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Cupa "CSU Ploiesti" - editia a XXXVa - 12-13Ianuarie 2019, Ploiesti

Posledná aktualizácia 13.01.2019 13:03:05, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 36)

Search for player Hladaj

Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IIPopescu Alexandru-Mihai1372ROU 22b1 16w1 6b0 2w0 28b1 26w14920,5014
2IIMihalea Maria-Ioana1347ROU 23w1 15b1 7w½ 1b1 5w½ 3b04724017
3IIAnghel Rares-Mihai1241ROU 24b1 18w1 8b1 6w½ 4b½ 2w15224,5018,5
4IIMilitaru Mihai-Gabriel1161ROU 25w1 17b1 11w1 5b0 3w½ 9b03,51626016
5IIRosu Mihai-Radu1092ROU 26b1 20w1 35b1 4w1 2b½ 6w04,5522019
6IIPislaru Victor1084ROU 27w1 19b1 1w1 3b½ 7w1 5b15,5123019,5
7IIBurlacu Andrei-Valentin1075ROU 28b1 34w1 2b½ 8w1 6b0 17b14,5424,5017
8IVMilitaru Cristian-Andrei1067ROU 29w1 21b1 3w0 7b0 27w1 31b141217014
9IVCioara Nicolae-Cristian1092ROU 30b½ 10w½ 31w1 19b½ 13b1 4w14,5618,5014
10IVUngureanu Stefan-Radu1076ROU 31w0 9b½ 30w0 32b1 21b1 16w13,5171408,5
11IVMihalea Pavel-Teodor1046ROU 32b1 43w1 4b0 20w1 18b0 30w141316,5015
12IVAldea Florin-Alexandru1037ROU 33w1 31b0 23w1 27b1 17w0 34b032219013
13IVConstantin-Ciuntu Darius-Mihai1028ROU 34b0 32w1 25b0 39w+ 9w0 27b132516,509
14IVBostiog Cristina-Adriana1026ROU 35w0 29b1 27w0 36b0 38w0 41b123710,506
15IIGheorghe Raisa-Maria1012ROU 36b1 2w0 28b1 25w1 33b1 18w04822015
16IVBarbieru Dragos-Gabriel1010ROU 37w1 1b0 33w0 29b1 31w0 10b023118,509
17ICioara Maria1005ROU 38b1 4w0 34b1 35w1 12b1 7w041019,5015
18IVBadea Andrei-Mihai1001ROU 39w1 3b0 37w1 31b1 11w1 15b15321,5016
19IVMihalea Pavel-Tudor1001ROU 40b1 6w0 39b1 9w½ 30b½ 33w031921012,5
20FCBerezoiu Luca-Bogdan1001ROU 41w1 5b0 42w1 11b0 34w0 36b132416,5011
21FCConstantinoiu Alexandru Ioan1001ROU 42b1 8w0 43b½ 33b0 10w0 28w01,53817,508
22FCDumitrescu Rares-Stefan1001ROU 1w0 33b0 32w1 37b0 29w1 38b132813,507
23FCFurtuna Mircea-Gabriel1001ROU 2b0 36w1 12b0 34w0 40w1 37b023317,517
24FCGuta Ionut-Florin1001ROU 3w0 37b0 36w0 41b1 42w½ 29b12,5301305
25FCIancu Cezar-Stefan1001ROU 4b0 38w1 13w1 15b0 36w1 35b141516,5012
26FCNica Matei1001ROU 5w0 39b0 41w1 40b1 37w1 1b032616,509
27FCOlteanu Luca-Ioan1001ROU 6b0 40w1 14b1 12w0 8b0 13w023218,509
28FCPatilea Teodora-Maria1001ROU 7w0 41b1 15w0 42b1 1w0 21b13271609
29FCRadu Alexandru (C.)1001ROU 8b0 14w0 38b1 16w0 22b0 24w01411504
30FCRadu Antonia1001ROU 9w½ 35b0 10b1 43w1 19w½ 11b032020011
31FCSamoil Teodor1001ROU 10b1 12w1 9b0 18w0 16b1 8w031822013
32FCSamoil Victoria1001ROU 11w0 13b0 22b0 10w0 41w0 40b004315,500
33FCToader Matei-Cristian1001ROU 12b0 22w1 16b1 21w1 15w0 19b141416,5013
34FCToma Alexia-Gabriela1001ROU 13w1 7b0 17w0 23b1 20b1 12w141119012
35FCVasile-Basarabeanu Stefan1001ROU 14b1 30w1 5w0 17b0 43b1 25w032119,5013
36FCVoica Tudor1001ROU 15w0 23b0 24b1 14w1 25b0 20w023417,507
37Constantin Tiberiu1001ROU 16b0 24w1 18b0 22w1 26b0 23w132317,509
38Cristoiu Stefan1001ROU 17w0 25b0 29w0 -1 14b1 22w02351505
39Fratila Radu1001ROU 18b0 26w1 19w0 13b- -0 -014018,505
40Joenel Irina1001ROU 19w0 27b0 -1 26w0 23b0 32w123611,505
41Panaitescu Mihai1001ROU 20b0 28w0 26b0 24w0 32b1 14w014213,502
42Popescu David1001ROU 21w0 -1 20b0 28w0 24b½ 43w01,5391406
43Stoica Teodor1001ROU -1 11b0 21w½ 30b0 35w0 42b12,5291509

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break