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Campionat de Menorca Individual

Last update 23.12.2018 09:50:12, Creator/Last Upload: bepmercadal

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Coll Pons Guillem2076ESP 31w1 16b½ 20w1 21b1 11w1 5b0 7w0 22w½5803842,5
2FMSuarez Roa Jose Francisco2049ESP 32b1 22w1 5w1 7b½ 23b1 3w½62038,541
3Fraga Pons Albert Borja2027ESP 33w1 40w1 18b1 9b1 5w½ 2b½6303438
4Villaescusa Navalon Miguel1981ESP 35b½ 29w1 22w½ 26b1 24w1 11b0510033,537
5Simo Bordoy Guillermo1948ESP 34w1 17b1 25w1 2b0 10w1 1w1 3b½ 7b05,56036,540,5
6Ferrando Perello Martin1929ESP 38b1 25w0 30b1 35w1 19b1 17w16503135
7N. N.0 39w0 48b1 35w1 25b1 21w1 2w½ 1b1 5w16,51034,537,5
8Moll Gener Joan1849ESP 40b0 -0 53w1 41b1 29w1 27b151802730
9Tourino Muxi Juan Francisco1844ESP 41w1 21b0 46w1 32b1 3w0 31w0 -03,53503133,5
10Gonzalez Ambros Cristian1836ESP 42b1 28w1 30b½ 14w½ 5b0 38w- 39w-3,534031,534
11Gomila Benejam Teodoro1791ESP 36w1 19b1 30w1 1b0 22w½ 12b1 4w16403337
12Cardona Capo Llorenc1783ESP 44w1 24b½ 27w1 14b½ 11w0 19b0424033,536,5
13Gomila Gomila Pedro1757ESP 45b1 30w0 38b½ 41w1 23w0 28b1 35w042803033
14Marti Pons Eugeni1731ESP 46w1 29b½ 24w1 10b½ 12w½ 22b0 40w0425032,535
15Gomez Estevez Pere1728ESP 47b1 40w0 42w1 23b0 -0 -0343028,530,5
16Ribon Calabia Mariano1726ESP 48w1 1w½ 37b+ -0 -0 -03,53303437
17Florit Febrer Juan1724ESP 49b1 5w0 42b0 51b1 44w1 45w+ 27w1 6b051602931,5
18Mercadal Melia Dante1702ESP 50w1 39b1 3w0 27b0 44w1 24b½4,52103133
19Campins Bagur Esteve1697ESP 51b1 11w0 31b1 29w1 24b½ 6w0 12w15903437
20Serra Planas Xavier1689ESP 52w1 1b0 -0 -0 -0 58b134202931
21Gomila Marti Santiago1663ESP 53b1 9w1 40b½ 1w0 7b0 46w1 39w1 31b½513032,535
22Pons Vinent Angel1662ESP 54w1 2b0 41w1 4b½ 39w1 11b½ 14w1 1b½5,5703437
23Carretero Orfila Juan Jose1617ESP 37w0 54b+ 47b1 15w1 13b1 2w0 38b½51503032
24Escandell Atienza Santiago1605ESP 55b1 12w½ 14b0 33w1 40b1 19w½ 4b0 18w½4,52003232,5
25Doldan Candamio Jaime1578ESP 56w1 6b1 5b0 7w0 35b0 37w1 40b0 45w1423036,539
26Moll Mercadal Daniel1572ESP 57b1 -0 42w1 4w0 35b0 37w034103133
27Coll Morla Joan1538ESP 43w1 12b0 38w½ 37b1 18w1 17b0 8w0426031,535
28Marques Pons Ferran1492ESP 58w1 10b0 47w½ 39b0 42b1 13w0 44b1431023,525,5
29Cardona Pons Josep1477ESP 59b1 14w½ 4b0 56w1 19b0 40w½ 8b0 32w142903032,5
30Sintes Palliser Martin1473ESP 60w1 13b1 10w½ 11b0 6w0 38b0 46b1 49w½42703133
31Urpi Soler Ferran1470ESP 1b0 51w1 19w0 56b1 59w1 9b1 21w½517028,531
32Martinez Esposo Josep1458ESP 2w0 50b1 59w1 9w0 45b0 49b0 42w½ 29b02,55202729
33Bagur Bosch Maria1448ESP 3b0 57w1 24b0 47w1 39b0 54w1 34b14,522028,530,5
34Morla Pons Jaume1439ESP 5b0 47w- 52w1 59b0 56w1 51b1 33w03,53702729,5
35Moll Pons Jana1425ESP 4w½ 7b0 58b1 25w1 6b0 26w1 13b151203335
36Coll Fullana Pau1423ESP 11b0 -0 58w1 -0 -0 42b1345027,529,5
37Salord Moll Tomeu1414ESP 23b1 16w- 27w0 25b0 58w1 26b143002931
38Bagur Bosch Francesc1410ESP 6w0 52b1 13w½ 27b½ 30w1 10b+ 23w½514030,534
39Urpi Cortes Nil1406ESP 7b1 18w0 28w1 22b0 33w1 21b0 10b+4,519034,538
40Bagur Moll Guillem Uriel1342ESP 8w1 15b1 21w½ 3b0 24w0 29b½ 25w1 14b151103337
41Pons Tuduri Jose1246ESP 9b0 49w1 22b0 55w1 13b0 8w0 43b½ 51w+3,536028,529
42Fiol Gomila Ismael1243ESP 10w0 58b1 17w1 15b0 26b0 28w0 32b½ 36w02,550027,529,5
43Vidal Armendariz Mikel1243ESP 27b0 44w0 54b0 60b1 52w½ 41w½ 56b13,54002426
44Salord Guillen Joan1230ESP 12b0 51w0 43b1 60w1 17b0 47w1 18b0 28w0347025,527,5
45Marti Torrent Nuria1199ESP 13w0 60b1 32w1 17b- -0 25b034402830
46Andreu Montero Lluis1188ESP 14b0 55w1 9b0 54w1 21b0 30w0 52b02,54902828,5
47Kikalishvili Beka1186ESP 15w0 34b+ 28b½ 23w0 33b0 44b0 50w1 54b02,55102729
48Pons Sintes Andres1146ESP 16b0 7w0 55b- 49w- -1 54b0 50w12,554025,527
49Salvador Gil Jaume1123ESP 17w0 41b0 58w0 48b+ 55b1 32w1 30b½43202222,5
50Andreu Montero Jaume1100ESP 18b0 32w0 60b- 52b0 55w1 47b0 48b01,558021,522
51Pons Sintes Marc1021ESP 19w0 44b1 31b0 17w0 57b1 34w0 41b-2,548028,530,5
52Bonet Saurina Joan Pau0ESP 20b0 38w0 34b0 50w1 43b½ 46w13,539024,526,5
53Delgado Gonzalez Jose Manuel0ESP 21w0 56b0 8b0 -0 57w1 -0257025,527,5
54Fabregues Elizondo Osvaldo0ESP 22b0 23w- 43w1 46b0 48w1 33b0 47w13,538026,528,5
55Gonzalez Lozano Cristian0ESP 24w0 46b0 48w+ 41b0 49w0 50b0 56w0 60b0160020,522,5
56Guarino Escriche Domingo0ESP 25b0 53w1 29b0 31w0 34b0 55b1 43w02,55302727,5
57Munoz Tuduri Jose Manuel0ESP 26w0 33b0 51w0 -0 53b0 -0159023,525,5
58Olives Vidal Joan0ESP 28b0 42w0 49b1 35w0 36b0 60w1 37b0 20w0256028,530,5
59Serratore Ruiz Daniel0ESP 29w0 -1 32b0 34w1 31b0 -034602729,5
60Teles Pinto Nelson0ESP 30b0 45w0 50w+ 44b0 43w0 58b0 55w12,55502121,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)