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Campionat Individual GrupA Lleida 2010

Last update 06.12.2010 13:15:03, Creator/Last Upload: Imma Montoliu Daroca

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Ramon Solans Albert MC2221ESP 21w1 12b1 5w1 8b1 7w1 2b0 4b1 3w0 6b1748,54538
2Coll Ortega Jordi MC2263ESP 9w½ 20b1 4w1 3b1 -0 1w1 8b1 6w0 7b16,550,546,539,5
3Monell Camarasa David MC2257AND 26b+ 4b½ 27w1 2w0 11b½ 15w1 14b1 1b1 5w06494538
4Nieto Farreny Francesc2024ESP 11b1 3w½ 2b0 24w1 17b1 5b1 1w0 8w1 9b½648,545,538,5
5Llavall Sans Daniel2032ESP 13w1 6b1 1b0 11w½ 14b½ 4w0 10b1 9w1 3b164743,536,5
6Tuz Nykola2034ESP 19b1 5w0 14b½ 20w1 10w0 16b1 12w1 2b1 1w05,546,542,535,5
7Degracia Burgues Jose A1867ESP 16w1 10b1 8w0 21b1 1b0 11w0 15b1 17w1 2w0546,54336
8Campos Olaya Israel MC2206ESP 23b1 22w1 7b1 1w0 15b1 10w1 2w0 4b0 -05464336
9Parramon Guillaumet Jaime1928ESP 2b½ 17w0 18b1 10b0 24w1 23w1 11b1 5b0 4w½5444134
10Monfa Sole Ramon2057ESP 18b1 7w0 17b½ 9w1 6b1 8b0 5w0 14w1 12b½5444034
11Perez Cabas Jose1885ESP 4w0 26b1 12w1 5b½ 3w½ 7b1 9w0 13b1 -05434135
12Prat Baque Vicenc1977ESP 25b1 1w0 11b0 13w1 21b1 14w½ 6b0 20w½ 10w½4,5403831
13Farre Regada Julian1892ESP 5b0 19w0 -1 12b0 26w1 21w½ 23b1 11w0 20b+4,535,533,527,5
14Ortiz Navarro Miquel Angel2024ESP 22w0 23b1 6w½ 27b1 5w½ 12b½ 3w0 10b0 18w½441,538,532,5
15Dolader Roig Josep M1926ESP -0 -1 19b1 17w1 8w0 3b0 7w0 16b0 24w14403731,5
16Verdes Nadal Ramon2008ESP 7b0 18w½ 20b½ 19w1 -0 6w0 25b1 15w1 -04393731,5
17Sanuy Moncasi Albert1989ESP 24w½ 9b1 10w½ 15b0 4w0 20w½ 21b1 7b0 22w½4393630
18Coll Ortega Cristina1898ESP 10w0 16b½ 9w0 -0 25b0 26b1 19w1 21w1 14b½4353328
19Biosca Lacasa Jordi1955ESP 6w0 13b1 15w0 16b0 23b0 22w1 18b0 26w1 25b14333125,5
20Arno Bendicho Arnau1907ESP 27b½ 2w0 16w½ 6b0 22w1 17b½ 24w½ 12b½ 13w-3,540,537,530,5
21Palau Cabases Albert1922ESP 1b0 25w1 22b1 7w0 12w0 13b½ 17w0 18b0 23b13,5373528
22Solani Nunez Joshua1880ESP 14b1 8b0 21w0 23w0 20b0 19b0 26w1 25w1 17b½3,5323024,5
23Alba Tarradelles Jose1908ESP 8w0 14w0 25b½ 22b1 19w1 9b0 13w0 24b½ 21w03343226,5
24Monfa Escola Ramon1761ESP 17b½ 27w0 26w1 4b0 9b0 25w½ 20b½ 23w½ 15b03343226
25Arnillas Moles Josep1752ESP 12w0 21b0 23w½ 26b0 18w1 24b½ 16w0 22b0 19w02333126
26Rodon Balcells Jaume1926ESP 3w- 11w0 24b0 25w1 13b0 18w0 22b0 19b0 -12302822,5
27Frances Cuscullola Oriol 22071ESP 20w½ 24b1 3b0 14w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,536,533,528

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)