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Torneo Preparacion Escolar 6to año nau64 STJ

Last update 04.06.2019 17:13:44, Creator/Last Upload: Jose Riverol-nau64 chess club-Montevideo

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1 
1Magallanes Guillermo800URU 26w+ 28w1 19b1 3w1 2b1 8w1 6w1721
2Hernandez Juan Andres1100URU 15w1 12b1 10w1 9b1 1w0 13b1 8b1619
3Magallanes Ignacio1000URU 5w1 13b1 7w1 1b0 8b0 11w1 12w1517
Lopez Martina800URU 34b1 33w0 26b1 5w0 22b1 20b1 13w1517
Mederos Maria Eugenia600URU 3b0 35w1 20w1 4b1 18w1 6b0 10w1517
6Barros Valentina1000URU 21b- 30b1 21w1 12b1 7w1 5w1 1b0516
7Giraundin Joaquin800URU 16w1 24b1 3b0 21w1 6b0 9w½ 18w14,516
Hernandez Lucia700URU 32w½ 17b1 18w+ 10b1 3w1 1b0 2w04,516
9Triunfo Hugo1000URU 27b1 22w1 33b+ 2w0 13b0 7b½ 14w½415
Vila Rodrigo850URU 31w1 23b1 2b0 8w0 21b1 15w1 5b0415
Cimassi Valentina800URU 23b0 31w1 22b1 13w0 16w1 3b0 26w1415
Moreno Lucia700URU 25b1 2w0 28b1 6w0 23b1 24w1 3b0415
Terra Santiago700URU 35w+ 3w0 25b1 11b1 9w1 2w0 4b0415
Benech Ignacio600URU 28b0 26w0 31b1 25w½ 29b1 17w1 9b½415
Caceres Rocio600URU 2b0 25w0 34b1 28w1 33w+ 10b0 20w1415
Rodriguez Karina500URU 7b0 32w½ 19w1 11b0 33w1 22b1415
17Dornell Katrina700URU 18b½ 8w0 23w1 33b1 20w0 14b0 28w13,514
18Menendez Agustina400URU 17w½ 32b1 8b- 29w1 5b0 21w1 7b03,513
19Hernandez Santino900URU 30w1 21b0 1w0 16b0 26b0 34w1 33b1313
Mendez Felipe900URU 22b0 27w1 5b0 26w1 17b1 4w0 15b0313
Landa Mateo600URU 6w+ 19w1 6b0 7b0 10w0 18b0 32w1313
Sedres Lucia600URU 20w1 9b0 11w0 24b1 4w0 32b1 16w0313
Rodriguez Josefina500URU 11w1 10w0 17b0 32b1 12w0 28b½ 24b½313
Canessa Pia400URU 36b+ 7w0 29b½ 22w0 25b1 12b0 23w½313
Fraga Candelaria300URU 12w0 15b1 13w0 14b½ 24w0 31w½ 30b1313
26Borderre Diego400URU 1b- 14b1 4w0 20b0 19w1 29w1 11b0312
27Pereyra Gael600URU 9w0 20b0 30w0 35b1 32w0 31b12,512
Perez Paulina200URU 14w1 1b0 12w0 15b0 30b1 23w½ 17b02,512
29Velazco Juana800URU 33b0 34w1 24w½ 18b0 14w0 26b0211
Ruiz Baustista600URU 19b0 6w0 27b0 34w+ 28w0 35b1 25w0211
Pereira Sofia500URU 10b0 11b0 14w0 35w1 25b½ 27w0211
Perez Julieta400URU 8b½ 18w0 16b½ 23w0 27b1 22w0 21b0211
33Canavese Valentina400URU 29w1 4b1 9w- 17w0 15b- 16b0 19w029
34Santurio Thiago500URU 4w0 29b0 15w0 30b- 19b0 35w½18
Texeira Kiara300URU 13b- 5b0 27w0 31b0 30w0 34b½18
36Bustillo Diego700URU 24w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,57

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (variabel)