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CHESS WIZ JUNIOR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2018- Class IV to VI (Girls) Date13-14 Nov. Venue: Forum Celebration Mall, Bhuwana, Udaipur for School Players-9413045606

Last update 14.11.2018 08:57:05, Creator/Last Upload: CHESS IN LAKECITY

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Charvi Patidar1198IND 30w1 21b1 45w1 11b1 20b½ 29w15,520522
2Dakshita Kumawat1138IND 31b1 22w1 40b1 48w1 62b1 46w1610621,5
3Aanya Chawat0IND 33b1 29w1 46b½ 59w1 4b1 20w½560422,5
4Akshara Kaushal0IND 34w1 23b0 27w1 35b1 3w0 45b03260318,5
5Angel Pamecha0IND 35b1 40w0 29b0 32w1 31b0 27w13340316,5
6Apoorva Pandey0IND 36w1 45b0 31w1 42b½ 47w1 63b03,5200319,5
7Bevina Menaria0IND 37b1 46w0 32b1 40w0 35w0 30b02380218,5
8Bhavya Jain0IND 39b+ 48w0 33b0 12b1 45w0 36b13290318
9Bhumika Jhala0IND 41w+ 49b0 35w0 31b- 38b1 32w02420216
10Chahana Jain0IND 42b1 50w1 47b1 62w0 29b0 40w14120421
11Chahvi Jain0IND 43w+ 52b1 49w1 1w0 33b0 48w14150420
12Dikshta0IND 44b1 59w½ 28b0 8w0 55w0 25b01,5490115,5
13Dimple Parihar0IND 45w0 34b1 38w1 49b1 46w0 47b03280318
14Divya Menaria0IND 47w0 36b1 42w0 38b+ 56b0 50w13350316,5
15Driishti Khoda0IND 48b0 35w- 63w- 44w- 25w0 57b-0550013,5
16Eshika Kumawat0IND 49w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00560013,5
17Gargi Panchal0IND 50b0 37w1 56b0 34w1 48b0 49w02440214,5
18Gauranshi Mishra0IND 51w+ 60b0 52w0 55b0 36w0 44b½1,5500114
19Hanshika Salvi0IND 52b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00570013,5
20Heena kaak0IND 53w1 65b+ 48b1 45b1 1w½ 3b½550425
21Himangi Choubisa0IND 54b+ 1w0 50b1 56w1 40b1 33w04130421
22Hitanshi Sanganeria0IND 55w1 2b0 53w0 36b1 49w1 60b1490422
23Ishika Bapna0IND 56b1 4w1 62b0 47w0 52w1 55b03240320,5
24Jashmine0IND 58w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00580013,5
25Jensi Menaria0IND 59b0 42w0 37b0 61w0 15b1 12w12480213
26Jinisha Saini0IND 60w0 53b0 55w0 57b1 37w1 52b13300317,5
27Khushi Chaturvedi0IND 62b0 44w1 4b0 37w+ 60w0 5b02390217
28Khushi Menaria0IND 63w½ 57b1 12w1 46b0 42w1 62w03,5190319,5
29Khyati Joshi0IND 64b+ 3b0 5w1 52b1 10w1 1b04110421,5
30Kinjal Jain0IND 1b0 56w0 44b1 50w1 53b0 7w13270318
31Kinjal Sahu0IND 2w0 55b1 6b0 9w+ 5w1 53w03220323
32Kirtan suthar0IND 40b0 64w+ 7w0 5b0 44w1 9b13360313
33Komal kumawat0IND 3w0 61b1 8w1 60b1 11w1 21b1540518,5
34Krati Soni0IND 4b0 13w0 57w1 17b0 50b0 38w+2460213
35Kripansha Singh0IND 5w0 15b+ 9b1 4w0 7b1 56w14180415
36Krishna Jat0IND 6b0 14w0 61b1 22w0 18b1 8w02430214,5
37Lerina Dhabai0IND 7w0 17b0 25w1 27b- 26b0 61w12470213
38Mahi Ganodiya0IND 61w1 47b0 13b0 14w- 9w0 34b-1530115
39Mahi Vaishnav0IND 8w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00590013,5
40Mahima0IND 32w1 5b1 2w0 7b1 21w0 10b03230321
41Mahima Salvi0IND 9b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00600013,5
42Mili Anne Jacob0IND 10w0 25b1 14b1 6w½ 28b0 59w13,5210318
43Muskan0IND 11b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00610013,5
44Naquia Moh. Kanorwala0IND 12w0 27b0 30w0 15b+ 32b0 18w½1,5510110,5
45Neelam dhayal0IND 13b1 6w1 1b0 20w0 8b1 4w14100422
46Palak Sharma0IND 57w+ 7b1 3w½ 28w1 13b1 2b04,570422
47Pareenta Gautam0IND 14b1 38w1 10w0 23b1 6b0 13w14160418
48Prakrati Sharma0IND 15w1 8b1 20w0 2b0 17w1 11b03250320,5
49Preksha Jain0IND 16b+ 9w1 11b0 13w0 22b0 17b13330317
50Riddhi0IND 17w1 10b0 21w0 30b0 34w1 14b02410216,5
51Riddhi Rahul0IND 18b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00620013,5
52Ritika Soni0IND 19w+ 11w0 18b1 29w0 23b0 26w02400216,5
53Riya soni0IND 20b0 26w1 22b1 63w- 30w1 31b14140421
54Ruchita Menaria0IND 21w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00630013,5
55Shambhavi Sinha0IND 22b0 31w0 26b1 18w1 12b1 23w14170415
56Sheetal RAJ Chouhan0IND 23w0 30b1 17w1 21b0 14w1 35b03310317,5
57Siddhi Jain0IND 46b- 28w0 34b0 26w0 61b1 15w+2450213,5
58Siddhi Jain0IND 24b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00640013,5
59Sneha Choudhary0IND 25w1 12b½ 60w1 3b0 63w0 42b02,5370218,5
60Snigha Masih0IND 26b1 18w1 59b0 33w0 27b1 22w03320317
61Tanishka0IND 38b0 33w0 36w0 25b1 57w0 37b01520115,5
62Vaishali Mishra0IND 27w1 63b1 23w1 10b1 2w0 28b1530521,5
63Vanshika Bandwal0IND 28b½ 62w0 15b+ 53b+ 59b1 6w14,580419
64Vanstika Nahar0IND 29w- 32b- -0 -0 -0 -00650013,5
65Varnika Agarwal0IND -1 20w- -0 -0 -0 -01540017,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)