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36th Bury St Edmunds Congress Major U170

Last update 21.10.2018 18:35:29, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Finn Peter164ENG 40b1 18w1 11b1 2b1 3w½4,50415
2White Chris167ENG 24b1 34w1 9b1 1w0 6b140415,5
3Balogh Jan165ENG 14b1 12w½ 7b1 17w1 1b½40316,5
4Jones Robert L144ENG 9w0 10b1 20w1 19b1 5b½3,50314,5
5Sanders Robert R165ENG 26w1 17b0 13w1 32b1 4w½3,50313,5
6Catabay Michael169ENG 30w½ 37b1 32w1 12b1 2w03,50313,5
Pack James136ENG 21w1 29b½ 3w0 35b1 17w13,50313,5
8Fogg Martin158ENG 45b1 33w½ 11w½ 9b13,50212
9Waters Andrew C161ENG 4b1 23w1 2w0 33b1 8w030315,5
10Turner Terry J163ENG 23b0 4w0 21w1 44b1 33w130311,5
11Bay-Petersen Ole152ENG 19b1 25w1 1w0 8b½ 12w½30216
12Volovich Julia156ENG 46w1 3b½ 39w1 6w0 11b½30213,5
13Levy Christopher A146ENG 38w½ 5b0 37b1 34w130212
14Usher Michael E148ENG 3w0 46b1 29w½ 25b½ 38w130211,5
15Moore Steve N168ENG 18b0 40w1 24b½ 32w130211
16Smyth Pete136ENG 17b0 -1 18w1 22b½ 29w½30112
17Dean Robert A154ENG 16w1 5w1 3b0 7b02,50217
18Clapham Michael Jw151ENG 15w1 1b0 16b0 43w½ 41w12,50213
19Harris Martyn J168ENG 11w0 42b1 36b1 4w0 30b½2,50213
20Tello Yasser161ENG 22w0 4b0 45w1 43b12,50211,5
21Jones Graeme155ENG 7b0 43w½ 10b0 47w1 40w12,50210
22Usher Michael D154ENG 29w½ 20b1 16w½ -02,50114
23Dunkley Michael145ENG 10w1 9b0 27w½ 28b½2,50113,5
24John Adam151ENG 2w0 47b1 15w½ 27b½2,50112,5
25Walton Paul161ENG 44w1 11b0 14w½ 31b½2,50112
26Srivastava Arnav147ENG 5b0 41w1 27b½ 36w½ 35b½2,50112
27Daugman John G166ENG 32w0 44b1 26w½ 23b½ 24w½2,50110,5
Ray Julian156ENG 33b0 45w1 29b½ 23w½2,50110,5
29Bowers Francis J168ENG 22b½ 7w½ 14b½ 28w½ 16b½2,50014,5
30Hall Antony C154ENG 6b½ 31w½ 38b½ 19w½2,50013
31Parry Jacques H137ENG 30b½ 35w½ 34b½ 25w½2,50011,5
32Dharmasena Gavith150ENG 27b1 35w1 6b0 5w0 15b020214,5
33Cox Toby139ENG 28w1 8b½ 9w0 10b020115
34Hutchings Philip J158ENG 47w1 2b0 31w½ 13b020112,5
35Payne David J160ENG 43w1 32b0 31b½ 7w0 26w½20112
36Clegg Robert163ENG 42w1 39b½ 19w0 26b½ -020112
37Harris Daren R151ENG 38b½ 6w0 43b½ 13w0 44b120111
38Whitehead Mark A168ENG 37w½ 13b½ 30w½ 14b020013
39Gardner Phillip K154ENG 41b1 36w½ 12b0 -0 -01,50112,5
40Bradley William146ENG 1w0 15b0 46w1 21b01,50112
41Miller Max C133ENG 39w0 26b0 42w1 18b01,50110,5
42Dharmasena Kian145ENG 36b0 19w0 41b0 47w11,5018,5
43Ribbands Patrick C142ENG 35b0 21b½ 37w½ 18b½ 20w01,50011,5
44Paez Alonso145ENG 25b0 27w0 45b1 10w0 37w011111
45Short David142ENG 8w0 28b0 44w0 20b0 46b110110
46Matthew Ian G136ENG 12b0 14w0 40b0 45w00,50010
47Newman Richard H140ENG 34b0 24w0 21b0 42b00,50010

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)