 52w1 46b½4270
34Loh Alfred Zheng Yi0SGP 8b0 49w1 9w0 50b0 40w0 30b1 48w0 32b02500
35Medhansh Bhatia0IND 9w1 6w½ 18b½ 11b1 7w1 13b1 53w½ 1b05,580
36Neev Malhotra0SGP 10b1 8w0 16b0 -0 41w1 50b1 7w0 18w14280
37Neo Han Zer Max0SGP 11w0 13b0 22b1 52w0 51b0 23w1 20b0 30b13420
38Neo Wei Long Marius0SGP 56b0 10w0 28b0 31w1 29w½ 46b0 30w0 39w12,5450
39Ng Cheng-En Sheldon0SGP 12b0 22w1 10b0 5w0 30w1 51b0 28w0 38b02510
40Ng Jing Xuan Alyssa0SGP 13w1 7b0 11w0 -0 34b1 20w1 17b1 12w15110
41Ong Sze Ning Gelise0SGP 14b0 25b1 13w0 27w0 36b0 47w0 -0 31b12520
42Ong Sze Qing Giselle0SGP 15w0 27b1 17w0 25b0 32w1 28b1 -0 20w14290
43Peh Yew Kee0SGP 16b½ 26w1 5b1 3w0 12b1 2w½ 56b1 10w1640
44Phua Yan Thern0SGP 5b0 29w½ 26b1 6w0 54b1 17w0 27b1 14w03,5340
45Rice Leah0SGP 17w0 30b1 20w1 13b0 11w0 25b0 32w1 24w½3,5350
46Rishikesh Siddharth0SGP 18b0 31w1 19b0 28w0 23b½ 38w1 54b1 33w½4300
47Soong Yao Wei Xavier0SGP 19w0 32b0 25w0 30b0 -0 41b1 31w0 23b01550
48Sreekarthika Velmurugan0IND 20b0 33w0 31b1 32b1 14w0 27w½ 34b1 56w14,5210
49Tan Kai Rui0SGP 21w0 34b0 27w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00560
50Tan Li Xin Alyssa0SGP 22b1 12w0 24b0 34w1 9b0 36w0 26b½ 54w13,5360
51Teah Jared0SGP 23w½ 9b0 29b½ -0 37w1 39w1 18b1 15b½4,5220
52Tham Ding Rong0SGP 24b0 -0 30w1 37b1 19w0 26w½ 33b0 27w02,5460
53Wong Yen-Hsiu Elliot0SGP 25w1 11b1 7w1 21b1 1w½ 3b1 35b½ 6w1710
54Yap Bao Rui Edric0SGP 26b½ 16w½ 33b½ 20w0 44w0 29b1 46w0 50b02,5470
55Yap Jie Jun Oliver0SGP 27w1 14w0 23b1 16w0 17b1 11b0 19w0 28b03430
56Yu Kaiyi0SGP 38w1 15b0 32w1 18w0 20b1 24b½ 43w0 48b03,5370

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)