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Cupa PALAS - Iaşi - Open A

Last update 09.12.2018 16:14:37, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 33)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NMPaval George2212ROU 22w1 17b1 4w½ 9b1 25w+ 19b½ 8w161243424,5
2Lupascu Matei-Alexandru2061ROU 24b1 15w1 35b1 19w0 9b- 17b-3,5192130,519,5
3CMDone Stefan-Daniel2008ROU 33w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,54614,5203,5
4IAlbu George2001ROU 27w1 30b1 1b½ 19w0 23b½ 25w1 7b1542129,520
5CMApostol Alin-Ghiocel1980ROU -1 35b½ 33w1 17b0 32w1 -0 15b14,5817,524,519
6Filip Andrei (L.)1974ROU 29w1 20b½ 14w1 8b½ 22w041121,52918,5
7ILoluta Toader1940ROU 10b0 46w1 33b1 20w1 18b½ 4w0415182516,5
8IPislariu Stefanel-Vasilica1927ROU 30b- 36w1 28b1 16w1 17b1 6w½ 1b04,571825,519
9CMVartolomei Victor1873ROU 32w1 46b1 1w0 39b1 2w+ 19w½532129,521
10IAnitei Ion1837ROU 7w1 19b0 28w½ 40b1 32b1 11w041418,52716,5
11Mihalache Paul-Stelian1807ROU 33b½ 34w1 25b0 39w½ 28b½ 24w1 10b14,591723,516
12Preda Iulian1762ROU 38b1 35w0 45b½ 18w0 37w1 26b1418152114,5
13IIPrisacaru Stefan-Emilian1738ROU 35w0 32b0 37w1 34b½ 45w1 27b½ 39w½3,52716,522,511,5
14Haulica Ioan1737ROU 36b1 19w0 23b½ 43w1 6b0 28w1 35b14,510162416,5
15IMorariu Adrian1723ROU 37w1 2b0 27w1 32b0 35w½ 29b1 5w03,52517,524,515,5
16Tablan Matei-Christian1720ROU 30w1 8b0 22w0 46b1 18w½3,52418,52614
17IIMorariu Daniel1712ROU 41b1 1w0 26b1 5w1 8w0 35b½ 2w+4,5619,52818
18CMBratu Gheorghe1700ROU 39w½ 43b½ 40w½ 12b1 7w½ 16b½41617,52415,5
19ICotruta Alexandru-Mihai1672ROU 42w1 14b1 10w1 4b1 2b1 1w½ 9b½6222,53026,5
20ILupascu Diana-Elena1670ROU 44b1 6w½ 7b0 31w½ 40b1413192416,5
21IGhita Levi1662ROU 46w0 37b1 32w0 41b½ 33w1 39b½ 27w½3,5301520,512,5
22IIButnaru Dumitru1616ROU 1b0 41w1 39b0 42w1 16b1 23w1 6b15517,52516
23IAndres Marina-Corina1616ROU 40b½ 14w½ 47b1 4w½ 22b0 32w½3,52219,52615
24Ionita Ioan1588ROU 2w0 42b½ 45w0 38b1 34w1 11b0 43w13,5291521,511
25IIPoncu Andrei1584ROU 45b1 11w1 1b- 4b0 41w141220,52817,5
26Tablan Andrei-Damian1562ROU 17w0 46b½ 41w½ 45b1 12w033316,52312
27IIDumitru Luca-Serban1553ROU 4b0 44w1 15b0 31w½ 42b1 13w½ 21b½3,5261722,512,5
28IISachilaru Alexandru1530ROU 47b1 8w0 10b½ 11w½ 14b0 34w02,5362026,513
29IIIsac Teodor1528ROU 6b0 47w0 44b1 43w1 15w0 31b02,54114,519,510
30Meriuta George-Cosmin1526ROU 8w+ 4w0 16b0 46w½ 41b0 38w1335152211,5
31Sabarez Iulian1503ROU -0 27b½ 47w1 20b½ 29w14171722,513,5
32IIBalteanu Luca-Andrei1497ROU 9b0 13w1 21b1 15w1 5b0 10w0 23b½3,523192715,5
33IITurcu Vasile-Emanoil1493ROU 11w½ 3b+ 5b0 7w0 21b0 40w0 44b12,537182310,5
34IITurcu Vasile1456ROU 11b0 13w½ 24b0 47w1 28b13,528162211
35Caunic Rares-Octavian1426ROU 13b1 5w½ 12b1 2w0 15b½ 17w½ 14w03,52020,528,517,5
36Samoil Matei-Alexandru1396ROU 14w0 8b0 41w0 37b0 38w½ -1 47b12,54213,519,54,5
37Lacatusi Andrei1396ROU 15b0 21w0 13b0 36w1 44w1 12b0 45w½2,5401519,57,5
38CMDumitrica Neculai1395ROU 12w0 42b0 24w0 36b½ 44w1 30b024313,5187
39IIChiriac Andrei-Cosmin1394ROU 18b½ 22w1 11b½ 9w0 21w½ 13b½3,5212028,515
40ITamba Dumitru1392ROU 23w½ 18b½ 10w0 33b1 20w033118,524,513
41Dragomir Mihnea-George1389ROU 17w0 22b0 36b1 21w½ 26b½ 30w1 25b033217,524,510,5
42FCRotari Dumitru1370ROU 19b0 24w½ 38w1 22b0 27w0 43b0 46w-1,54417258
43ISamson Maria1329ROU 18w½ 14b0 29b0 42w1 24b02,5391723,511
44Florea Adrian1307ROU 20w0 27b0 29w0 37b0 38b0 33w00,54713192,5
45Tudoroiu Razvan-Catalin1288ROU 25w0 24b1 12w½ 13b0 26w0 37b½2,53817,524,511
46Pirvan Maria1286ROU 21b1 9w0 7b0 26w½ 30b½ 16w0 42b+33416,52311,5
47Vasilescu Ciprian-George1104ROU 28w0 29b1 23w0 31b0 34b0 36w01,54515,5228,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break