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U-11THE ARDEE School Chess Tournament 2018,Gurugram Jitendra Choudhary mob. 8130875063 Venue: THE ARDEE School, Gurugram Ardee City Sector 52 gurugram

Last update 09.12.2018 09:13:41, Creator/Last Upload: Delhi Chess Association

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Arshpreet Singh1326IND 34w1 27b0 46w1 44b1 45w1 3b1 5w162029,526,00
2Rosh Jain1267IND 25w1 28b1 23w1 6b0 27w1 59b1 4w05903017,50
3Chinmoy Roy1204IND 7b1 31w1 20b1 5w1 6b½ 1w0 17b15,5303324,25
4Aditya Sriram1121IND 35b1 39w1 24b1 8w1 17b1 6w1 2b17102828,00
5Satya Narang1102IND 36w1 30b1 27w1 3b0 49w1 62b1 1b05803018,50
6Ishan Goel1018IND 37b1 42w1 61b1 2w1 3w½ 4b0 23w15,5403020,25
7Aadit0IND 3w0 54b0 25w1 40b0 50w1 44b1 36w1424024,511,50
8Aarav Jain0IND 38w1 40b1 45w1 4b0 58w½ 20b+ 18b04,513029,514,75
9Aarush Goel0IND 39b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0055017,50,00
10Aayan Siddiqui0IND 40w0 36b0 32w0 25b1 37w1 46b0 44w0246021,55,00
11Abhro Banergee0IND 41b+ 44b0 47w0 48b0 38w1 32b0 52w0249019,54,00
12Adit Agarwal0IND 42w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0056017,50,00
13Agasthhya Rana Sharma0IND 43b+ 45b0 48w1 47b1 59w0 40b1 54w042202512,50
14Alieza Singh0IND 44w0 38b1 50w1 45b0 40w0 36b0 31w+3410195,50
15Amayra Dawar0IND 45b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0057017,50,00
16Arnav Dhanda0IND 46w0 48b0 34w0 29b1 42b0 51w0 63b12480204,00
17Arnav Gupta0IND 47b1 49w1 62b1 18w1 4w0 61b1 3w05603421,50
18Atharv Mundhra0IND 48w1 46b½ 44w1 17b0 19w1 58b1 8w15,55025,518,25
19Avni Mishra0IND 49b0 61w0 29b1 37w1 18b0 39w0 51b02450223,00
20Bhavya0IND 50w1 52b1 3w0 54b1 62b- 8w- -033002910,00
21Dia Nagpal0IND 51b0 37w0 38b1 39w0 60b0 29w1 53b02520142,00
22Diyan Khurrana0IND 52w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0058017,50,00
23Dushyani Pal0IND 53b1 51w1 2b0 49w0 39b1 47w1 6b041902712,50
24Girik Gupta0IND 54w1 58b1 4w0 59b0 44w1 45b0 40w141603015,00
25Harshita Yadav0IND 2b0 47w0 7b0 10w0 51b1 38w1 60b1339020,55,50
26Himnish malhotra0IND 55b1 62w0 42b1 53w1 61b0 48w1 59w1512023,515,50
27Hriday Panchal0IND 56w+ 1w1 5b0 55w1 2b0 54w- -0329031,513,00
28Ishika Gupta0IND 57b+ 2w0 49b0 42w1 47b0 53w1 48b142502411,00
29Itish Sehgal0IND 58w0 50b0 19w0 16w0 -1 21b0 38b+2510152,00
30Janya Slaria0IND 59b1 5w0 51b1 61w0 53b1 55w0 42b142302512,00
31Jasmeh Singh0IND 60w1 3b0 52w1 58b0 48w- 42w0 14b-2430244,50
32Jia0IND 61b0 53w0 10b1 51w1 54b0 11w1 47b03370226,50
33Jiana Khurrana0IND 62w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0059017,50,00
34Jushya Kapoor0IND 1b0 55w0 16b1 52w½ 35b1 49b0 50w13,5270,523,58,00
35Kashvi Suneja0IND 4w0 60b1 54w0 50b½ 34w0 52b0 37w½2440243,75
36Kavya Rathi0IND 5b0 10w1 53b0 60w1 55b0 14w1 7b03380226,00
37Manini Malik0IND 6w0 21b1 58w0 19b0 10b0 63w½ 35b½2470214,50
38Manya Arora0IND 8b0 14w0 21w0 -1 11b0 25b0 29w-153016,51,50
39Pariket Goel0IND 9w+ 4b0 59w0 21b1 23w0 19b1 58w03320267,00
40Piyush Yadav0IND 10b1 8w0 55b0 7w1 14b1 13w0 24b03350248,50
41Pradyumana Surikuchi0IND 11w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0060017,50,00
42Prashnt Raghav0IND 12b+ 6b0 26w0 28b0 16w1 31b1 30w03310268,00
43Rianna Bindra0IND 13w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0061017,50,00
44Riddhima Varma0IND 14b1 11w1 18b0 1w0 24b0 7w0 10b1333025,56,00
45Ruskin Saxena0IND 15w+ 13w1 8b0 14w1 1b0 24w1 55b151002717,00
46Sahib Singh Suri0IND 16b1 18w½ 1b0 62w0 52b1 10w1 61w14,514026,513,75
47Sahib Uberoi0IND 17w0 25b1 11b1 13w0 28w1 23b0 32w1426023,511,00
48Sai Satyam Panda0IND 18b0 16w1 13b0 11w1 31b+ 26b0 28w03360246,50
49Saksham Gupta0IND 19w1 17b0 28w1 23b1 5b0 34w1 62w041802713,00
50Saksham Jain0IND 20b0 29w1 14b0 35w½ 7b0 60w1 34b02,5420193,50
51Samarth Jain0IND 21w1 23b0 30w0 32b0 25w0 16b1 19w13400206,00
52Shirani Anand0IND 22b+ 20w0 31b0 34b½ 46w0 35w1 11b13,5280,5228,25
53Shivaansh Sharma0IND 23w0 32b1 36w1 26b0 30w0 28b0 21w1334024,58,00
54Shourya Rai0IND 24b0 7w1 35b1 20w0 32w1 27b+ 13b1511024,516,00
55Sona Goyal0IND 26w0 34b1 40w1 27b0 36w1 30b1 45w0420026,513,50
56Sona Goyal0IND 27b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0062017,50,00
57Tavisha Gupta0IND 28w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0063017,50,00
58Tavishi Khatri0IND 29b1 24w0 37b1 31w1 8b½ 18w0 39b14,51502210,50
59Tejasv Jangra0IND 30w0 -1 39b1 24w1 13b1 2w0 26b0421026,512,50
60Vaibhav0IND 31b0 35w0 -1 36b0 21w1 50b0 25w0250017,54,00
61Viraj Suneja0IND 32w1 19b1 6w0 30b1 26w1 17w0 46b041702914,00
62Yash Mani Gupta0IND 33b+ 26b1 17w0 46b1 20w+ 5w0 49b157030,520,50
63Nanndika0IND -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 37b½ 16w00,5540191,00

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable