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XXIVe Obert d'Escacs d'Igualada i l'ANoia (209099)

Last update 02.03.2019 20:09:28, Creator/Last Upload: Bernat Matinez Gutierrez

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Busom Isach CarlosESP 22w1 13b1 17w0 21b1 5w1 2b½ 3b½ 8w1633629,539,5
2Vilella Bertran JoanESP 23b1 14w1 12b1 3w0 8b½ 1w½ 4b1 6w1623629,540
3Pla Almenar NelESP 24w1 16b+ 39b1 2b1 17w1 6b1 1w½ 20w½71373141
4De Paz Sanmartin Jose AngelESP 25b1 18w½ 20b½ 27w1 12b½ 8w0 2w0 21b14,51433,527,536,5
5Pons Martos JosepESP 26w1 17b0 19w1 13b+ 1b0 24w0 25b1 18w158342837,5
6Soidan Parcerisas ManelESP 27b0 45w+ 23w1 18w1 10b1 3w0 13b1 2b05113225,535
7Hernando Rodrigo InmaculadaESP -0 33w- 42w½ 38b1 30w0 46b1 32w+ 31w14,5152621,528
8Clotet Torrelles RamonESP 29w1 19b½ 27w1 17b½ 2w½ 4b1 12w1 1b05,5635,529,538,5
9Pla Carulla JoaquimESP 31b1 20w½ 18b½ 39w½ 32b1 12w0 19b½ 24w151032,526,536
10Prat Rabell Josep M.ESP 32w1 27b0 24w1 22b½ 6w0 14b½ 26b0 44w1424282330,5
11Martinez Ferrer AlbertESP 33b1 -0 26w1 20w½ -0 32b1 22w1 12b½59332734,5
12Olle Baeza PereESP 36w1 47b1 2w0 30b1 4w½ 9b1 8b0 11w½5734,528,537
13Marimon Torrens JordiESP 37b1 1w0 28b1 5w- 23w1 30b1 6w0 17b041733,527,536
14Llacuna Fabregat Josep MariaESP 38w1 2b0 33w½ 19b0 42w1 10w½ 45b1 26b042328,522,530
15Algarte Cortes Serafin RamonESP 39b0 34w1 30b0 35w1 24b0 26w0 42w1 23b033131,526,534,5
16Soler Massana RamonESP 40w1 3w- 32b½ 31w½ 28b- 27b½ -0 46b13,530272229,5
17Creixell Bermudo RobertESP 41b1 5w1 1b1 8w½ 3b0 20w0 31b1 13w15,5536,53037
18Rosich Guberna PascualESP 42w1 4b½ 9w½ 6b0 26w1 28b0 30w1 5b0418322735
19Diaz Soro Josep LluisESP 43b1 8w½ 5b0 14w1 39b½ 31w½ 9w½ 28b15123125,533
20Torralbas Guma GuillemESP 44w1 9b½ 4w½ 11b½ 22w1 17b1 28w1 3b½643528,537,5
21Sole Balaguer Josep M.ESP 45b1 39w0 44b1 1w0 31b0 35w½ 34b1 4w03,528312533,5
22Arcas Rodriguez JordiESP 1b0 35w+ 47w1 10w½ 20b0 39w1 11b0 35w½41634,528,537,5
23Torres Palau JordiESP 2w0 36b1 6b0 44w1 13b0 45w0 47b1 15w1425272129,5
24Vilalta Carrera AntoniESP 3b0 37w1 10b0 45w1 15w1 5b1 -0 9b04193225,534,5
25Mateu Vives MarcelESP 4w0 -0 31b0 41w1 44b1 47b1 5w0 39b033326,52227
26Clanchet Olle JosepESP 5b0 41w1 11b0 46w1 18b0 15b1 10w1 14w1513292329,5
27Luco Perez BernatESP 6w1 10w1 8b0 4b0 -0 16w½ 35b0 32w02,5373327,536,5
28Llorens Rubio JoanESP -0 38b1 13w0 36b1 16w+ 18w1 20b0 19w0421302432
29Llacuna Roca JosepESP 8b0 43w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00472216,523
30Laso Llorente YolandaESP -0 40b1 15w1 12w0 7b1 13w0 18b0 45w142229,524,532
31Soteras Figueras JordiESP 9w0 42b½ 25w1 16b½ 21w1 19b½ 17w0 7b03,52732,52735,5
32Febrero Perez LluisESP 10b0 46w+ 16w½ 33b1 9w0 11w0 7b- 27b13,529302431,5
33Roma Alsina JaumeESP 11w0 7b+ 14b½ 32w0 35b0 42b0 46w0 43b+2,539282229,5
34Mestre Costas JordiESP -0 15b0 40w1 42b½ -0 37w1 21w0 -02,5412419,526,5
35Morales Rubiella AlbertESP -0 22b- 43w1 15b0 33w1 21b½ 27w1 22b½42623,51925
36Suner Olmo AntoniESP 12b0 23w0 41b1 28w0 -0 40b0 43w1 47w0243241924,5
37Davila Cos PedroESP 13w0 24b0 45w0 43b1 46w½ 34b0 38w0 41b12,5422419,524,5
38Fillat Domenech JuanESP 14b0 28w0 46b0 7w0 41b1 44w0 37b1 40w0244241924,5
39Pinyol I Llora JuliaESP 15w1 21b1 3w0 9b½ 19w½ 22b0 -0 25w142031,52534,5
40Claramunt Junjent MariaESP 16b0 30w0 34b0 -1 47w0 36w1 44b0 38b133623,518,525,5
41Martinez Marcos ErikESP 17w0 26b0 36w0 25b0 38w0 43b0 -1 37w01462317,523,5
42Serarols Montes JoanESP 18b0 31w½ 7b½ 34w½ 14b0 33w1 15b0 -02,540272228,5
43Ariza Rivera Juan JoseESP 19w0 29b- 35b0 37w0 45b0 41w1 36b0 33w-14524,519,525
44Giralt PĂ©rez DavidESP 20b0 -1 21w0 23b0 25w0 38b1 40w1 10b033426,520,528,5
45Martinez Gila RamonESP 21w0 6b- 37b1 24b0 43w1 23b1 14w0 30b03322722,529
46Morales Gesti Jose NarcisoESP -0 32b- 38w1 26b0 37b½ 7w0 33b1 16w02,538282329,5
47Quintana Palau SantiagoESP -1 12w0 22b0 -0 40b1 25w0 23w0 36b1335262128,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)