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Boksburg Open Section B

Last update 19.01.2019 19:00:43, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 95)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Tshabalala Tshepo1406RSA 36b1 20w1 15b1 19w1 62b0450416
2Kwata Lehlohonolo1385RSA 37w½ 48b1 66w1 23b1 57b14,530413,5
3Venter Jude1363RSA 38b1 24w1 16b½ 12w0 71b02,5310216
4Wallace Amy1321RSA 39w1 21b1 19w0 20b0 37w13190313,5
5Coetzer Daniel1317RSA 40b1 25w0 36b1 22w½ 23b13,5150310
6Vergottini Ryan1313RSA 41w1 23b½ 70w1 16b½ 18w03270213,5
7Malekane Tumelo1285RSA 42b1 26w1 25b1 57w½ 12b14,520414
8Potgieter Edward1282RSA 43w1 29b0 35w1 21b1 16w1470413,5
9Weideman Kayleigh1277RSA 45b1 28w1 29b1 62w0 19b1440417
10Tetani Sihle1273RSA 46w0 52b1 38w1 24b1 20w03200313
11Agre Shraddha1270RSA 47b½ 71w1 12b0 34w1 22b02,5330215
12Singh Nimai1260RSA 48w½ 37b1 11w1 3b1 7w03,5130314,5
13Levitan Judah1244RSA 49b1 32w1 62b0 29w0 31b13170315
14Davidow Tadan1231RSA 50w1 31b1 57w0 25b1 29w03220312,5
15Brandt Declan William1220RSA 51b1 33w1 1w0 32b1 64b03180314
16Wallace Aiden1180RSA 52w1 46b1 3w½ 6w½ 8b03280213
17Kushar Tristan1171RSA 53b1 62w0 42b1 71w0 32b½2,5300216
18Aldum Rocco1159RSA 54w1 57b0 39w1 46b1 6b14100412
19Mpete Jacob Ranko Oup1154RSA 64b1 44w1 4b1 1b0 9w03160316,5
20Jones William1153RSA 55w1 1b0 40w1 4w1 10b1480412,5
21Macdonald Brandon1146RSA 56b1 4w0 45b1 8w0 35b+3210313
22Boshoma Chifundo1140RSA 57w0 54b1 41w1 5b½ 11w13,5140313
23Jones Edward1136RSA 58b1 6w½ 47b1 2w0 5w02,5350213,5
24Bester Keira1125RSA 59w1 3b0 43w1 10w0 40b1326039,5
25Barnes Jock1121RSA 60b+ 5b1 7w0 14w0 42b02410216
26Nkabinde Nqobile1100RSA 61w1 7b0 46w0 70b1 38w-2440213,5
27Msiza Aurelie Sakhile1087RSA 62b0 47w0 58b1 43w1 56b13230311
28Terblanche Fred1058RSA 63w1 9b0 50w1 -0 -02470212
29Bezuidenhout Lian1052RSA 65b1 8w1 9w0 13b1 14b1460414,5
30Monteiro Erich1048RSA 66w½ 70b0 48w½ 50b1 46w13290211
31Nash Keagan1048RSA 67b1 14w0 71b0 44w1 13w02460213
32Swart Divan1045RSA 68w1 13b0 44b1 15w0 17w½2,5380211
33Pretorius Mariques996RSA 69b+ 15b0 64w0 48b½ 54w12,5360213,5
34Watts Liam967RSA 70w½ 66b0 52w1 11b0 39w12,5390210,5
35Mgcina Nontando960RSA 71b0 53w1 8b0 45w1 21w-2430214,5
36Janse Van Rensburg Natasha933RSA 1w0 55b1 5w0 54b0 66w01590113
37Olivier Nico924RSA 2b½ 12w0 49b1 47w1 4b02,5340214
38Singh Pragna881RSA 3w0 59b1 10b0 49w1 26b+3250310
39Mogorosi Gosego874RSA 4b0 56w1 18b0 68w½ 34b01,5570112,5
40Pienaar Schalk871RSA 5w0 60b+ 20b0 55b1 24w02450213
41Mkhize Mbali867RSA 6b0 58w1 22b0 56w0 51b-1620111,5
42Haak Joshua864RSA 7w0 61b1 17w0 59b1 25w13240311
43Khwalo Siphozinhle The854RSA 8b0 65w1 24b0 27b0 52w-1600112,5
44Nickols Corneil849RSA -1 19b0 32w0 31b0 55w12550110,5
45Pretorius Dylan845RSA 9w0 63b1 21w0 35b0 59w12510210
46Oberholzer Ethan829RSA 10b1 16w0 26b1 18w0 30b02420215,5
47Swart Wian820RSA 11w½ 27b1 23w0 37b0 70w01,5560113
48Hansrajh Jitrakorn772RSA 12b½ 2w0 30b½ 33w½ 68b12,5400114
49Ntumba Mbali766RSA 13w0 68b1 37w0 38b0 67w-1630111
50Oosthuizen Johann718RSA 14b0 67w1 28b0 30w0 61b+2480211,5
51Venter Ray711RSA 15w0 64b0 59w0 61b1 41w+2500210,5
52Rossouw Meegan665RSA 16b0 10w0 34b0 65w1 43b+2520210
53Scheepers Ruan638RSA 17w0 35b0 61w0 63b1 -0166018,5
54Labuscagne Jacob621RSA 18b0 22w0 65b1 36w1 33b02490211
55Makweya Refentse549RSA 20b0 36w0 67b1 40w0 44b0165019,5
56Hawkins Gareth519RSA 21w0 39b0 63w1 41b1 27w0253028,5
57Ntombela Lwazi500RSA 22b1 18w1 14b1 7b½ 2w03,5120319,5
58Bouwer Calvin0RSA 23w0 41b0 27w0 67b0 63w1167018,5
59Jugga Akshay0RSA 24b0 38w0 51b1 42w0 45b01610112
60Legeoale Thato0RSA 25w- 40w- -0 -0 -00690010
61Makopane Tshidiso0RSA 26b0 42w0 53b1 51w0 50w-1640110,5
62Makosa Tapiwa0RSA 27w1 17b1 13w1 9b1 1w1510516,5
63Maritz Christelle0RSA 28b0 45w0 56b0 53w0 58b0071009,5
64Monaheng Boiky0RSA 19w0 51w1 33b1 66b1 15w1490412
65Moropane Tebogo0RSA 29w0 43b0 54w0 52b0 -1168009
66Myagkov Rostyslav0RSA 30b½ 34w1 2b0 64w0 36b12,5320215
67Ndlovu Shiluva0RSA 31w0 50b0 55w0 58w1 49b+254026,5
68Roseler Tatiana0RSA 32b0 49w0 -1 39b½ 48w01,558009
69Sakhile Zulu0RSA 33w- -0 -0 -0 -00700010
70Skeepers Tarrin0RSA 34b½ 30w1 6b0 26w0 47b12,5370212,5
71Van Heerden Branden0RSA 35w1 11b0 31w1 17b1 3w14110412

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)