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Torneo Ciudad de Soacha Mayores 12-13 Enero

Last update 12.01.2019 23:35:59, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Chacon Contreras Juan Fernando1958BOG 17w1 58b1 25w1 10b1 3w1 4b½5,5022,521
2IMRivera Alberto2331FID 56w1 27b½ 15w1 7b1 24w1 10b15,5021,519,5
3Pineda Jose A1961BOG 40b1 48w1 33b1 11w1 1b0 13w1502219,5
4FMValle Efrain2131BOG 55w1 26b1 22w1 23b1 1w½502119
5Molina Rafael1955BOG 70b1 33w0 57b1 55w1 32b1 14w1501514
6Borbon Oscar1989BOG 45b1 37w1 24b0 34w1 9b½ 27w14,5020,517,5
7Guerra Alvaro1912BOG 60b1 38w1 22b½ 2w0 47b1 23w14,502018
8WFMSalcedo Diana2012BOG 75b1 26w½ 12b0 16w1 28b1 24w14,5019,518,5
9CMSuaza Yesid Rodrigo1949BOG 72w1 25b0 56w1 12b1 6w½ 22w14,501817,5
10WFMSalcedo Jackeline1984BOG 57b1 32w1 28b1 1w0 19b1 2w04023,521,5
11Prada Diogenes1990BOG 61w1 30b1 18w1 3b0 13w0 36b14021,519,5
12Villareal Oscar1906BOG 53b1 8w1 9w0 39b½ 26w1402118,5
13Zambrano Ramirez Juan Andres1833COL 50b1 22w0 48b1 33w1 11b1 3b04020,518
14Salles Leandro Luiz Krause De1974BRA 41w1 34b0 27w1 35b1 36w1 5b04020,517,5
15Sanchez Alejandro0BOG 35w1 20w1 2b0 32w0 55b1 49b1402018
16Sandoval Edilson0BOG 36w1 18b0 43w1 8b0 57b1 34w14019,517,5
17Bahamon Alvaro0CUN 1b0 76w+ 63w1 37w1 22b0 32w1401917
18Ramirez Perez Jose Alexis1862BOG 69b1 16w1 11b0 19w0 40b1 38w14018,518
19Gonzaga Luis0COL 68w1 18b1 10w0 35b14018,517
20Piraquive Alberto1910CUN 67w1 15b0 61w1 36b0 29b1 39w1401715,5
21Mojica Danny1647BOG 22b0 29w0 69b1 71w+ 63w1 37w14014,514
22Rojas Diaz James Ivan2033CUN 21w1 13b1 7w½ 4b0 17w1 9b03,502521,5
23Castellanos Johan1969BOG 29b1 47w1 34w1 24b½ 4w0 7b03,502219,5
24Gutierrez Osorio Manuel Angel1861VEN 74w1 52b1 6w1 23w½ 2b0 8b03,5021,520,5
25Paladines Pinzon Samuel1199BOG 62b1 9w1 1b0 28w½ 27b0 50w13,5021,519,5
26Contreras Henry Esteban1808BOG 42w1 8b½ 4w0 51b1 49w1 12b03,5021,519
27CMLopez Ramirez David Santiago1837CUN 73w1 2w½ 14b0 52b1 25w1 6b03,502120
28Marulanda Carlos Andres1870BOG 65w1 51b1 10w0 25b½ 8w0 48b13,501917
29Murcia Manuel0COL 23w0 21b1 30w½ 67b1 20w0 53b13,5018,517
30Guerrero Hernando1780BOG 44b1 11w0 29b½ 47w0 59b1 54w13,5017,515,5
31Martinez Camilo0COL 52w0 56b0 75b1 58w1 50b½ 47w13,501211
32Vargas Diaz David Alejandro1699BOG 71w1 10b0 42w1 15b1 5w0 17b03022,519,5
33Gonzalez Cely Carlos0CUN 63w1 5b1 3w0 13b0 37b0 55w1302119
34Acero Cristian Camilo1623BOG 66w1 14w1 23b0 6b0 44w1 16b03020,519
35Longas Edgar1640BOG 15b0 60w1 38b1 14w0 42b1 19w0302018
Lopez Ramirez Daniel Giovanny1616CUN 16b0 65w1 59b1 20w1 14b0 11w0302018
37Villarraga Yedixon1773BOG 64w1 6b0 41w1 17b0 33w1 21b03019,517,5
38Rodriguez V Janeth0CUN 68w1 7b0 35w0 61b1 43w1 18b0301816,5
39Cabiativa Juan Esteban1371BOG 51w0 73b1 46w1 49b½ 12w½ 20b0301716
40Arias Pascual0CUN 3w0 66b1 49w0 64b1 18w0 63b1301715,5
41Araque Pedro0BOG 14b0 45w1 37b0 59w0 66b1 64w13015,514
42Neira Jorge0CUN 26b0 62w1 32b0 56b1 35w0 58w1301513,5
43Bastidas Aponte Victor Alberto1430CUN 55b0 69w1 16b0 60w1 38b0 59w13013,513
44Otalora Jorge0CUN 30w0 61b0 72b1 62w1 34b0 56w1301312,5
45Prada Herman0BOG 6w0 41b0 60b0 69w1 70b1 57w1301312,5
46Torres Juan Nicolas0BOG 47b0 70w1 39b0 57w0 60b1 62w13012,511,5
47Ascanio Lugo Juan Pablo1464NS 46w1 23b0 52w½ 30b1 7w0 31b02,5020,518
48Chavarro Luis0BOG 49w1 3b0 13w0 68b½ 51w1 28w02,501917,5
49Estrada Henry1945BOG 48b0 54w1 40b1 39w½ 26b0 15w02,5018,516
50Acosta Jaime1654BOG 13w0 67b½ 51w½ 65b1 31w½ 25b02,501715,5
51Velandia Nilson0BOG 39b1 28w0 50b½ 26w0 48b0 67w12,5016,515
52Rodriguez Fonseca Campoelias0COL 31b1 24w0 47b½ 27w0 58b0 68b12,501614,5
53Fierro Hernando Alfonso1725COL 54b½ 12w0 62b0 75w1 67b1 29w02,5014,513,5
54PatiƱo Dagoberto0CUN 53w½ 49b0 67w0 72b1 68w1 30b02,501211,5
55Valencia Martinez Jonathan1596CUN 43w1 4b0 58w1 5b0 15w0 33b02021,520
56Manosalva Samuel1315CUN 2b0 31w1 9b0 42w0 65w1 44b02021,519,5
57Sandoval Francisco1897BOG 10w0 64b1 5w0 46b1 16w0 45b0202119
58Cortes Sarmiento Alan1317BOG 76b+ 1w0 55b0 31b0 52w1 42b0201917
59Segura Fabio0COL 36w0 41b1 30w0 43b02018,515,5
60Gomez Luis Andres0CUN 7w0 35b0 45w1 43b0 46w0 73b12017,516,5
61Alarcon Omar0BOG 11b0 44w1 20b0 38w0 64b0 69w12016,516
62Guerrero Ortega Johan Nicolas1080BOG 25w0 42b0 53w1 44b0 73w1 46b0201615
63Ramirez Francisco Javier1909COL 33b0 72w1 17b0 70w1 21b0 40w02014,514
64Ovalle Odilio0BOG 37b0 57w0 74b1 40w0 61w1 41b0201413
65Leal Abel0BOG 28b0 36b0 66w1 50w0 56b0 70w12013,512,5
66Sanchez Carlos Julio0CUN 34b0 40w0 65b0 -1 41w0 74b1201312
67Gomez Vidal William0CUN 20b0 50w½ 54b1 29w0 53w0 51b01,5017,515
68Vargas Diana Paola1698BOG 38b0 74w1 19b0 48w½ 54b0 52w01,5015,514,5
69Lozano Andres Felipe0COL 18w0 43b0 21w0 45b0 -1 61b0101615,5
70Beltran Juan Jose0COL 5w0 46b0 73w1 63b0 45w0 65b0101615
71Rincon Pinilla Hugo0CUN 32b0 75w1 -0 21b- -0 -0101514
72Charria Alfonso0BOG 9b0 63b0 44w0 54w0 74b0 -1101313
73Martinez Paula0BOG 27b0 39w0 70b0 74w1 62b0 60w01012,511,5
74Coral Jonathan0COL 24b0 68b0 64w0 73b0 72w1 66w010109,5
75Caballero Guillermo1622BOG 8w0 71b0 31w0 53b0 -0 -0001615
76Vizcaino Nicolas0CUN 58w- 17b- -0 -0 -0 -00013,512,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)