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Leanyfalu International Chess Festival IM

Last update 01.02.2019 17:58:59, Creator/Last Upload: annakata

Starting rank list of players

4FMNagy Bence718920HUN2396
1FMUstianovich Nazar14109778UKR2382
10IMPolivanov Anatoliy14109468UKR2374
9IMTo Nhat Minh729019HUN2368
8IMVuelban Virgilio5201896PHI2308
2IMTurzo Attila704954HUN2296
3WIMTerbe Julianna708780HUN2259
7Halak Miklos726400HUN2257
6WFMDemeter Dorina778079HUN2150
5Narendran Gouthaman46673989IND2062