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2019 Aurora Chess Day

Last update 06.01.2019 15:48:25, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 5)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 4 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Noritsyn Sergey2302CAN 21b1 6w1 8b1 9w144119
2FMPlotkin Mark2404CAN 49w1 19b1 18w1 5b14487
3Profit Brian2002CAN 46b1 20w1 4b½ 7w13,5398,5
4Nicholson Matthew2293CAN 34w1 26b1 3w½ 18b13,5397,5
5Nazareno Merlin2233CAN 11b1 22w1 24b1 2w033119
6Ahmed Syed Ibrahim1801CAN 30w1 1b0 15w1 27b13310,58,5
7Berengolts Isai2099CAN 44w1 12b1 10w1 3b033109
8Cheryachukin Yury2006CAN 31w1 27b1 1w0 29b133108
9Desikan Ajith1848CAN 40w1 25b1 32w1 1b0338,57,5
10Miaco Trifelino1819CAN 23b1 37w1 7b0 20w13387
Yao Henry1253CAN 5w0 41b1 19w1 22w13387
12Banic John1484CAN 50b+ 7w0 38b1 24w1337,56,5
13Reza Sumon1570CAN 37b0 45b1 39w1 23w1334,54
14Fradkin Benjamin2045CAN 32b0 35w1 21b1 17w½2,527,56
15Ajith Aayush1912CAN 38b1 32w½ 6b0 35w12,5276
16AFMSupsup Ferdinand1784CAN 28w0 33b1 36w12,526,55
17Cater Brendan1548CAN 48w1 18b0 42w1 14b½2,5265,5
18Zhao Jeffrey Renfei2068CAN 39b1 17w1 2b0 4w0221110
19Cortez Pacifico1752CAN 36b1 2w0 11b0 32b122108,5
20Tan Brendan1468CAN 43w1 3b0 25w1 10b0229,58,5
Mckay Josh1296CAN 1w0 30b1 14w0 41b1229,58,5
22Burton Joe1720CAN 41w1 5b0 28w1 11b02298
23Ajith Aarush1075CAN 10w0 49b1 26w1 13b02298
24Gunapalan David1969CAN 42w1 28b1 5w0 12b0228,57,5
25Cheng Kyler Chi-Rey814CAN 29b1 9w0 20b0 42b12287
26Srinivas Atharva1529CAN 33b1 4w0 23b0 38w12287
27Cloete Jack1445CAN 47b1 8w0 37b1 6w0227,57
28Barbarich Zdravko1374CAN 16b1 24w0 22b0 40w1227,56,5
29Xu Alex1486CAN 25w0 40b1 43w1 8w02276
30Glinnyi Danylo1061CAN 6b0 21w0 47b1 39b1226,56
31Wright Eric1196CAN 8b0 33w½ 34b½ 37w12176
32Gillis Doug1356CAN 14w1 15b½ 9b0 19w01,51108
33Chen Rae872CAN 26w0 31b½ 16w0 43b11,517,56,5
34Paras Peter1273CAN 4b0 38w0 31w½ 45b11,5176,5
35Vijendra Vinushan1390CAN 45w½ 14b0 44w1 15b01,516,56
36Guo Anni1054CAN 19w0 44b½ 45w1 16b01,5165,5
37Wang Sophia991CAN 13w1 10b0 27w0 31b011108
38Hay John1071CAN 15w0 34b1 12w0 26b0118,57
39Gerber Jerry1198CAN 18w0 48b1 13b0 30w0117,57
Noritsyn Ivan1062CAN 9b0 29w0 48b1 28b0117,57
Singh Anya1033CAN 22b0 11w0 46b1 21w0117,57
42Zuo Zichen (Roger)1109CAN 24b0 47w1 17b0 25w01176,5
43Zhuang Jeffrey778CAN 20b0 46w1 29b0 33w01165,5
44Huang Ivan1237CAN 7b0 36w½ 35b0 46w½106,56
45Khamidov Bek674CAN 35b½ 13w0 36b0 34w00,507,56
46Lin Joey1122CAN 3w0 43b0 41w0 44b½0,506,55,5
47Qu Vincent760CAN 27w0 42b0 30w0 48w½0,505,55
48Gao Heye989CAN 17b0 39w0 40w0 47b½0,5054,5
49Smolkin Ben (Gabriel)1341CAN 2b0 23w0 -0 -0008,57,5
50Liu Lily803CAN 12w- -0 -0 -00076

Tie Break1: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)