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PCMC 6th Sunday Rapid Chess Tournament. Dt.13th Jan. 2019 (OPEN GROUP)

Posledná aktualizácia 13.01.2019 13:45:38, Creator/Last Upload: bsnaiksportsfoundation

Search for player Hladaj

Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1Gupta R S2234IND 48w1 28b1 21w½ 16b1 91w1 3b0 2w0 62b15,5130413823,253
2Karmarkar Lalit1885IND 35b1 29w1 18b1 12w0 32w1 20b0 1b1 56w1680363328,003
3Patil Jitendra1875IND 49w1 32b1 22w1 61b1 12b1 1w1 10w½ 8b½720,540,53834,753
4Tamhankar Siddhant1647IND 50b1 31w1 19b½ 23w0 18b- 80b- -0 -02,574038,53513,251
5Joshi Girish1636IND 51w1 57b1 26w1 91b½ 21w1 10b0 14w1 23b16,540373527,752
6Karmarkar Prakash1636IND 52b1 33w0 62b1 36w0 56b0 69w1 29b1 32w15280312920,003
7Parle Milind1635IND 53w1 61b0 16w0 69b1 54w1 32b1 50w1 22b0522035,533,519,502
8Barahate Vaibhav1581IND 54b1 38w1 23b½ 19w1 82b½ 78w1 13b1 3w½6,5304238,533,752
9Suryawanshi Satyajeet1568IND 55w1 70b1 61w0 21b0 58w1 38b1 52w0 50b0444031,53113,002
10Burli Pranav1529IND 56b1 40w1 27b1 82w½ 23b1 5w1 3b½ 20w1710,5433937,503
11Chandorkar Prasad1529IND 57w- 54w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0086022210,000
12Pandhare Swapnil1489IND 58b1 66w1 33b1 2b1 3w0 82w0 56b0 35w04390393617,503
13Muchandikar Shrikant1442IND 59w+ 76w1 82b0 33w1 29b1 61b1 8w0 52b169035,532,521,003
14Gupta Saurabh1424IND 60b1 82w0 66b1 50w1 36b1 86w1 5b0 16w05200383520,503
15Baone Abhinav1420IND 61w0 55b1 63w1 38b1 70w½ 21b0 80w1 91b04,536030,53014,752
16Lamkane Om1400IND 62b½ 80w1 7b1 1w0 81w1 70b1 91w1 14b16,55036,533,529,253
17Tyagi Raghubar1382IND 63w1 81b1 91w0 54b1 61w0 72b1 78b1 82w16703733,526,004
18Pise Prashant1360IND 64b+ 84b1 2w0 70b0 4w+ 23w0 51b1 36w1526032,529,513,002
19Malayil Shamkumar1297IND 65w1 87b1 4w½ 8b0 80w1 91b0 70w1 21b15,516032,53016,752
20Khengare Umesh1284IND 66b0 56w1 68b1 52w1 72b1 2w1 82b1 10b066038,536,528,003
21Sawant Sarvesh1283IND 67w+ 86w1 1b½ 9w1 5b0 15w1 23b0 19w04,52903935,515,250
22Pandit Mithilesh1265IND 68b1 90w1 3b0 60w1 78b0 36w1 86b1 7w161003230,520,002
23Sinha Soham1227IND 69w1 89b1 8w½ 4b1 10w0 18b1 21w1 5w05,5140383621,753
24Jagadish M1218IND 70b- 58w1 69b1 72w0 60b1 50w0 63b1 78w04450312912,503
25Patil Sanskruti1218IND 71w1 91b0 70w0 73b1 63w1 77b1 61w0 83b½4,5330343116,752
26Lalitaditaayyanar1183IND 72b1 92w1 5b0 78w0 66b1 52w0 60b1 86w1523034,532,519,003
27Warudkar Ishan1099IND 73w1 93b1 10w0 81b0 68w1 83b0 54w1 72b0449030,528,512,001
28Rao Aaryan1095IND 74b1 1w0 76b1 88w1 86b0 56w0 66b½ 89w14,537030,52814,752
29Rajhans Shashikant1080IND 75w+ 2b0 71w1 84b1 13w0 81b½ 6w0 70b03,554035329,251
30Munot Nikhilkumar1073IND 76b- 59b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0087022210,000
31Ghamande Kaustubh1054IND 77w1 4b0 72w0 71b1 74w1 84b1 83w1 61b½5,5150333021,752
32Shinde Om1028IND 78b+ 3w0 74b1 92w1 2b0 7w0 76b1 6b0441034,532,513,502
33Gore Komal1013IND 79w1 6b1 12w0 13b0 77w0 68b1 72w0 60b1447030,528,513,003
34Patil Yuvraj Manoj1010IND 80b½ 88w½ 78b0 66w0 62b0 55w1 69b1 63w½3,560025,5259,001
35Alkari Advay0IND 2w0 63b0 53w1 76b1 83w0 71b1 74w1 12b1527031,528,517,503
36Amit Kumar0IND 81w0 65b1 73w1 6b1 14w0 22b0 77w1 18b0442033,53112,002
37Bachhav Shreyash0IND 82b0 60w0 56b0 43b0 53w0 -1 73w½ 68b12,576024,523,57,501
38Belhekar Atharva0IND 83w1 8b0 79b1 15w0 85b1 9w0 89b½ 84w14,53503128,515,752
39Bhalgat Aarav0IND 84b- 69b- 55w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0088022210,000
40Bhangaokar Deepak0IND 85w1 10b0 81w0 77b0 57w1 73b1 84w½ 80b+4,5380292713,251
41Bhosale Yashwant0IND 86b0 67w+ 84w0 80w- 69w- -0 -0 -0182025230,000
42Borole Ved0IND 87w0 71b0 65w1 79b1 84w0 74b0 92w1 76b+452022,520,58,501
43Bothara Tanishq0IND 88b½ 62w0 80b0 37w1 92b½ 76w0 71b0 69w0280023215,250
44Chaudhari Adityaraj0IND 89w0 73b0 77w0 53b1 71w0 49b1 87w1 74b145102623,512,503
45Chaudhari Chirayu0IND 90b0 68w0 58b0 65w+ 73w0 53b0 57w+ 85w028101917,52,000
46Chougule Neminath0IND 91w0 77b1 86w0 83b0 76w0 57b1 90w1 88b145002725,511,003
47Danane Yuvraj0IND 92b- 79b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0089022210,000
48Gadekar Sachin0IND 1b0 72w- 83w0 75b- 75b- -0 -0 -0084024230,000
49Gowda Nimish0IND 3b0 74w0 75b+ 68w0 89b0 44w0 55b1 90b137302423,53,002
50Haidary Abdul Hakim0IND 4w0 83b1 87w1 14b0 88w1 24b1 7b0 9w1525032,53018,502
51Hajare Neeraj0IND 5b0 75w1 88b0 74w0 90b1 79w1 18w0 77b0367027,5265,001
52Hendre Aditya0IND 6w0 85b1 89w1 20b0 87w1 26b1 9b1 13w052403431,518,503
53Jadhav Tanvi0IND 7b0 78w0 35b0 44w0 37b1 45w1 79b½ 92w13,559027268,501
54Jadhavar Shubham0IND 8w0 11b+ 90b1 17w0 7b0 85w1 27b0 93w1446030,5298,001
55Joshi Meghana0IND 9b0 15w0 39b+ 87b0 79w0 34b0 49w0 57w0183024220,000
56Joshi Ankit0IND 10w0 20b0 37w1 89b1 6w1 28b1 12w1 2b05190383619,502
57Joshi Shripad0IND 11b+ 5w0 92b0 85w0 40b0 46w0 45b- 55b1278025,5251,001
58Karche Prathmesh0IND 12w0 24b0 45w1 93b1 9b0 89w0 85b1 71w0369025,524,58,002
59Kawdi Satish0IND 13b- 30w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0090022210,000
60Khandelwal Avni0IND 14w0 37b1 93w1 22b0 24w0 87b1 26w0 33w0363031298,502
61Khombare Vishal0IND 15b1 7w1 9b1 3w0 17b1 13w0 25b1 31w½5,5120423826,754
62Kolhe Sagar0IND 16w½ 43b1 6w0 86b0 34w1 92b1 81w1 1w04,534032,530,514,752
63Kulkarni Suraj0IND 17b0 35w1 15b0 90w1 25b0 93w1 24w0 34b½3,557031,53011,750
64Kulkarni Suraj0IND 18w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0091022210,000
65Kumar Aditya0IND 19b0 36w0 42b0 45b- 93w- 90w- -0 -0085023220,000
66Kumbhar Dhondiram0IND 20w1 12b0 14w0 34b1 26w0 88b1 28w½ 81b+4,53203431,518,252
67Lalidingliana Billy0IND 21b- 41b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0092022210,000
68Maydev Poonam0IND 22w0 45b1 20w0 49b1 27b0 33w0 93b0 37w0277027,526,55,002
69Mhetre Sunil0IND 23b0 39w+ 24w0 7w0 41b+ 6b0 34w0 43b1364031293,001
70Mohite Chaitanya0IND 24w+ 9w0 25b1 18w1 15b½ 16w0 19b0 29w14,530035,532,519,251
71Mor Dhiren0IND 25b0 42w1 29b0 31w0 44b1 35w0 43w1 58b1448030,528,513,002
72Nalawade Pradip0IND 26w0 48b+ 31b1 24b1 20w0 17w0 33b1 27w15210383517,503
73Patil Shree0IND 27b0 44w1 36b0 25w0 45b1 40w0 37b½ 79w½368026258,751
74Pawar Mangesh0IND 28w0 49b1 32w0 51b1 31b0 42w1 35b0 44w0362031,52910,002
75Rohitkumar0IND 29b- 51b0 49w- 48w- 48w- -0 -0 -0093021200,000
76Ronanki Suryaprasad0IND 30w+ 13b0 28w0 35w0 46b1 43b1 32w0 42w-361032306,002
77Sarasambi Amaey0IND 31b0 46w0 44b1 40w1 33b1 25w0 36b0 51w14430333015,502
78Sasane Ganesh0IND 32w- 53b1 34w1 26b1 22w1 8b0 17w0 24b1518039,53622,003
79Sheth Parv0IND 33b0 47w+ 38w0 42w0 55b1 51b0 53w½ 73b½37102524,54,251
80Shingavi Darshan0IND 34w½ 16b0 43w1 41b+ 19b0 4w+ 15b0 40w-3,556033,531,57,250
81Shivkumar Shyam0IND 36b1 17w0 40b1 27w1 16b0 29w½ 62b0 66w-3,553036,533,514,252
82Shrivastava Alok0IND 37w1 14b1 13w1 10b½ 8w½ 12b1 20w0 17b05170424024,252
83Surwade Sagar0IND 38b0 50w0 48b1 46w1 35b1 27w1 31b0 25w½4,531035,532,515,252
84Suryawanshi Aryan0IND 39w+ 18w0 41b1 29w0 42b1 31w0 40b½ 38b03,558031287,252
85Talikote Akash0IND 40b0 52w0 -1 57b1 38w0 54b0 58w0 45b1370025,524,58,002
86Tallu Amrish0IND 41w1 21b0 46b1 62w1 28w1 14b0 22w0 26b04400363314,001
87Tambade Amrut0IND 42b1 19w0 50b0 55w1 52b0 60w0 44b0 -1365028,5289,001
88Tergaonkar Dhruta0IND 43w½ 34b½ 51w1 28b0 50b0 66w0 -1 46w0366028,526,59,750
89Udgir A K0IND 44b1 23w0 52b0 56w0 49w1 58b1 38w½ 28b03,55503431,512,252
90Waghmode Shubham0IND 45w1 22b0 54w0 63b0 51w0 65b+ 46b0 49w0279025,524,52,000
91Zanwar Keshav0IND 46b1 25w1 17b1 5w½ 1b0 19w1 16b0 15w15,5110433927,752
92Zid Neo0IND 47w+ 26b0 57w1 32b0 43w½ 62w0 42b0 53b02,575027,525,53,000
93katurde Rahul0IND -1 27w0 60b0 58w0 65b+ 63b0 68w1 54b0372025236,000

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break5: The greater number of victories (variable)