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Campeonato Panamericano Amateur Absoluto y Femenino categoria Sub 1700

Last update 06.11.2018 19:41:12, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Dabraccio Guillermo1686COL 26w1 21b1 11w½ 6w0 37b½ 32b0 13w0 62b1 55w1527042
2Herrera Ramses1680PAN 41w1 23b1 13w1 9b1 6w0 16w0 12b- -0 -0444042
3Hoyos Bedoya Nevardo1663PAN 42b1 20w½ 18b½ 24w1 16b0 26w1 43b1 10b1 6w069053
4Rojas Mendoza Joun Sun1663COL 43w1 25b1 14w1 10b1 46w1 6b½ 17w1 16b1 8w½81073
5Reyes Aristizabal Andres1661COL 44b1 22w0 46b0 56w1 45b1 29w½ 37b1 7b1 10w05,515054
6Ferreira Araujo Aldair Antonio1628PAN 45w1 27b1 15w1 1b1 2b1 4w½ 16b0 8w½ 3b173064
7Corrales Mario1620PAN 46b½ 68w1 71b½ 20w1 15b1 17w0 65b1 5w0 35b1610053
8Romero Kries Mario Andres1618CHI 47w1 28b½ 33w½ 27b½ 21w1 46b1 14w1 6b½ 4b½6,57041
9Rivera Zambrano Raul1597PAN 48b1 24w1 22b1 2w0 17b0 33w1 71b0 29w½ 32b15,517053
10Arosemena Betty1588PAN 49w1 32b1 69b1 4w0 18b½ 20w1 11b1 3w0 5b16,55064
11Reyes Jesus1588ECU 50b1 29w1 1b½ 46w0 33w1 28b1 10w0 23b1 17w05,516053
12Mcdowell Sharon1584HON 51w1 33b½ 28w0 69b1 25w½ 34b1 2w+ 13b1 16w½6,56043
13CMArostegui Gonzalez Ricardo1569CRC 52b1 35w1 2b0 37w½ 47b1 71w½ 1b1 12w0 43b168054
14Hurtado Samuel Alexander1546PAN 53w1 36b1 4b0 44w1 71b½ 18w1 8b0 32w1 20b½612051
15Santos Saez Yahir1513PAN 54b1 37w1 6b0 58w1 7w0 43b0 34w½ 72b0 51w14,536041
16Mendez Andre1505PAN 55w1 38b½ 34w1 28b1 3w1 2b1 6w1 4w0 12b½74062
17Vasquez De Frias Alexis Aaron1497PAN 56b1 69w0 45b1 65w1 9w1 7b1 4b0 71w1 11b172074
18Howell Alvin Alfonso1494ARU 57w1 19b½ 3w½ 32b1 10w½ 14b0 27w½ 33b1 71w1614042
19Diaz Maguina Daniel Eugenio1481ARU 40b1 18w½ 20b0 34w½ 54b1 37w½ 29b½ 35w0 44b½4,542022
20Granados Wing Brian Saul1479CRC 65w1 3b½ 19w1 7b0 27w1 10b0 28w1 46b1 14w½613051
21Finlay Brian1478PAN 59b1 1w0 47b½ 67w1 8b0 70b1 46w0 37w1 34b04,534042
22Machaj Castillero Miguel Angel1459PAN 60w1 5b1 9w0 33b0 28w0 54b1 51w1 55b1 27w0521053
23Sanchez Ochoa Justo1456PAN 61b1 2w0 49b1 71w0 58b1 55w½ 47b1 11w0 46b½525044
24Caballero Luis Carlos1441PAN 62w1 9b0 51w1 3b0 55w0 56b1 70w1 27b0 38w0446041
25Alvarez Claudia1438PAN 63b1 4w0 52b½ 35w1 12b½ 65w0 55b½ 44w½ 48b½4,543021
26Ibanez Sebastian1393PAN 1b0 56w1 53b1 -0 62w1 3b0 76w1 43w0 65b0447041
27Gonzalez De La Guardia Luis Emi1365PAN 64b1 6w0 54b1 8w½ 20b0 72w1 18b½ 24w1 22b1611053
28ACMFrater Gonzalez Gabriel1280CRC 66b1 8w½ 12b1 16w0 22b1 11w0 20b0 65w1 52b04,530043
29Ibanez Diego1278PAN 67w1 11b0 55w1 -0 59b1 5b½ 19w½ 9b½ 72w15,519041
30Young Kathryn1264PAN 68b½ 71w0 39b1 47w0 53b½ 58w1 35b0 52w0 61b-367021
31Rodriguez Bruno Andre1250PAN 69w0 34b0 62w0 63b½ 66w1 52b0 74w1 56b0 75b13,558031
32Escobar De Gracia Alex Jafet1204PAN 70b1 10w0 57b1 18w0 61b1 1w1 44b½ 14b0 9w04,531043
33Ferreira Araujo Miguel Antonio1203PAN 58b1 12w½ 8b½ 22w1 11b0 9b0 62w1 18w0 53b½4,538031
34Schnell Sebastian Narayana1169PAN 71b½ 31w1 16b0 19b½ 69w1 12w0 15b½ 47w1 21w15,520040
35Osorio Edgar1151PAN 72w1 13b0 58w0 25b0 50w1 60b1 30w1 19b1 7w0523052
36Montilla Xavier1109PAN 73b1 14w0 59b0 -0 51w0 63b1 56w½ 61w½ 67b1450033
37Valderrama Fernando1107PAN 74w1 15b0 60w1 13b½ 1w½ 19b½ 5w0 21b0 56w14,541030
38Abadi David0PAN 75b1 16w½ -0 -0 72b- 61w1 67b½ 58w1 24b1528042
39Abrego Laura0PAN 76w0 57b0 30w0 66b1 56w0 73b0 63w1 60b1 62w1445042
40Bognadov Daniel0PAN 19w0 58b0 63w1 55b0 60w0 74b½ 73w½ 64b1 69w1453031
41Boniface Eliot0PAN 2b0 59w0 64b1 57w1 65b0 68w0 72b0 49w0 74b1364032
42Boniface Ellie0PAN 3w0 60b0 70w0 68w0 74b0 49b0 75w0 57w0 63b0076000
43 Briones Espino Martin Daniel0PAN 4b0 61w1 65b0 59w1 68b1 15w1 3w0 26b1 13w0522052
44Carrera Nicholson Carlos Enrique0PAN 5w0 62b1 76w1 14b0 70w0 69b1 32w½ 25b½ 19w½4,537032
45Castillo Jimenez Giancarlo0PAN 6b0 63w1 17w0 60b1 5w0 -0 -0 -0 59b0272021
46Castillo Samudio Alejandro Daniel0PAN 7w½ 76b1 5w1 11b1 4b0 8w0 21b1 20w0 23w½526043
47Finlay Kendrich0PAN 8b0 64w1 21w½ 30b1 13w0 67b1 23w0 34b0 68b14,532043
48Garcia Gonzalez Laritza0PAN 9w0 65b0 72w0 75b1 64w1 62b0 60w1 76b1 25w½4,535042
49Garcia Torres Paul0PAN 10b0 66w+ 23w0 62b0 76w0 42w1 58b0 41b1 70w1452031
50Gomez Chenet Massiel Alessandra0PAN 11w0 67b0 73w1 70b0 35b0 57w1 59b1 68w½ 54b03,557031
51Gomez Morales Salma Patricia0PAN 12b0 70w1 24b0 61w0 36b1 59w1 22b0 67w1 15b0449041
52Harari Asis David0PAN 13w0 72b1 25w½ -0 67b- 31w1 68b1 30b1 28w15,518053
53Jaramillo Andrade Ezequiel Enoc0PAN 14b0 73w1 26w0 72b½ 30w½ 76b0 69w1 70b1 33w½4,540031
54Lisung Chung Matias Alonso0PAN 15w0 74b1 27w0 76b1 19w0 22w0 61b½ 73b1 50w14,533043
55Lobo Jimenez Mariana0PAN 16b0 75w1 29b0 40w1 24b1 23b½ 25w½ 22w0 1b0451031
56Lobo Jimenez Marielys0PAN 17w0 26b0 74w1 5b0 39b1 24w0 36b½ 31w1 37b03,555031
57Luria Sanetti Juan Eloy0PAN 18b0 39w1 32w0 41b0 63w0 50b0 64w0 42b1 60w0273021
58Manfredi Carrera Chiara Melina0PAN 33w0 40w1 35b1 15b0 23w0 30b0 49w1 38b0 76w1448041
59Martinez Fernandez Kailibaler Antonio0PAN 21w0 41b1 36w1 43b0 29w0 51b0 50w0 69b0 45w1366031
60Nunez Avila Ricardo0PAN 22b0 42w1 37b0 45w0 40b1 35w0 48b0 39w0 57b1363032
61Obaldia Salazar Sebastian Augusto0PAN 23w0 43b0 75w1 51b1 32w0 38b0 54w½ 36b½ 30w+454021
62Ortiz Uprimny Federico0PAN 24b0 44w0 31b1 49w1 26b0 48w1 33b0 1w0 39b0365031
63Parreira Tomas0PAN 25w0 45b0 40b0 31w½ 57b1 36w0 39b0 75w0 42w12,570021
64Pineda Max0PAN 27w0 47b0 41w0 -1 48b0 -0 57b1 40w0 -0274011
65Ramirez Bonilla Nemo Vinicio0PAN 20b0 48w1 43w1 17b0 41w1 25b1 7w0 28b0 26w1524051
66Rodriguez Jose Angel0PAN 28w0 49b- -0 39w0 31b0 75b½ -1 74w1 73w02,571010
67Sanchez Alvarenga Justo0PAN 29b0 50w1 68b½ 21b0 52w+ 47w0 38w½ 51b0 36w0368010
68Sanchez Alvarenga Mikhaela0PAN 30w½ 7b0 67w½ 42b1 43w0 41b1 52w0 50b½ 47w03,559022
69Sanchez Castaneda Santiago0PAN 31b1 17b1 10w0 12w0 34b0 44w0 53b0 59w1 40b0360032
70Sarasqueta Pinto Alvaro0PAN 32w0 51b0 42b1 50w1 44b1 21w0 24b0 53w0 49b0362032
71Vasquez Jaen Lourdes Lorena0PAN 34w½ 30b1 7w½ 23b1 14w½ 13b½ 9w1 17b0 18b0529032
72Yau De Leon Oscar Adin0PAN 35b0 52w0 48b1 53w½ 38w+ 27b0 41w1 15w1 29b04,539031
73Yau Loo Daniel Antonio0PAN 36w0 53b0 50b0 -0 75w1 39w1 40b½ 54w0 66b13,556031
74Yau Loo Eric Fernando0PAN 37b0 54w0 56b0 -0 42w1 40w½ 31b0 66b0 41w01,575010
75Yoshimoto Kaski0PAN 38w0 55b0 61b0 48w0 73b0 66w½ 42b1 63b1 31w02,569022
76Yoshimoto Naoki0PAN 39b1 46w0 44b0 54w0 49b1 53w1 26b0 48w0 58b0361032

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories (variable)