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Prèvies escolars Grup Barcelonés Sub 12

Last update 23.02.2019 11:28:35, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Ortiz Padro Pol1862ESP 54w1 49b1 21w1 16b1 3w½ 2b1 7w1 11b17,5144,54133,5
2Romeu Viladot Emili1808ESP 55b1 61w1 22b1 5w1 13b1 1w0 19b0 16w1644339,532
3Aleksanyan Israilyan Nicolas1804ESP 56w1 51b1 23b1 9w1 1b½ 11w1 16b1 19w17,5242,538,531
4Costa Frers Octavi1785ESP 57b+ 65w1 37b1 13w0 11b0 62w1 46b1 21w1673935,529,5
5Gasull Batiste Aran1774ESP 58w1 70b1 34w1 2b0 29w+ 7w½ 18b- 23b15,51237,53428
6Navajas Álvarez Antoni1749ESP 59b1 71w1 44b½ 15w½ 46b1 16w0 98b1 -05174137,531
7Creixans Comerma Martí1717ESP 60w1 72b1 39w½ 44b1 15w1 5b½ 1b0 22w16542,53931,5
8Cortes Benet Gerard-Abinel1716ESP 61b0 96w1 72b½ 67w1 44w0 71b½ 89w½ 91b14,5353432,526
9De La Riva Reina Martí1690ESP 62w1 80b1 46w1 3b0 51w1 21b+ -0 -0516423931,5
10Pelegrin Garcia Arnau1616ESP 63b½100w1 11b0 72w1 73b0 39w0102b1 64w14,53434,531,526
11Cantero Magallon Alejandro1631ESP 64w½ 43b1 10w1 39b1 4w1 3b0 24w1 1w05,510424032,5
12Grant Tafalla Gabriel1594ESP 65b0 55w0 91w0 36b1 82w- 69w0 47b1 74w1383232217
13Ribera Caro Joan1589ESP 66w1 82b1 73w1 4b1 2w0 24b½ 14w½ 65b1663936,530,5
14Lana Martín Arnau1582ESP 67b1 73w0 63b1 55w1 49b1 18w½ 13b½ 81w16837,53428
15Ruiz Garcia Eric1555ESP 68w1 85b1 93w1 6b½ 7b0 19w0 49b0 63w03,55637,535,529,5
16Cano Vila Elena1552ESP 69b1 79w1 98b1 1w0 81w1 6b1 3w0 2b05154340,533
17Medinilla Moya Izan1546ESP 70w0 56b0 47w+ 64b1 59w1 65b0 71w0 75w037133,53125,5
18Lloansi Gelabert Elia1543ESP 71b0 57w+ 76w1 56b1 79w1 14b½ 5w+ 44w05,513373427,5
19Marcos Rodriguez Raul1543ESP 72w0 58b1 80w1 62b1 85w1 15b1 2w1 3b069373426,5
20Blasco Cardona Pol1535ESP 73b0 67w½ 96b1 98w0 68b1 63w1 72b1 39w½5293230,525
21Cantero Magallon Iñigo1510ESP 75b1 81w1 1b0 65w1 93b1 9w- 58w1 4b0518413729,5
22Murias Plana Biel1500ESP 76w1 87b1 2w0 70b1 -0 73w1 99b1 7b052235,532,526,5
23Serrahima Susany Ramon1499ESP 77b1 83w+ 3w0 73b½ 91w1 44w0 80b1 5w04,53237,534,527
24Del Rio Baena Dani1489ESP 78w1 -0 75b1 71w1 98b1 13w½ 11b0 73w15,51138,535,529,5
25García Fa Âlex1488ESP 79b0 69w1 77b1 81w- 60w1 70b1 65w0 71b044732,53025
26Fonseca Mauri Carles1484ESP 80w0 60b0 58w0 -0 48b1 74w0 50b+ 69b-2942220,516,5
27Markhovskaya Dinarsa1476ESP 81b0 75w0 52b+ 76b1 61w0 91b0 69w1 60b037828,52621,5
28Watson Alabart Vian Ross1472ESP 82w0 62b0 59w0 50b1 54w0 52b1 74b1 93w03772927,522
29Estruch Botinas Ramon1470ESP -0 66b1 82w1 83b+ 5b- -0 75b½ -03,5573431,526
30Roldán Samayoa Pau1468ESP 83b0 77w0 53b0 69w0 47b0 50w0 48w0 52b½0,5102252318
31Sandoval O'Conhil Eoin1464ESP 85w0 -0 66b- 52b- 50b+100b½ 84b0 96w12,5882523,519,5
32Samitier Cachón Alberto1460ESP 86b0 84w1 79b0 75w+ 62w0 75w0 78b+ 82b03733027,523
33Barba Ribas Ignacio1456ESP 87w0 68b- 69b1 77w+ 65w0 -0 82b0 92w138027,525,520,5
34Robusté Tamayo Katya1454ESP 88b1 86w1 5b0 79w- 70w0 83b0 90w+ 94w½3,56230,528,523
35Mañananes Azzi Neo1452ESP 89w0 74b1 83w0 80b- 78b0 76w+ 86w1100b14552725,520,5
36Naranjo Garcia Adrian1452ESP 90b0 88w0 84b0 12w0 -1 86b0 76w+ 95w02932321,517,5
37Tereso Puig Jan1452ESP 91w1 89b1 4w0 85b0 71w½ 64b1 81w0 80b14,53633,530,525
38Ruiz Camps Pol1450ESP 74w1 93b0 85w0 82b1 80b0 78w1 79b½ 67w03,5652826,522
39Chiva Perez Ferran1449ESP 92b1 90w1 7b½ 11w0 -0 10b1 91w1 20b½524353327
40BO CHEN Wen1448ESP 93w0 76b0 74w1 87b1 83w1 81b0 85w0103b037429,52823
41Fernandez Ramirez Victor1448ESP 94b1 98w0 81b0 78w1 92b1 80w½ 73b0 72w03,563302823
42Maull Descalzi Pau1444ESP 95w0 78b1 87w1 93b0 89w0 94b- 92b1 97w1454282621,5
43Salas Lozano Victor1440ESP 96b½ 11w0 67b0102w½ 86w1103b0100w0 78b029028,52721,5
44Vasilev Andrei1438ESP 97w1 95b1 6w½ 7w0 8b1 23b1 51w1 18b16,5336,53327
45Díaz González Clara1436ESP 98b0 92w0102b½ 96w1 72b0 84w1 64b0 88w13,56825,52419
46Camps Salgueda Arnau1432ESP 99w1103b1 9b0 89w+ 6w0 85b1 4w0 70b152335,53226,5
47Morera Sopyvnik Seryoga Sergi1428ESP100b0 94w0 17b- -0 30w1 90b0 12w0 -011002322,519
48Soler Molina Marc1428ESP -0 91b½ 64w0103b0 26w0 96w0 30b1 86b01,59723,52318,5
49Orobitg Faro Arnau1427ESP101w1 1w0 86b1 97b1 14w0 89b½ 15w1 56b15,51436,53325,5
50Valles Ortin Enric1426ESP -0 97b0 -0 28w0 31w- 30b1 26w- -011012221,517
51Bosch Garcia Ivan1425ESP102b1 3w0 88b1 92w1 9b0 93w1 44b0 83w152135,533,526
52Osorio Figueira Miguel Ángel1424ESP -0 99b0 27w- 31w+ -0 28w0 -0 30w½1,5982322,518
53Viudez Caparros Diego1424ESP103w0101b0 30w1 94b1 97w0 87b½ 67w-102w+3,56725,52521
54Sotodosos Juarez David1423ESP 1b0102w1 89b0 84w½ 28b1 72w0 68b1 79w03,558333123,5
55Mestre Montaner Lluc1422ESP 2w0 12b1 95w1 14b0 99b0 82w1 83b0101w+444343125
56Pujol Cuenca Daniel1421ESP 3b0 17w1 90b1 18w0101b1 98w0 93b1 49w044136,53426,5
57Matute Burguete Miguel1419ESP 4w- 18b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00103222116,5
58Nogueras Castaño Ramon1419ESP 5b0 19w0 26b1 86w+103w1 97b+ 21b0 89w15253532,526,5
59Pera Muntasell Jan1414ESP 6w0 -0 28b1 88w1 17b0 92w1 94b1 99w1530262418,5
60Belyi Lev1413ESP 7b0 26w1 92b0 90w1 25b0101w0 95b1 27w145328,526,520,5
61Serrano Prio Roc1413ESP 8w1 2b0 97w0 95b1 27b1 99w0101b1 98w044832,53024
62Bessa López Oriol1412ESP 9b0 28w1 94b+ 19w0 32b1 4b0103w1 85b152833,531,525,5
63García Raschke Hernán1411ESP 10w½ 64b1 14w0 91b0100w1 20b0 87w1 15b14,5373329,523,5
64Nieto Van Brakel David1411ESP 11b½ 63w0 48b1 17w0 84b1 37w0 45w1 10b03,561312923,5
65Paluzie Vazquez Mariona1408ESP 12w1 4b0 99w1 21b0 33b1 17w1 25b1 13w052634,53226
66Redon Garmendia Aitor1407ESP 13b0 29w0 31w+ 99b- 88b½102w0 96b1 84w02,5852826,520,5
67Höving Erliso Mark1401ESP 14w0 20b½ 43w1 8b0 -0 88w1 53b+ 38b14,540302822
68Gracia Escobar Yeray Albert1398ESP 15b0 33w+101w0100b½ 20w0 77b1 54w0 87b02,584292621
69Pellisé Fernández Oriol1398ESP 16w0 25b0 33w0 30b1 87w0 12b1 27b0 26w+3812524,519,5
70Alvarez Beazcua Garikoitz1389ESP 17b1 5w0100b+ 22w0 34b1 25w0 97b1 46w04453330,525
71Poot Gomez Anthony1389ESP 18w1 6b0103w1 24b0 37b½ 8w½ 17b1 25w15203633,527,5
72Gallego Lopez Pau1386ESP 19b1 7w0 8w½ 10b0 45w1 54b1 20w0 41b14,53336,53327
73Martinez Quintero Sergi1383ESP 20w1 14b1 13b0 23w½ 10w1 22b0 41w1 24b04,53140,53731
74Alcoba Garcia Ezequiel Andrew1381ESP 38b0 35w0 40b0 -1 94w0 26b1 28w0 12b0292252319
75Pizarro Funes Ivan1380ESP 21w0 27b1 24w0 32b- 90b+ 32b1 29w½ 17b14,539302822
76Alonso Biajakue Asier1345ESP 22b0 40w1 18b0 27w0 -0 35b- 36b- -019926,524,519
77Rius Ayala Roger1376ESP 23w0 30b1 25w0 33b-102b½ 68w0 88b- -01,59623,52318,5
78Alvarez Martin Celia1372ESP 24b0 42w0 -1 41b0 35w1 38b0 32w- 43w137529,527,521,5
79Amoros Ceres Nil1372ESP 25w1 16b0 32w1 34b+ 18b0 -0 38w½ 54b14,538323025
80Mangues Rubia Oriol1372ESP 26b1 9w0 19b0 35w+ 38w1 41b½ 23w0 37w03,55932,53024
81Gomez De Jaime Victor1364ESP 27w1 21b0 41w1 25b+ 16b0 40w1 37b1 14b05273431,525,5
82Soto Rocabado David1358ESP 28b1 13w0 29b0 38w0 12b+ 55b0 33w1 32w1451292721
83Prouvost Adrien1354ESP 30w1 23b- 35b1 29w- 40b0 34w1 55w1 51b045029,52924
84Lopez Fernandez Marc1339ESP -0 32b0 36w1 54b½ 64w0 45b0 31w1 66b13,569242318,5
85Giordano Jones Dylan1348ESP 31b1 15w0 38b1 37w1 19b0 46w0 40b1 62w0446333024
86Sanchez Torne Pau1346ESP 32w1 34b0 49w0 58b- 43b0 36w1 35b0 48w1382242317,5
87Ondoño Font Pol1340ESP 33b1 22w0 42b0 40w0 69b1 53w½ 63b0 68w13,564292721,5
88Caicedo De Ferrater Bernat1339ESP 34w0 36b1 51w0 59b0 66w½ 67b0 77w+ 45b02,58627,526,521
89Pascual Gonzalo Guillermo1339ESP 35b1 37w0 54w1 46b- 42b1 49w½ 8b½ 58b044235,53226,5
90Godia Lagunilla Miquel1338ESP 36w1 39b0 56w0 60b0 75w- 47w1 34b- -0291272620,5
91Greenwood Gomez Xavier Burke1338ESP 37b0 48w½ 12b1 63w1 23b0 27w1 39b0 8w03,560312923,5
92Orriols Bravo Marius1337ESP 39w0 45b1 60w1 51b0 41w0 59b0 42w0 33b02893531,526
93Yagüe Pérez Ona1335ESP 40b1 38w1 15b0 42w1 21w0 51b0 56w0 28b1449322923,5
94Caño Pascual Arnau1333ESP 41w0 47b1 62w- 53w0 74b1 42w+ 59w0 34b½3,56627,52620,5
95Gale Tramuns Gael1331ESP 42b1 44w0 55b0 61w0 96b1 -0 60w0 36b1376292821,5
96Correa Sola Lucas1328ESP 43w½ 8b0 20w0 45b0 95w0 48b1 66w0 31b01,59526,524,519,5
97Salvado Garcia Eric1328ESP 44b0 50w1 61b1 49w0 53b1 58w- 70w0 42b03703632,526
98Martinez Barrufet Guillem1322ESP 45w1 41b1 16w0 20b1 24w0 56b1 6w0 61b151936,53327
99Castillo Centeno Eloy1321ESP 46b0 52w1 65b0 66w+ 55w1 61b1 22w0 59b0443343125,5
100Tenesaca Moran Pol1297ESP 47w1 10b0 70w- 68w½ 63b0 31w½ 43b1 35w037927,525,521
101D'arquer Buil Laia1296ESP 49b0 53w1 68b1 -0 56w0 60b1 61w0 55b-372323024,5
102Montserrat Porrez Guillem1295ESP 51w0 54b0 45w½ 43b½ 77w½ 66b1 10w0 53b-2,58727,525,520,5
103Garris Barutel Ariadna1275ESP 53b1 46w0 71b0 48w1 58b0 43w1 62b0 40w145228,526,521,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)