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Chess Shoots Children Chess Tournament - 2019 Under 9

Posledná aktualizácia 13.01.2019 14:45:51, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Shoots

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Sathvik Adiga1176IND 40w1 36b1 26w1 14b1 60w1 7b0 57w162029,530
2Abhay Hippargi1160IND 41b1 37w1 34b1 7w0 50b1 5w1 58b16302932
3Yadvithi M H1125IND 42w1 38b1 60w0 48b1 52w0 47b1 26w½4,519023,525,5
4Adithya D1108IND 43b1 47w1 58b0 37w1 53b1 63w1 74b164026,528,5
5Shreesuday Behera1080IND 44w1 48b1 70w1 58b1 14w1 2b0 7w055032,533,5
6Karthik G Iyer1026IND 45b1 49w1 61b1 78w0 57b0 50w1 70b151002731
7Chinmay Kowshik1022IND 46w1 50b1 72w1 2b1 78b1 1w1 5b17103033
8Aanika Anjan MA0IND 47b0 43w1 39b1 41w1 63b0 49w0 50b0347023,525,5
9Abhay Chetty0IND 48w0 18b1 38w1 50b0 37w½ 66b1 78w03,53902730
10Adrutha Barghava0IND 49b0 45w0 55b0 33w1 39w0 35b0 66w0171023,525,5
11Advik Goel0IND 50w0 42b0 44w1 39b1 38w1 48b0 47w143202122
12Ahaan Ashwin Kumar0IND 51b0 53w0 59b1 45w0 43b1 41w0 39b026102325
13Anagha A Krishna0IND 52w0 44b1 41w0 42b0 46w1 37b0 38w026402021
14Anandhi P0IND 53b1 51w1 67b1 1w0 5b0 55w1 49b151202629
15Aprameya A0IND 54w1 52b1 78w0 70b0 41b1 51w1 63b042202629
16Arhan Otswal0IND 55b1 58w0 45b1 49w0 51b0 59w1 53b0345024,527,5
17Arnav Kandapor0IND 56w+ 60b0 42w1 52b0 47w0 36b0 46w026202123
18Arunkarthik0IND 57b½ 9w0 77b1 27w1 61b½ 53w1 72b1515023,526,5
19Atharv S Pavan0IND 58w0 46b0 62w1 47b0 44w1 38b1 54w143601920
20Ayush HV0IND 59b1 61w0 47b1 53w0 45b0 69w1 51b0348022,525
21Ayush Mandal0IND 60w0 54b0 73w1 46b1 42w1 61b½ 37w03,540021,523,5
22Balaram R Mysore0IND 61b0 55w1 49b0 51w0 59b0 71w1 69b+35302021
23Bhavin Krishna0IND 62w1 70b0 46w1 54b1 58w0 67b1 48w0427023,525,5
24Bhoomika Singh0IND 63b0 59w1 51b1 61w½ 70w½ 54b1 52w1514024,527,5
25Darsh Upamanyu0IND 64w+ 72b0 48w0 55w0 69b0 27b- 33b-17302022
26Darsha Bhat0IND 65b1 63w1 1b0 67w1 72b1 58w0 3b½4,516028,531,5
27Dayaa Malolan Chetlur0IND 66w½ 78b0 68w1 18b0 67b0 25w+ 77w13,541021,523
28Devesh0IND 67b0 65w0 71b0 68b0 62w0 40b1 44w1269012,513
29Dhanyatha H0IND 68w1 74b0 50w0 65b1 48w0 42b1 67w143002324,5
30Diganth NM0IND 69b0 71w1 53b0 75w1 55b0 65w0 59b0265019,520,5
31Drutija R0IND 70w0 62b1 52w0 69b1 54w0 76b0 42w135501921
32Gagan Gowda0IND 71b1 67w0 63b0 77w0 75b0 73w0 43b017501920
33Gautam Pramod PM0IND 72w0 68b½ 66w0 10b0 65w0 62b1 25w+2,560016,517,5
34Gnaneshwar0IND 73b1 69w1 2w0 74b0 76w1 72w0 65b034402527,5
35Hari K Annamalai0IND 74w0 73b1 54w0 76b- 71b1 10w1 75b1437018,519,5
36Hemanth Gowda0IND 75b1 1w0 65b1 63w0 77b0 17w1 55b142602425,5
37Jagadi Shreyank. Manojkumar0IND 76w1 2b0 69w1 4b0 9b½ 13w1 21b14,518024,526,5
38Jaivik Joyce0IND 77b1 3w0 9b0 71w1 11b0 19w0 13b135102122
39Kartaveerya Reddy M0IND 78w0 75b1 8w0 11w0 10b1 44b1 12w143801819
40Kashvi A0IND 1b0 77w0 76b0 59w0 73b0 28w0 -117402020
41KRIANSH0IND 2w0 76b+ 13b1 8b0 15w0 12b1 76w1434020,522,5
42Krishna Aravind0IND 3b0 11w1 17b0 13w1 21b0 29w0 31b026302122,5
43Mahanth Sai0IND 4w0 8b0 75w0 62b1 12w0 46b0 32w126601920
44Mishika Mehta0IND 5b0 13w0 11b0 73w1 19b0 39w0 28b017202224
45Mukund BR0IND 6w0 10b1 16w0 12b1 20w1 77b1 -043302122
46Naman Raj0IND 7b0 19w1 23b0 21w0 13b0 43w1 17b1349022,524
47Panchaanan Visudh S V0IND 8w1 4b0 20w0 19w1 17b1 3w0 11b0346024,526
48Pranav P Shenoy0IND 9b1 5w0 25b1 3w0 29b1 11w1 23b151302526,5
49Raghav Venkatesh Iyengar0IND 10w1 6b0 22w1 16b1 74w0 8b1 14w0429023,524,5
50Ruthvik Bhat0IND 11b1 7w0 29b1 9w1 2w0 6b0 8w1420029,532,5
51Sahishnu P Rao0IND 12w1 14b0 24w0 22b1 16w1 15b0 20w1431022,524,5
52SAMAHIT PRADEEP KUMAR GOSHETTY0IND 13b1 15w0 31b1 17w1 3b1 74w0 24b0428023,525
53Samahith Rao0IND 14w0 12b1 30w1 20b1 4w0 18b0 16w142502426
54Samanvitha Vijayeendra Baregar0IND 15b0 21w1 35b1 23w0 31b1 24w0 19b034302528
55Samarth M0IND 16w0 22b0 10w1 25b1 30w1 14b0 36w035601819
56Samarth Teotia0IND 17b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0077016,517,5
57Sampat J M0IND 18w½ 66b1 74w1 60b½ 6w1 78b1 1b05603033,5
58Samvit Bhaskeracharya0IND 19b1 16b1 4w1 5w0 23b1 26b1 2w057029,532,5
59Sankalp Kashyap0IND 20w0 24b0 12w0 40b1 22w1 16b0 30w1358017,518
60Sarang Shankar0IND 21b1 17w1 3b1 57w½ 1b0 70w0 61w½421027,529
61Sarthak Sharma0IND 22w1 20b1 6w0 24b½ 18w½ 21w½ 60b½423025,528
62Savya0IND 23b0 31w0 19b0 43w0 28b1 33w0 71b126801718
63Shriyaans Venkatachalam0IND 24w1 26b0 32w1 36b1 8w1 4b0 15w1511026,527,5
64Siddharth Teotia0IND 25b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0078016,517,5
65Sinchana Anand0IND 26w0 28b1 36w0 29w0 33b1 30b1 34w1435019,521,5
66Sinchita P Choudri0IND 27b½ 57w0 33b1 72b0 68w1 9w0 10b13,54201920
67Skanda M R0IND 28w1 32b1 14w0 26b0 27w1 23w0 29b0350022,523,5
68Srijan Karthikeyan0IND 29b0 33w½ 27b0 28w1 66b0 75w0 73b01,570018,520,5
69Sriram0IND 30w1 34b0 37b0 31w0 25w1 20b0 22w-267018,520
70Tanishka Jain0IND 31b1 23w1 5b0 15w1 24b½ 60b1 6w04,51702730
71Tanush V Simha0IND 32w0 30b0 28w1 38b0 35w0 22b0 62w017601617
72Tejas S0IND 33b1 25w1 7b0 66w1 26w0 34b1 18w042402526,5
73Udgeeth0IND 34w0 35w0 21b0 44b0 40w1 32b1 68w1359014,515
74Varun R Kodancha0IND 35b1 29w1 57b0 34w1 49b1 52b1 4w059027,530,5
75Vihaan Vinay0IND 36w0 39w0 43b1 30b0 32w1 68b1 35w035701819
76Shriniketh S0IND 37b0 41w- 40w1 35w+ 34b0 31w1 41b035402020,5
77Vivaan sachdev0IND 38w0 40b1 18w0 32b1 36w1 45w0 27b0352020,521
78Yajur Shikaram0IND 39b1 27w1 15b1 6b1 7w0 57w0 9b158028,531,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)