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Chess Shoots Children Chess Tournament - 2019 Under 11

Posledná aktualizácia 13.01.2019 14:45:43, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Shoots

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Konečná tabuľka po 7 kolách

Por.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Nishanth S Gowda1101IND 77w1 30b1 25w1 7b1 5w1 6b1 3w½6,503032,5
2Pratham Singh1100IND 52w1 51b1 24w1 6b½ 8w1 4w½ 18b1602831
3WCMShefali A N1117IND 19b1 15w1 14b1 17w1 4b0 23w1 1b½5,5030,534,5
4Anagha K G R1122IND 35w1 42b1 8w½ 39b1 3w1 2b½ 5w½5,503033,5
5Abhinav Ram Bommakanti1168IND 68b1 32w1 10b1 9w1 1b0 26w1 4b½5,503032
6Chinmaya Vyas Vyasojwala1176IND 60b1 70w1 26b1 2w½ 10b1 1w0 17b15,5028,530,5
7Sujan Bharadwaj S1085IND 36b1 28w1 23b1 1w0 9b1 17w½ 19b15,502832
8Vaishnavi R Rao1009IND 37b1 49w1 4b½ 63w1 2b0 40w1 31b15,502628,5
9VEDANT KSHIRSAGAR0IND 20w1 12b1 13w1 5b0 7w0 50b1 25w15029,532,5
10Aditya N Nairy0IND 80w1 40b1 5w0 15b1 6w0 48b1 24w1502628
11Aarush Rajesh1082IND 46w1 81b1 17b0 27w1 28b1 18w½ 13b½502528
12Aditi Mallya0IND 58b1 9w0 36b1 32w1 23b0 27w1 28b1502527,5
13Avantika Banujit Narayan1100IND 27b1 64w1 9b0 19w½ 63b1 24b1 11w½502527,5
14Adya Premkumar0IND 48w1 47b1 3w0 24b0 35w1 53b1 23w1502426,5
15Rishikesh K M0IND 65w1 3b0 50w1 10w0 73b1 29b1 33w1502425,5
16Danish K0IND 23b0 66w1 64b1 33w1 18b0 43w1 26b15022,525
17Yashas Kumar0IND 85b+ 50b1 11w1 3b0 20w1 7b½ 6w04,502932
18Sanikommu Manasvi1174IND 59w1 25b0 52w1 21b1 16w1 11b½ 2w04,5027,530,5
19Medhvansh Madeti0IND 3w0 65b1 78w1 13b½ 41w1 39b1 7w04,502527
20Avyukth H0IND 9b0 58w1 72b1 34w1 17b0 21w½ 40b14,5023,525
21Hariharan Shanmugam1059IND 38b1 63w½ 44b1 18w0 40w½ 20b½ 41w14,502325,5
22Ashmit Anand1036IND 51w0 77b½ 47w1 41b0 45w1 42b1 39w14,502022,5
23Vibhav Anand0IND 16w1 55b1 7w0 25b1 12w1 3b0 14b0403033
24Shraavani Adiga0IND 74b1 33w1 2b0 14w1 56b1 13w0 10b0402830
25Ashrith K P0IND 57b1 18w1 1b0 23w0 49b1 34w1 9b0402729
26Abhinav V0IND 72w1 53b1 6w0 30b1 48w1 5b0 16w04025,527
27Nachiketh Vaasishta0IND 13w0 54b1 29w1 11b0 69w1 12b0 51w1402527,5
28Samith S Gowda0IND 71w1 7b0 42w1 69b1 11w0 54b1 12w04024,526,5
29Aadhya Ranjit0IND 32b0 45w1 27b0 36w1 68b1 15w0 44b1402426
30Diti Radhakrishna0IND 31b1 1w0 49b1 26w0 34b0 66w1 57b1402426
31Avyaya Kumara Bhat1252IND 30w0 35b1 39w0 46b1 60w1 56b1 8w04023,526,5
32Ranganayaki Venkatramanan0IND 29w1 5b0 55w1 12b0 50w0 61b1 56w14023,526,5
33Amey Anand1007IND 79w1 24b0 46w1 16b0 59w1 52b1 15b04023,525
34Yuvam Loonkar0IND 61w1 39b0 59w1 20b0 30w1 25b0 52w1402225
35Krishnamanohar0IND 4b0 31w0 57b1 78w1 14b0 74w1 49b14021,523,5
36Nikhita Hegde0IND 7w0 71b1 12w0 29b0 75w1 69b1 48w14021,523
37Pranav Datta Gidugu0IND 8w0 73b1 69w0 55b1 43b0 68w1 54w14019,521
38Param S Kumar0IND 21w0 69b0 65w1 54b0 80w1 55b1 50w14018,520,5
39Vennela Kapalavoi0IND 45b½ 34w1 31b1 4w0 44b1 19w0 22b03,502629,5
40VEDANSH CHOWHAN0IND 56b1 10w0 68b1 70w1 21b½ 8b0 20w03,5024,526,5
41Svasti K0IND 84b+ 44w½ 63b0 22w1 19b0 64w1 21b03,5022,525
42Dhruva Kashyap0IND 78b1 4w0 28b0 64w½ 71b1 22w0 63w13,502123
43Aneesh Adiga0IND 53w0 79b1 51w1 48b0 37w1 16b0 47w½3,502122,5
44Adithya Komandur0IND 75w1 41b½ 21w0 45b1 39w0 63b1 29w03,502122,5
45C Sujan Chud0IND 39w½ 29b0 77w1 44w0 22b0 79b1 53w13,502122,5
46Niroop H S0IND 11b0 74w1 33b0 31w0 78b½ 67w1 64b13,502022
47Virat0IND 76b1 14w0 22b0 68w0 72b1 70w1 43b½3,5018,520
48sashthick0IND 14b0 85w+ 61w1 43w1 26b0 10w0 36b03024,527
49Sritha0IND 73w1 8b0 30w0 61b1 25w0 59b1 35w03023,525
50Aryan Saraf0IND 83b1 17w0 15b0 72w1 32b1 9w0 38b03023,524
51Pranav Ankit Mardia0IND 22b1 2w0 43b0 71b1 54w0 73w1 27b0302324,5
52Nikhil Rao0IND 2b0 82w1 18b0 67w1 74b1 33w0 34b0302324
53Spoorthi Kiran0IND 43b1 26w0 60b1 56w0 70b1 14w0 45b0302224
54Adhiva Ranjit0IND 64b0 27w0 58b1 38w1 51b1 28w0 37b03021,524
55Ananya T H0IND 66b1 23w0 32b0 37w0 58b1 38w0 68b1302123
56Atharva K0IND 40w0 75b1 80w1 53b1 24w0 31w0 32b03020,522
57Vaishnavi Singh0IND 25w0 59b0 35w0 -1 81b+ 60b1 30w0302021,5
58Samarth Venkatesh S0IND 12w0 20b0 54w0 65b1 55w0 76b1 69w+302021,5
59Harsh Anand0IND 18b0 57w1 34b0 62w1 33b0 49w0 70b13019,521,5
60Drishtee Ghosh0IND 6w0 62b1 53w0 80b1 31b0 57w0 74b13018,520,5
61Dishant S0IND 34b0 83w1 48b0 49w0 62b1 32w0 71b13017,518
62Tharun M0IND 70b0 60w0 -1 59b0 61w0 81b+ 73b13014,516
63Sharan Sarathy0IND 69w1 21b½ 41w1 8b0 13w0 44w0 42b02,502527,5
64Sahith BM0IND 54w1 13b0 16w0 42b½ 77w1 41b0 46w02,502325,5
65Aavyukth R0IND 15b0 19w0 38b0 58w0 82b1 72w1 66b½2,502021
66Shreyas Subrmanya0IND 55w0 16b0 71w0 76w1 83b1 30b0 65w½2,501818,5
67Manan Dhanesha0IND -0 68w0 76b1 52b0 79w½ 46b0 82w+2,5015,517
68Hitesh Sai V0IND 5w0 67b1 40w0 47b1 29w0 37b0 55w02023,526
69Agastya AK0IND 63b0 38w1 37b1 28w0 27b0 36w0 58b-202325,5
70Arya Prasad K0IND 62w1 6b0 81w1 40b0 53w0 47b0 59w02021,523,5
71Advik Murthy0IND 28b0 36w0 66b1 51w0 42w0 75b1 61w0202021,5
72S Seshadri0IND 26b0 84w+ 20w0 50b0 47w0 65b0 83w1202020,5
73Arun Karthik B P0IND 49b0 37w0 83b1 81w+ 15w0 51b0 62w02019,520
74Amarthya Gupta0IND 24w0 46b0 75w1 79b1 52w0 35b0 60w0201920,5
75Sai Varchas0IND 44b0 56w0 74b0 83w1 36b0 71w0 -12015,516
76Dhanushree VM0IND 47w0 80b0 67w0 66b0 -1 58w0 79b12014,515,5
77Mohnish Saravanan0IND 1b0 22w½ 45b0 82w1 64b0 78w- -01,5022,523,5
78Vishnu R0IND 42w0 -1 19b0 35b0 46w½ 77b- -01,502123,5
79Ramnath p shanbhag0IND 33b0 43w0 82b1 74w0 67b½ 45w0 76w01,501718
80Samik Rajaram0IND 10b0 76w1 56b0 60w0 38b0 82w- -01019,521
81Rayan fahad0IND 82b1 11w0 70b0 73b- 57w- 62w- -0101819
82Aarav A Koundinya0IND 81w0 52b0 79w0 77b0 65w0 80b+ 67b-1014,515
83Thanmay Promod0IND 50w0 61b0 73w0 75b0 66w0 -1 72b0101313,5
84Aryamega0IND 41w- 72b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Disha Bhat0IND 17w- 48b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)