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Reykjavik Chess Congress 2019 Skákþing Reykjavíkur 2019

Last update 03.02.2019 18:28:47, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2 
1GMGretarsson Hjorvar Steinn2560ISL 33b1 18w1 10b½ 16w1 8b1 6w1 4b1 2w½ 7b1814851,5
2IMKjartansson Gudmundur2424ISL 31w1 28b1 9b½ 13w1 3b1 17w1 1b½ 4w17,5245,550
3FMKjartansson David2403ISL 34w1 15b1 10w1 4b1 2w0 6b0 5w½ 21b16747,552
4FMBjornsson Sigurbjorn2296ISL 35b1 21w1 11b1 8w1 3w0 12b1 1w0 14b1 2b0665054,5
5Omarsson Dadi2252ISL 36w1 19b½ 21w1 17b½ 16w1 3b½ 6b½6943,548
6FMStefansson Vignir Vatnar2248ISL 46b1 19w1 7b1 9w1 1b0 3w1 12b½ 5w½6,534852
7Olafsson Thorvardur2199ISL 37b1 25w1 12b½ 6w0 31b1 9w1 13b1 8w½ 1w06846,550
8WGMPtacnikova Lenka2187ISL 38w1 22b1 13w1 4b0 1w0 24b1 20w1 7b½ 12w05,5124751,5
9Ingvason Johann2175ISL 39b1 27w1 14b1 2w½ 6b0 7b0 19w1 11w1 18b05,51148,552,5
10Bergsson Stefan2172ISL 40w1 24b1 1w½ 3b0 22w0 35b1 26w15,5154347
11Fridjonsson Julius2159ISL 41b1 29w1 4w0 22b1 17w0 28b½ 63w1 9b0 38w15,51839,543
12Viglundsson Bjorgvin2092ISL 42w1 26b1 7w½ 18b1 4w0 15b1 6w½ 8b16,544650
13Birkisson Bjorn Holm2078ISL 43b1 32w1 8b0 23w1 2b0 25w1 7w0 24b1 17w½5,5144448,5
14Jonsson Gauti Pall2070ISL 44w1 63b1 9w0 24b½ 27w1 23b1 4w0 32b161040,544
15Petursson Gudni2045ISL 45b1 3w0 32b1 27w½ 35b½ 43w1 12w0 30b1 19w½5,5174145
16Kristinsson Ogmundur1988ISL 46w½ 53b1 30w1 1b0 20w1 5b0 32w0 31b½4,5274246
17Briem Stephan1987ISL 47b1 29w1 11b1 5w½ 2b0 21w½ 13b½5,5134448,5
18Ragnarsson Johann1984ISL 48w1 1b0 34w1 26b1 12w0 29b½ 28w1 22b1 9w16,554346
19Haraldsson Haraldur1969ISL 49b1 5w½ 6b0 36w½ 33b1 32w1 9b0 23w1 15b½5,51641,545
20Baldursson Haraldur1944ISL 61w½ 43b1 45w1 16b0 35w1 8b0 38b½ 22w½52437,541,5
21Baldvinsson Loftur1925ISL 50w1 4b0 42w1 5b0 36w1 29b1 17b½ 3w05194144,5
22Valtysson Thor1901ISL 51b1 8w0 54b1 11w0 36b½ 37w1 10b1 18w0 20b½52338,541
23Briem Benedikt1868ISL 52w1 13b0 38w1 30b1 14w0 19b0 37w15213941
24Haraldsson Sigurjon1824ISL 54b1 10w0 59b1 14w½ 8w0 33b1 13w0 30b152238,541
25Jonsson Olafur Gisli1806ISL 55w1 7b0 45w0 44b1 39w1 13b0 35w½ 63b½ -043936,539
26Eliasson Kristjan Orn1791ISL 57b1 12w0 61b1 18w0 43b0 41w½ 49b1 59w1 10b04,52938,541
27Finnsson Johann Arnar1761ISL 58w1 9b0 55w1 15b½ 30w½ 14b0 38w0 42b1 63w152535,538
28Einarsson Oskar Long1743ISL 59b1 2w0 38b½ 61w1 11w½ 18b0 31w½ 36b½4,52642,546
29Heidarsson Arnar1740ISL 60w1 11b0 63w1 17b0 45b1 18w½ 21w0 37b½ 61w½4,5313840,5
30Fridthjofsdottir Sigurl. Regina1710ISL 61b½ 56w1 16b0 37w1 27b½ 23w0 41b1 15w0 24w04383738,5
31Thorsson Pall1706ISL 2b0 51w1 48b1 7w0 63b0 40w1 28b½ 16w½4,53237,540
32Fridthjofsson Sigurjon Thor1699ISL 62w1 13b0 15w0 47b1 59w1 19b0 61w1 16b1 14w052039,542
33Gardarsson Hordur1667ISL 1w0 45b0 50w1 54b1 19w0 46b1 24w0 43b½ 47w03,5483941,5
34Vignisson Ingvar Egill1660ISL 3b0 47w1 18b0 59w- 63w0 58w1 52b1 36w½ 45b½4423638
35Jonatansson Sigurdur Freyr1658ISL 4w0 48b½ 53w1 46b1 15w½ 20b0 25b½ 10w0 50w14,5303841
36Briem Hedinn1617ISL 5b0 49w1 19b½ 22w½ 21b0 47w1 34b½ 28w½4,52839,543
37Valdimarsson Johann1577ISL 7w0 50b1 30b0 48w1 22b0 55w+ 29w½ 23b04403639
38Haile Batel Goitom1549ISL 8b0 51w½ 56b1 28w½ 23b0 45w1 27b1 20w½ 11b04,5333738,5
39Gudmundsson Thordur1548ISL 9w0 52b1 25b0 49w½ 59b½ 45w½ 46w½4433436
40Sigurvaldason Hjalmar1528ISL 10b0 54w0 49b½ 62w1 31b0 44w½ 48b14463032,5
41Ponzi Tomas1527ISL 11w0 55b0 52w1 63b½ 51w1 26b½ 30w0 61b0 58w144729,531,5
42Bjarnason Larus H1519ISL 12b0 57w1 21b0 61w0 50b1 59w0 51b1 27w0 55b14443335,5
43Alexandersson Orn1512ISL 13w0 60b1 20w0 55b1 26w1 15b0 -0 33w½ 59b-3,5493638,5
44Jonsson Kristjan Dagur1455ISL 14b0 59w0 57b1 25w0 54w1 61b0 -0 40b½ 62w13,55131,534
45Thorisson Benedikt1363ISL 15w0 33w1 25b1 20b0 29w0 38b0 54w1 39b½ 34w½4413638,5
46Olafsson Arni1301ISL 16b½ 6w0 58b1 35w0 49b½ 33w0 48b½ 51w1 39b½4453234,5
47Sigfusson Ottar Orn Bergmann1275ISL 17w0 34b0 60w1 32w0 58b1 36b0 55w1 33b14,5363234,5
48Valsson Arnar1249ISL 18b0 35w½ 62b1 31w0 37b0 55w- 46w½ 54b+ 40w035433,536
49Skarphedinsson Ingvar Wu1247ISL 19w0 36b0 40w½ 53b1 46w½ 39b½ 26w0 50b0 56b13,5503435,5
50Moller Tomas1226ISL 21b0 37w0 33b0 56w1 42w0 57b1 49w1 35b03,55229,531
51Thorisson Bjartur1202ISL 22w0 38b½ 31b0 62w1 41b0 57w1 42w0 46b0 53b02,55832,535
52Helgadottir Idunn1201ISL 23b0 39w0 41b0 56w1 34w0 58b0 57b02622930,5
53Omarsson Adam1168ISL 16w0 35b0 49w0 62b- -1 -0 60b1 51w13,5532931
54Sharifa Rayan1164ISL 24w0 40b1 22w0 33w0 44b0 60b+ 45b0 48w- 60w-2613234,5
55Helgadottir Asthildur1065ISL 25b0 41w1 27b0 43w0 48b+ 37b- 47b0 42w02,55734,537,5
56Kristbergsson Bjorgvin1058ISL 30b0 38w0 50b0 52b0 60w0 -1 49w02632728,5
57Berndsen Soffia Arndis1042ISL 26w0 42b0 44w0 60b1 51b0 50w0 62b0 52w12,5602729
58Thoroddsen Anna Katarina1025ISL 27b0 46w0 47w0 34b0 -1 52w1 41b035531,533,5
59Gudmundsson Bjarni Thor0ISL 28w0 44b1 24w0 34b+ 32b0 42b1 39w½ 26b0 43w+4,53534,538
60Ofeigsson Daniel Freyr0ISL 29b0 43w0 47b0 57w0 -1 54w- 56b1 53w0 54b+35627,529
61Sigurdsson Elvar Mar0ISL 30w½ 20b½ 26w0 42b1 28b0 44w1 32b0 41w1 29b½4,53435,539,5
62Omarsson Josef0ISL 32b0 48w0 51b0 53w+ 40b0 -0 57w1 44b02,55928,531
63Sverrisson Kristjan Th0ISL -1 14w0 29b0 41w½ 34b1 31w1 11b0 25w½ 27b043738,542,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)