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XXX Abierto Internacional "VILLA de MARCHENA" 2018

Última actualización06.12.2018 21:49:55, Propietario/Última carga: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 302)

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 8 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Hernandez Muñoz Antonio Ramon2306SE102w1 43b1 53w1 12b1 3w1 7b1 2w1 4b½7,5045,542
2Rodriguez Morales Alberto2261SE107b1 42w1 17b1 11w1 9b1 5w1 1b0 16w17046,543
3WFMPerera Borrego Mariela2180HU116b1 44w1 29b1 63w1 1b0 8w1 34b1 7b1704339,5
4FMDiaz Castro Sergio2257SE 96w1 39b1 22w1 56b1 7w0 11b1 35w1 1w½6,5043,539,5
5Rios Gallardo Guillermo2047SE104w1 64b1 58w½ 57b1 54w1 2b0 22w1 23b16,5039,536
6FMAlshameary Puente Ismael2479SE123w1 33b0110w1 44b1 13w½ 25b1 37b1 21w16,503835
7FMBernabeu Lopez Carlos Javier2337CO 77b1 55w1 34b1 10w1 4b1 1w0 21b1 3w0604642
8Medina Galera Alejandro1915SE139b1 91w1 15w1 23b½ 24w1 3b0 27b1 9w½6042,539,5
9Perez Garcia Roberto2158SE 79w1 72b1 13w1 78b1 2w0 42b1 10w½ 8b½6042,538,5
10Medina Carrasco Jose Andres2056SE 87b1 41w1 25b1 7b0 56w1 33w1 9b½ 14w½6041,537,5
11Quesada Aguilera Antonio2007SE165b1 99w1 30b1 2b0 20w1 4w0 41b1 36w16040,539
12Vicente Garrote Jose Maria2015SE 88b1 49w1 84b1 1w0 55b1 76w1 16b0 33w16039,535,5
13Muñoz Garcia Jesus1942SE141b1 26w1 9b0 80w1 6b½101w1 36b½ 38w16038,535,5
14Cesar Maestre Bernardo2085CO 83w1 45b1 56w0 68b1 25w½ 54b1 53w1 10b½6038,534,5
15Carretero Ortiz Francisco2110SE124b1 46w1 8b0 67w1 40b1 37w0 61b1 47w1603835
16Chacon Perez Juan2118SE120w1 57b0102w1 45b1 82w1 39b1 12w1 2b0603835
17Alshameary Puente Daniel1976SE122w1 66b1 2w0 50b1 42w0106b1 39w1 35b16037,534,5
18Moreno Valle Agustin2029CO 92b1 31w1 32b½ 28w0101b½ 65w1 76b1 40w16037,534
19Gallardo Fernandez Cesar2226SE108b1 76w1 63b0 46w1 28b1 34w0 85b1 37w16036,533
20Borrego Gil Diego1852MA117b1125w1 36b1 21w0 11b0 81w1 80b1 34w16035,532,5
21Barrios Muñoz Rafael Carlos2050CO149w1 60b1 54w½ 20b1 58w1 23b1 7w0 6b05,504037,5
22Montero Campuzano Rafael1958SE128b1 81w1 4b0 49w1 26b½ 30w1 5b0 55w15,504037
23Lechuga Cabrero Luis Miguel2124CO112b1 85w1 82b1 8w½ 33b1 21w0 26b1 5w05,5039,536
24Fernandez Caballero Antonio2047 90b1 65w1 28b½ 32w1 8b0 61w0 68b1 58w15,503935
25Pozo Prior Jose Antonio1906SE109w1127b1 10w0 81b1 14b½ 6w0 73w1 59b15,5037,534,5
26Briand Clara Helena1637SE 86w1 13b0153w1 48b1 22w½ 69b1 23w0 54b15,503735
27Lopez Rodriguez Fernando2007SE 62w1106b1 33w0 41b½ 60w1 59b1 8w0 57b15,503733,5
28Exposito Garcia Francisco1875CO 89w1155b1 24w½ 18b1 19w0 53b0 71w1 62b15,5036,535
29Borondo Garcia Raul1944SE156w1105b1 3w0106b1 78w1 35b0 31w½ 60b15,5034,532,5
30Ramos Saavedra Mario1833CO132w1152b1 11w0 59b½104w1 22b0 70w1 56b15,503331,5
31Alvarez Sanchez David1713CA148w1 18b0156w1 69b0122w1 48b1 29b½ 61w15,503331
32Sanchez Lopez Jesus1853CO145w1103b1 18w½ 24b0 59w0121b1111w1 53b15,503330,5
33Aguilar Martin Alberto1811CO180b+ 6w1 27b1 35b1 23w0 10b0 79w1 12b0504238,5
34Del Moral De La Bastida Ramon1998CA131b1 97w1 7w0 64b1 84w1 19b1 3w0 20b05040,537,5
35Blanco Perez David2082SE119b1 67w1 40b1 33w0 47b1 29w1 4b0 17w05040,537
36Tadevosyan Aspet2026SE173w1 50b1 20w0 60b½ 57w1 58b1 13w½ 11b0504036,5
37Martin Rengel Jose Maria1989SE 93w1 78b0 96w1 65b1 43w1 15b1 6w0 19b0504036
38Ruiz Rodriguez Jose Manuel2000SE 75w1 73b1 57w½ 58b0 41w½ 50b1 42w1 13b0503934,5
39Falcon Garcia Jesus Manuel1791SE138b1 4w0112b1 77w1 63b1 16w0 17b0 93w15037,534,5
40Herrera Oliva Enrique1913SE142w1 94b1 35w0 66b1 15w0 78b1 49w1 18b05036,533,5
41Lirio Garcia Carlos1730SE121w1 10b0122w1 27w½ 38b½ 83b1 11w0 89b15036,533,5
42Suarez Fernandez Enrique Oliver1803SE143w1 2b0120w1154b1 17b1 9w0 38b0 77w1503634
43De La Puerta Fernandez Carlos Arcadio1805SE134b1 1w0116b1 51w1 37b0105w½ 77b½ 80w1503532
44Moreno Alberti Manuel Maria1777MA136w1 3b0 94w1 6w0 79b0103b1 92w1 81b1503532
45Sanchez Ternero Antonio A.1769135b1 14w0 87b1 16w0124b1 51w0 90b1 86w1503532
46Garzon Rodriguez Jose Manuel1766MA157w1 15b0 75w1 19b0 83w0113w1 88b1 79b1503432
47Bengoa Diaz Francisco Javier1851SE127w0 89b1114w1 70b1 35w0123b1 51w1 15b05033,530,5
48Lopez Muñoz Manuel1928SE101b0142w1108b1 26w0115b1 31w0 83b1 78w15032,529,5
49Sanchez Perez Mario1710159w1 12b0113w1 22b0154w1 82b1 40b0 76w1503230
50Zamudio Muñoz Antonio1714SE161b1 36w0165b1 17w0 93b1 38w0126b1 84w15030,529
51Marquez Polvillo Bartolome1605SE103w0145b1152w1 43b0153w1 45b1 47b0 85w15028,527
52Castillo Lanciego Jose Maria1889 -0109b0167w1126b0134w1128w1 87b1 91w15026,525
53Nuevo Perez Antonio1984SE163b1 71w½ 1b0 74w1 97b1 28w1 14b0 32w04,5039,537,5
54Anillo Fernandez Isabel Maria1896SE115b1101w1 21b½ 71w1 5b0 14w0 66b1 26w04,503935,5
55Rivero Cabello Jose Carlos1809SE 98w1 7b0 79w1 62b1 12w0 70b½ 74w1 22b04,503935
56Coba Moncada Jacinto1906SE166b1129w1 14b1 4w0 10b0 66w½ 67b1 30w04,503835,5
57Liñan Molina Daniel1776SE147b1 16w1 38b½ 5w0 36b0107w1101b1 27w04,5037,535
58Aguilar Martin Jorge1866CO100b1146w1 5b½ 38w1 21b0 36w0105b1 24b04,503734,5
59Marquez Vizuete David1615SE118b0100w1146b1 30w½ 32b1 27w0 72b1 25w04,5036,534
60Barcia Garcia Jacob1735SE140b1 21w0 92b1 36w½ 27b0108w1 63b1 29w04,5036,533,5
61Garcia Garcia Jesus1936SE113w1 80b½ 78w0109b1 71w1 24b1 15w0 31b04,5036,533
62Gonzalez Lopez Francisco Jesus1398CO 27b0 95w1 85b1 55w0 67b½ 97w1 82b1 28w04,503632
63Castillo Lanciego Fernando1959SE126w1162b1 19w1 3b0 39w0 73b½ 60w0105b14,503533
64Muñoz Feria Manuel Jesus1717SE 95b1 5w0 88b1 34w0131b1 79w0 75b½107w14,5034,531,5
65Ferrete Rueda Juan Carlos1716SE130w1 24b0126w1 37w0 88b1 18b0122w1 69b½4,503431
66Lopez Galisteo Samuel1675SE182b+ 17w0128b1 40w0113b1 56b½ 54w0110b14,5033,530,5
67Ojeda Perez Jesus1756SE168w1 35b0 93w1 15b0 62w½110b1 56w0103b14,503231
68Zamudio Muñoz Jose Luis1766SE146b0166w1 90b1 14w0 87b1 77w½ 24w0104b14,503229,5
69Diaz Rodriguez Jose Antonio1964CO129b0139w1107b1 31w1 76b0 26w0120b1 65w½4,503229
70Ortiz Acosta Andres1640SE167b½111w1 80b½ 47w0 98b1 55w½ 30b0101w14,5031,530
71Lirio Garcia Roberto1676SE151w1 53b½127w1 54b0 61b0115w1 28b0114w14,503128,5
72Ruiz Alcaide Juan Luis1784SE133b1 9w0124b1101w0114w½104b1 59w0102b14,503027
73Fernandez Calzada Juan Antonio1701CO172b1 38w0129b1 82w0128b1 63w½ 25b0108w14,502928,5
74Muñoz Robledo Pedro1633SE125b0115w½140b1 53b0109w1116w1 55b0118w14,502926
75Flores Gil Manuel Jesus1383SE 38b0161w1 46b0135w0147b1125w1 64w½111b14,5028,526,5
76Moncada Rodriguez Cristobal1784SE160w1 19b0 83w1 86b1 69w1 12b0 18w0 49b04037,535,5
77Suarez Garcia Alvaro1591CA 7w0132b1103w1 39b0 86w1 68b½ 43w½ 42b0403633
78Barrero Ortega Abraham1694SE170b1 37w1 61b1 9w0 29b0 40w0117w1 48b04035,534,5
79Civico Rivero Manuel1537SE 9b0138w1 55b0134w1 44w1 64b1 33b0 46w04035,532,5
80Guardia Bencomo Tomas1608CA171b1 61w½ 70w½ 13b0 95w1 84b1 20w0 43b0403534
81Cepeda Fuentes Jose Manuel1643SE183w+ 22b0155w1 25w0117b1 20b0121w1 44w04033,532
82Montalban Rivera Juan1922CA154w1114b1 23w0 73b1 16b0 49w0 62w0122b14033,531,5
83Camacho Marin Francisco Javier1477CO 14b0147w1 76b0133w1 46b1 41w0 48w0136b14033,531
84Leon Serralbo Jose Manuel1837SE144b1118w1 12w0105b1 34b0 80w0 94w1 50b0403330
85Hernandez Cejudo Jose Antonio1769137w1 23b0 62w0156b1120w1102b1 19w0 51b04032,530,5
86Girona Platero Jose Manuel0 26b0141w1 91b1 76w0 77b0129w1123w1 45b04031,528,5
87Gonzalez Olivar Juan Alberto1456 10w0168b1 45w0137b1 68w0138b1 52w0135b1403130
88Cadenas Gonzalez Jose Maria1409SE 12w0148b1 64w0155b1 65w0 95b1 46w0121b1403129,5
89Gomez Lozano Ruben1220SE 28b0 47w0161b1 91w0158b1112w1 99b1 41w0403129
90Cabrera Rios Jose1453SE 24w0121b1 68w0 95b0137w1133b1 45w0130b1403128
91Guerra Pendon Miguel1609SE150w1 8b0 86w0 89b1121w0154b1130w1 52b0403028
92Medina Garcia Jeronimo1446SE 18w0130b1 60w0121b0159w1136w1 44b0137b14029,527,5
93Marin Arroyo Isaac1361SE 37b0158w1 67b0146w1 50w0153b1106w1 39b04029,527,5
94Polonio Anguas Rafael Jesus1463SE176b+ 40w0 44b0136b0160w1 98w1 84b0133w14029,527,5
95Liñan Molina Diego994SE 64w0 62b0166b1 90w1 80b0 88w0141b1131w14029,527
96Marin Andreu Daniel1574SE 4b0134w1 37b0117w0133b0160w1144b1138w1402927
97Puig Guisado Jaime1700SE153w1 34b0109w½110b1 53w0 62b0145w½139b14028,526,5
98Flores Hernandez Ana1166SE 55b0107w0170b1112w1 70w0 94b0124b1120w14026,525,5
99Fuentes Caballero Jose Antonio1706164w1 11b0154w0113b0145w1139b1 89w0126w1402624
100Moreno Ballesteros Hector1220SE 58w0 59b0130w1102b0171w1120b0152w1123b1402423
101Pons Lopez Sergio1278SE 48w1 54b0162w1 72b1 18w½ 13b0 57w0 70b03,503735
102Conde Gallego Domingo1584SE 1b0144w1 16b0100w1125b1 85w0118b½ 72w03,5035,532,5
103Ramirez Garcia Enrique0 51b1 32w0 77b0129w1108b½ 44w0115b1 67w03,503431
104Mayorga Martin Fco. Javier1451 5b0140w½119b1125w1 30b0 72w0150b1 68w03,503330,5
105Medina Galera Angela1627SE184w+ 29w0135b1 84w0136b1 43b½ 58w0 63w03,503330
106Cruz Rodriguez Israel1710SE158b1 27w0131b1 29w0126b1 17w0 93b0113w½3,5032,530,5
107Cortes Giraldo Miguel Antonio1576SE 2w0 98b1 69w0145b½132w1 57b0146w1 64b03,5032,530
108Contreras Valle Juan Carlos1550SE 19w0143b1 48w0127b1103w½ 60b0132w1 73b03,5032,529,5
109Guerrero Montaño Pablo1230SE 25b0 52w1 97b½ 61w0 74b0146w0147b1125w13,503229,5
110Aranda Partido Francisco0111b½167w1 6b0 97w0119b1 67w0116b1 66w03,503129,5
111Sanchez Ternero Vicente1672110w½ 70b0118b1115w0140b1114w1 32b0 75w03,503128
112Fernandez Parrilla Jose Antonio1521CA 23w0136b1 39w0 98b0143w1 89b0134w1117b½3,503128
113Saavedra Rodriguez Juan Manuel1288SE 61b0150w1 49b0 99w1 66w0 46b0153w1106b½3,5030,528,5
114Pastor Fernandez Juan1550SE175b+ 82w0 47b0144w1 72b½111b0148w1 71b03,5030,528
115Camacho Marin Rafael1228CO 54w0 74b½157w1111b1 48w0 71b0103w0150b13,503028
116Parrado Perez Manuel1546SE 3w0160b1 43w0132b½157w1 74b0110w0145b13,5029,527,5
117Montero Luna Horacio1210SE 20w0123b0148w1 96b1 81w0124w1 78b0112w½3,5029,527
118Mayorga Martin Diego0 59w1 84b0111w0122b0127w1149b1102w½ 74b03,5028,526
119Gutierrez Molina Jose Luis1474CA 35w0157b½104w0152b1110w0132b0149w1146b13,5023,522
120Canalejo Alonso Gonzalo1511 16b0133w1 42b0138w1 85b0100w1 69w0 98b03033,530,5
121Briand Noel Santiago1001SE 41b0 90w0142b1 92w1 91b1 32w0 81b0 88w0303330
122Rodriguez Segovia Juan Jose1339SE 17b0172w1 41b0118w1 31b0135w1 65b0 82w0303231,5
123Clarambo Torres Diego1604SE 6b0117w1125b0139w1135b1 47w0 86b0100w0303229
124Muñoz Peña Antonio1489SE 15w0137b1 72w0143b1 45w0117b0 98w0148b13031,529
125Lopez Casau David0 74w1 20b0123w1104b0102w0 75b0127w1109b03031,528,5
126Ruiz Sanchez Francisco I1323SE 63b0170w1 65b0 52w1106w0152b1 50w0 99b03029,528,5
127Gonzalez Rueda Jose Luis1205SE 47b1 25w0 71b0108w0118b0158w1125b0159w1302927
128Gamarro Perez David1313SE 22w0151b1 66w0162b1 73w0 52b0137w0161b1302927
129Cadenas Gonzalez Rafael1330SE 69w1 56b0 73w0103b0155w1 86b0133w0157b13027,526
130Gonzalez Franco Sergio976SE 65b0 92w0100b0151w1165b1131w1 91b0 90w03027,526
131Jimenez Aguilera Jose Maria1379SE 34w0164b1106w0150b1 64w0130b0143w1 95b03027,525,5
132Limones Fornes Mario1178SE 30b0 77w0172b1116w½107b0119w1108b0142w½302726,5
133Rodriguez Barrio Alvaro1124SE 72w0120b0171w1 83b0 96w1 90w0129b1 94b0302726
134Sauer Gaviño Javier1166SE 43w0 96b0164w1 79b0 52b0155w1112b0152w1302725,5
135Rodriguez Mayen Antonio1060CO 45w0149b1105w0 75b1123w0122b0154w1 87w0302725
136Martinez Ortega Alejandro1107SE 44b0112w0163b1 94w1105w0 92b0156w1 83w0302725
137Briand Nicolas Emmanuel1067SE 85b0124w0141b1 87w0 90b0165w1128b1 92w03026,525
138Campuzano Gonzalez Alfonso1147CA 39w0 79b0151w1120b0162w1 87w0163b1 96b03026,524,5
139Conde Chamizo Pablo1269SE 8w0 69b0168w1123b0167w1 99w0157b1 97w0302625
140Ruiz Llamas Hector1026CO 60w0104b½ 74w0149b1111w0145b½142w0156b1302624
141Campos Ortega Manuel1298CA 13w0 86b0137w0159b0164w1151b1 95w0153b13025,523,5
142Sanchez Pineda Antonio1263SE 40b0 48b0121w0158w0172b1147w½140b1132b½302423,5
143Mena Carrillo Juan1159SE 42b0108w0169b1124w0112b0170w1131b0155w1302221
144Pons Lago Cristobal1201SE 84w0102b0159w1114b0152w0167b1 96w0164b13021,520
145Asuero Alcantara Pablo1216SE 32b0 51w0158b1107w½ 99b0140w½ 97b½116w02,5030,528,5
146Ortega Herrera Paris Francisco1046MUR 68w1 58b0 59w0 93b0156w½109b1107b0119w02,503028
147Sauer Diaz Jaime1070SE 57w0 83b0149w½167b½ 75w0142b½109w0171b12,5024,523,5
148Espinosa Pineda Manuel973SE 31b0 88w0117b0169w½170b1166w1114b0124w02,502423
149Aleixo Macias Diego Manuel1455SE 21b0135w0147b½140w0169b1118w0119b0165w12,502422,5
150Moreno Luque Manuel Francisco0 91b0113b0160w1131w0166b½162b1104w0115w02,502422
151Barrena Moreno Tomas872SE 71b0128w0138b0130b0168w1141w0165b½169w12,5020,519,5
152Villalobos Davila Adrian0 -1 30w0 51b0119w0144b1126w0100b0134b02030,527,5
153Sauer Gaviño Pablo914SE 97b0163w1 26b0165w1 51b0 93w0113b0141w02028,527
154Sanchez Lopez Carlos1272CO 82b0171w1 99b1 42w0 49b0 91w0135b0158w0202827
155Bejar Martin Victor960SE178w+ 28w0 81b0 88w0129b0134b0162w1143b02027,525,5
156Carrillo Martinez Jose Maria1302SE 29b0169w1 31b0 85w0146b½157w½136b0140w0202725,5
157Lopez Cueto Julio1056SE 46b0119w½115b0163w1116b0156b½139w0129w02025,523,5
158Calzado Pozo Ana971SE106w0 93b0145w0142b1 89w0127b0171w1154b0202322
159Gutierrez Garcia Patricia971SE 49b0165w0144b0141w1 92b0163w0170b1127b02022,521,5
160Sanchez Molina Eduardo1140CA 76b0116w0150b0172w1 94b0 96b0167w1163w02021,521
Rodriguez Mayen Teo976CO 50w0 75b0 89w0171b0163b0172w1169b1128w02021,521
162Bautista Martinez Juan De Dios1668CA169b1 63w0101b0128w0138b0150w0155b0170w12020,519,5
163Baron Martinez Francisco1350CA 53w0153b0136w0157b0161w1159b1138w0160b02020,518,5
164Martinez Ferrandis Jose Miguel954SE 99b0131w0134b0166w0141b0168b1172w1144w0202019,5
165Aguilera Muñoz Manuel1384 11w0159b1 50w0153b0130w0137b0151w½149b01,502624
166Ramos Gomez Juan1248SE 56w0 68b0 95w0164b1150w½148b0 -0 -01,5025,523,5
167Fernandez Requena Godofredo0SE 70w½110b0 52b0147w½139b0144w0160b0168w½1,502524
168Barrena Moreno Gloria1029SE 67b0 87w0139b0170w0151b0164w0 -1167b½1,501918,5
169Carnerero Bravo Samuel0SE162w0156b0143w0148b½149w0171b1161w0151b01,5017,516,5
170Garcia Villar Juan David879SE 78w0126b0 98w0168b1148w0143b0159w0162b01021,520,5
171Palacios Navarro Manuel0 80w0154b0133b0161w1100b0169w0158b0147w0102119,5
172Camacho Marin Pedro945CO 73w0122b0132w0160b0142w0161b0164b0 -11019,519,5
173Amado Calderon Sebastian1431CA 36b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00022,521,5
174Romero Romero Sebastian2220SE -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Rodriguez Aguilera Juan Maria2205114w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Exposito Portillo Joaquin2071SE 94w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Caballero Garcia Lucas1828 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Ramirez Sanchez Samuel1707SE155b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Ruiz Romero Cesar1664SE -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Lopez Lopez Manuel1169 33w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Rodriguez Barrio Sergio1027SE -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Moreno Ballesteros Inara843SE 66w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Exposito Cerero Alvaro0SE 81b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Martin Moya Jesus0105b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221
Muñoz Sanchez Juan Manuel0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002221

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)