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Fases prèvies Girona Camp Catalunya d'Edats Sub-12

Posledná aktualizácia 02.02.2019 19:48:03, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Salgado Allaria

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.Meno1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Moles Benali Joan 22w1 10b1 7w½ 14b1 2w½ 6b1 4b0 15w163528 ...37
2Vila i Bague Arnau 23b1 13w1 5b1 4w1 1b½ 15w1 7w1 3b17,51733 ...35,5
3Campos Hernandez Guillem 24w1 14b½ 8w1 6b½ 15w0 16b1 9w1 2w0510424 ...34,5
4Valle Luis Leo 25b1 15w1 9b1 2b0 7w1 37b1 1w1 5w172730 ...37,5
5Romero Kovina Daniel 26w1 16b1 2w0 7b0 41w1 32b1 37w1 4b056523 ...36,5
6Barraca Borozenets Enric 27b½ 12w1 39b1 3w½ 21b1 1w0 15b0 32w0421323 ...32
7Fernandez Syropyatova Daniel 28w+ 21w1 1b½ 5w1 4b0 14w1 2b0 8b15,54526 ...39,5
8Sanllehi Vico Albert 29b1 40w1 3b0 21w0 31b1 25w½ 39b1 7w04,513421,5 ...30
9Compte Auge Lluis 30w1 42b1 4w0 26b1 37w0 36b1 3b0 34w157523 ...34
10Canaleta Sauri Sandra 31b1 1w0 29b0 32w0 20b- -0 23w- 42b013917 ...27
11Guell I Bau Oriol -0 -0 25b0 31w0 19b0 33w0 12w0 -114001 ...25,5
12Jurado Coderch Eulalia -0 6b0 28w0 -1 35b0 19w0 11b1 23w133228 ...22,5
13Ma Jiayang 34w1 2b0 14w0 36b0 30w0 42b1 22w1 40b0328312 ...34,5
14Rodriguez Carreras David 36b1 3w½ 13b1 1w0 16w1 7b0 21b1 29w½511423 ...32
15Castilla Crego Roger 37w1 4b0 30w+ 27w1 3b1 2b0 6w1 1b055524 ...37
16Villalba Pons Guillem 38b+ 5w0 32b1 29w1 14b0 3w0 25b1 30b0417420 ...34,5
17Feuzeu Gonzalez Asier -0 -0 31b0 35w0 23b- -0 -0 -004200 ...20,5
18Serrat de la Torre Arnau 39w0 30b0 33w½ 42b½ 22w0 23b1 40w0 19b133129,5 ...26
19Audet Furque Santino 40b0 29w0 -0 -0 11w1 12b1 31b0 18w023727 ...23
20Diaz Font Eudald -0 34b1 37w0 41b0 10w+ 39w0 35b1 31w1420414 ...24,5
21Blanch Gimenez David 41w1 7b0 42w1 8b1 6w0 34b½ 14w0 37b14,514420,5 ...29
22Bague Quintana Roc 1b0 31w1 -0 -0 18b1 30w0 13b0 35w1329312 ...29,5
23Rossello Subira Miquel 2w0 37b0 34w- -0 17w+ 18w0 10b+ 12b023826 ...25,5
24Pibernat Lazaro Aniol 3b0 32w0 35b1 34w½ -0 -0 41b+ 33w13,525311,5 ...28
25Sunyer Fossa Guillem 4w0 41b0 11w1 33b1 29w1 8b½ 16w0 39w14,515417,5 ...28,5
26Pallares Mayoral Oriol 5b0 36w1 40b1 9w0 32b0 31w1 30b0 27w1418417 ...33
27Gallardo Rosas Oriol 6w½ 39b½ 41w1 15b0 36w0 40b1 32w0 26b0330216 ...30
28Molina Rafel Gabriel 7b- -0 12b1 40w0 33b1 35w1 34w0 36b0326313 ...27
29Ravina Corenstein Dante 8w0 19b1 10w1 16b0 25b0 41w1 36w0 14b½3,524316,5 ...28
30Ferrer Gimenez Arnau 9b0 18w1 15b- -0 13b1 22b1 26w1 16w159517 ...28
31Ros Grau Biel 10w0 22b0 17w1 11b1 8w0 26b0 19w1 20b0327313 ...25
32Costa Dangla Pere -0 24b1 16w0 10b1 26w1 5w0 27b1 6b158519 ...28
33Poch Prieto Pau -0 -0 18b½ 25w0 28w0 11b1 42w1 24b02,53328 ...26
34Mencion Seguranyes Oriol 13b0 20w0 23b+ 24b½ 40w1 21w½ 28b1 9b0422316 ...28,5
35Buenacasa Acosta Julia -0 -0 24w0 17b1 12w1 28b0 20w0 22b023629 ...27,5
36Padrosa Siper Arnau 14w0 26b0 -1 13w1 27b1 9w0 29b1 28w1512418 ...27,5
37Xifra Tome Biel 15b0 23w1 20b1 39w1 9b1 4w0 5b0 21w0416422 ...33,5
38Batalle Maso Iscle 16w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -004100 ...21
39Carrasco Taberner Laia 18b1 27w½ 6w0 37b0 42w1 20b1 8w0 25b03,523317,5 ...27
40Serra Cruz Oriol 19w1 8b0 26w0 28b1 34b0 27w0 18b1 13w1419415 ...25
41Pastor Rico Nerea 21b0 25w1 27b0 20w1 5b0 29b0 24w- -0235212 ...28
42Zambrano Masegur Lluc -1 9w0 21b0 18w½ 39b0 13w0 33b0 10w12,534110,5 ...26

Tie Break1: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break (fine)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)