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Posledná aktualizácia 02.02.2019 03:55:28, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Search for player Hladaj

Konečná tabuľka po 7 kolách

Por.TMeno1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1CMCarbone Diego 31b1 14w1 12b½ 6w1 -0 2w1 4b15,5127,530,552337
2NMLopez Falcon Jorge 20w1 5b1 7w1 4w½ 12b1 1b0 8w15,50283152190
3FMGranara Barreto Sebastian 21w1 -0 6b½ 15w1 7b½ 18w1 14b1502426,542083
4Soto Nicolas 28b1 15w1 8w1 2b½ 13b½ 5w½ 1w04,50283031991
5Dotta Gian Franco 27b1 2w0 21b1 16w1 18b1 4b½ -04,502628,541954
6NMGarcia Silveira Luis 22w1 13b½ 3w½ 1b0 19w1 10b1 7b½4,502628,531959
7Vazquez Facundo 33w+ 30w1 2b0 10b½ 3w½ 11b1 6w½4,502626,531764
8NMBraso Jorge 17b1 29w1 4b0 12w½ 14b1 13w1 2b04,502527,541975
9Avedisian Alexander -0 -0 24b1 28w1 10w½ 15b1 16w14,5021,523,541917
10WCMLarrea Daniela 25b1 18w0 26b1 7w½ 9b½ 6w0 20b140232531677
11Sardi Anibal 15b0 23w1 19b0 21w1 29b1 7w0 18b+401921,541671
12NMSaralegui Mario 23b1 19w1 1w½ 8b½ 2w0 16b½ -03,5027,530,521962
13Pena Canapa Alfredo 24b1 6w½ 14b½ 19w+ 4w½ 8b0 -03,502527,521826
14Toledo Javier 26w1 1b0 13w½ 22b1 8w0 23b1 3w03,50252731761
15Castagnet Carlos 11w1 4b0 22w½ 3b0 25w1 9w0 26b13,5023,525,531514
16Milans Carlos -0 28w1 30b1 5b0 20w1 12w½ 9b03,5023,52431705
17Ramirez Agustin 8w0 35b1 18b0 -0 27w1 19b½ 25w13,5019,521,531618
18Zaruski Julio -0 10b1 17w1 20b1 5w0 3b0 11w-3026,529,531842
19Moreno Nelson 34b+ 12b0 11w1 13b- 6b0 17w½ 22b½3023,52621539
20Manteiga Franco 2b0 24w1 29b1 18w0 16b0 21w1 10w03022,52531661
21Rocca Jose 3b0 27w+ 5w0 11b0 26w1 20b0 30w13021,52231348
22Moreno Diego 6b0 25w1 15b½ 14w0 23b0 29w+ 19w½3019,521,521499
23Kulik Nicolas 12w0 11b0 27w1 25b½ 22w1 14w0 24b½3018,520,521343
24Lanzilotta Filippo 13w0 20b0 9w0 -0 35b+ 27b1 23w½2,50202121450
25Umpierrez Melina 10w0 22b0 -1 23w½ 15b0 30w1 17b02,501919,511313
26Bianco Rocio 14b0 31w+ 10w0 29w½ 21b0 28b1 15w02,5018,520,521452
27Marquez Uberlindo 5w0 21b- 23b0 30w1 17b0 24w0 28b1212020,521309
28Souto Andres 4w0 16b0 35w1 9b0 30b1 26w0 27w02020,52121375
29Reolon Victor 35w1 8b0 20w0 26b½ 11w0 22b- -01,5018,520,511282
30Olivera Omar 32b+ 7b0 16w0 27b0 28w0 25b0 21b01018201692
31Fernandez Cuneo Carlos 1w0 26b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00018,519,500
32Martinez Fernandez Fernando 30w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,500
Roman Enrique 7b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,500
Capretti Luciano 19w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,500
35Perez Blengio Nicolas 29b0 17w0 28b0 -0 24w- -0 -00014,515,50732

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break5: Performance (variable with parameter)