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8th Open Pagratiou <1900 national or international rating

Last update 23.12.2010 22:59:03, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Kanellos Dimitrios V1950GRE 27w1 13b0 37w1 25b1 15w1 2b1 3w1612228
2Vlahos Ellisseos1968GRE 11b1 6w1 14b1 8w1 3b1 1w0 4b1602632,5
3Fahouri Nidal1796JOR 26b1 16w1 35b1 4w1 2w0 13b1 1b0502431
4Anairousis Panag2036GRE 32w1 21b1 13w1 3b0 7w1 5b1 2w0502332
5Nikolaidis Georgios1833GRE 40b½ 28w1 19b½ 35w1 6b1 4w0 7b1502026
6Gklavopoulos Evangelos1743GRE 34w1 2b0 22w1 32b1 5w0 24b1 15w1501925,5
7Antoniadis Konstantinos1842GRE 29b1 19w½ 24w1 9b1 4b0 20w1 5w04,502128
8Arvanitis Georgios1793GRE 42w1 12b1 25w1 2b0 13w0 9b1 11w½4,5020,530
9Stamatakos Dimitrios1792GRE 28b½ 40w1 20b1 7w0 14b1 8w0 19b14,5018,525,5
10Pramateftakis Nikolaos1861GRE 33w1 14b- 11b1 14w0 35b1 19w½ 22b14,501722,5
11Dimitriadis Panayiotis1568GRE 2w0 34b1 10w0 42b+ 38b1 33w1 8b½4,5015,526,5
12Xigis Michail1623GRE 43b1 8w0 26b0 30w1 22b½ 23w1 24w14,5015,523
13Hatzoudis Gerasimos1743GRE 41b1 1w1 4b0 36w1 8b1 3w0 -0402031
14Drakoulakos Grigorios1716GRE 23w+ 10w+ 2w0 10b1 9w0 16b+ -0401927,5
15Gomatos Konstantinos1779GRE 22w+ 35b- 42w1 16b1 1b0 17w1 6b0401829
16Kahrimanis Spyridon1658GRE 18w1 3b0 43w+ 15w0 37b1 14w- 30w1401623,5
17Kilakos Dimitrios1497GRE 20b0 44w0 39b1 18w1 36b+ 15b0 25w+401321
18Kazantzoglou Aristotelis0GRE 16b0 26w0 -1 17b0 44b1 35w+ 27w+401120
19Fotiadis Kleanthis1690GRE 45w1 7b½ 5w½ 21b½ 24w½ 10b½ 9w03,501726
20Karteri Olga1836GRE 17w1 24b½ 9w0 33b1 21w1 7b0 -03,501724
21Maroulakos Stavros1755GRE 30b1 4w0 29b1 19w½ 20b0 22w0 33b13,501523,5
22Zervos Lazaros1115GRE 15b- 38w+ 6b0 29w+ 12w½ 21b1 10w03,5013,527
23Zervos Konstantinos1005GRE 14b- 33b½ 40w1 38b0 27w1 12b0 37w13,501222
24Soursos Panayotis1703GRE 44b+ 20w½ 7b0 26w1 19b½ 6w0 12b03015,527,5
25Tsokopoulos Vasileios1682GRE 31b1 36w1 8b0 1w0 -0 32b+ 17b-301527,5
26Theodoridis Haralabos1615GRE 3w0 18b1 12w1 24b0 32w½ 28b½ -03013,524,5
27Hristodoulou Dimitrios1563GRE 1b0 41w1 36b0 44w1 23b0 37w1 18b-301223
28Skiadaresi Antonia1140GRE 9w½ 5b0 33w0 34b1 40w+ 26w½ -03011,522,5
29Gouvas Alexandros1529GRE 7w0 45b1 21w0 22b- 31b+ 44b1 -0301121,5
30Deligiorgis Giorgos1055GRE 21w0 32b0 45w1 12b0 39w+ 38w1 16b0301022,5
31Zabeli Adamantia1000GRE 25w0 42b0 34w1 40b0 29w- 45w1 38b+30818
32Vraimakis Ioannis1576GRE 4b0 30w1 44b1 6w0 26b½ 25w- -02,5012,525
33Epitidiou Epistimi1532GRE 10b0 23w½ 28b1 20w0 42b+ 11b0 21w02,501125,5
34Ermidis Alexandros1005GRE 6b0 11w0 31b0 28w0 -1 41b½ 45w+2,50520,5
35Kamitsis Nikolaos1538GRE 38w+ 15w+ 3w0 5b0 10w0 18b- -0201323
36Digalakis Georgios1806GRE 37w1 25b0 27w1 13b0 17w- -0 -0201223,5
37Karali Panagiota1305GRE 36b0 39w1 1b0 43w+ 16w0 27b0 23b0201025
38Hatzigeorgiou Mihail1872GRE 35b- 22b- 41b1 23w1 11w0 30b0 31w-20923,5
39Rizos Spyridon1000GRE -0 37b0 17w0 -1 30b- 40w+ -020617
40Hajioannou Dimos1488GRE 5w½ 9b0 23b0 31w1 28b- 39b- -01,507,525,5
41Papadakis Dimitrios1005GRE 13w0 27b0 38w0 45b- 45b1 34w½ -01,50419
42Konteas Ioannis1480GRE 8b0 31w1 15b0 11w- 33w- -0 -010623,5
43Potonos Fotios0GRE 12w0 -1 16b- 37b- -0 -0 -010622,5
44Lemani Eirini1000GRE 24w- 17b1 32w0 27b0 18w0 29w0 -010620
45Tsekouras Andreas1000GRE 19b0 29w0 30b0 41w+ 41w0 31b0 34b-10417

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)