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Klaipeda semifinal 2018

Last update 27.10.2018 18:36:04, Creator/Last Upload: sseleman

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Pidluznij Gleb1878LTU -0 21w1 13b1 9b1 4w1 14w0 11b1 5b0 3w½5,5646,550,526,25
2Zirnovas Martynas1834LTU 28w- 19b1 15w1 11b1 7w1 3b0 5w½ 4b½ 14w05946,550,523,75
3Jankus Giedrius1824LTU 27b1 12w0 16b1 6w1 5b½ 2w1 14b0 8w½ 1b½5,5448,550,526,25
4Vaitonis Vytautas1818LTU 26w1 9b1 11w1 14b0 1b0 17w1 6b1 2w½ 5w05,554748,524,00
5Gluchaciov Nikolaj1716LTU 25b1 14w0 18b1 12b1 3w½ 8w1 2b½ 1w1 4b17247,549,534,75
6Pakalniskis Romas1603LTU 22w1 11b0 28w1 3b0 10w1 15b1 4w0 12b½ 7w15,5839,542,523,75
7Barsciauskas Gintautas1591LTU 20b1 17w1 8w½ 2b0 12w1 10b1 14w0 6b051045,549,523,75
8Saunoriute Milda1589LTU 19w1 28b1 12w1 7b½ 14w0 5b0 9w1 3b½ 13w163464928,25
9Januseviciute Donata1581LTU 18b1 4w0 29b1 1w0 17b0 21w1 8b0 20w1 16b151238,54219,00
10Luksas Jonas1569LTU 17w½ 23b1 14b0 13w1 6b0 18w1 7w0 21b1 12w04,5134344,517,25
11Piksrys Rutenis1562LTU 16b1 6w1 4b0 2w0 18b1 20w1 1w0 13b0 17w½4,51440,544,520,25
12Scekaciov Rostislav1508LTU 15w1 3b1 8b0 5w0 19w1 7b0 16b1 6w½ 10b15,5742,546,524,75
13Ionin Ilja1442LTU 14b0 20w1 1w0 10b0 27w1 22b1 17w1 11w1 8b051142,544,519,50
14Kozhakin Michail1423LTU 13w1 5b1 10w1 4w1 8b1 1b1 3w1 7b1 2b19145,55049,00
15Vainauskas Haroldas1422LTU 12b0 25w1 2b0 24w1 21b1 6w0 28b1 -0 -041737,539,513,50
16Lukosiunas Vakaris1313LTU 11w0 22b1 3w0 17b½ 28w½ 29b1 12w0 24b1 9w0418363915,00
17Fedorov Artem1171LTU 10b½ 24w1 7b0 16w½ 9w1 4b0 13b0 28w1 11b½4,515374019,00
18Stasius Matas1164LTU 9w0 26b1 5w0 23b1 11w0 10b0 29w1 22b1 19w½4,5163435,513,00
19Bertuzis Kipras1156LTU 8b0 2w0 25b1 27w1 12b0 28w0 20b½ 23w1 18b½42032,53411,25
20Saunorius Tomas1109LTU 7w0 13b0 22w1 28b½ 23w1 11b0 19w½ 9b0 29w14193435,512,75
21Bazaras Jokubas0LTU -0 1b0 26w1 29b1 15w0 9b0 25w1 10w0 28b½3,5243435,59,25
22Biecaite Viktorija0LTU 6b0 16w0 20b0 25w1 26b1 13w0 23b1 18w0 27w142228,5309,00
23Budiak Arina0LTU 10w0 24b½ 18w0 20b0 -1 22w0 19b0 26b022831,5338,75
24Budiak Arsenij0LTU 17b0 23w½ 15b0 29w0 27b1 -1 16w0 25b142128,53012,75
25Chacatrian Ruben0LTU 5w0 15b0 19w0 22b0 -1 26w1 21b0 27b½ 24w02,52631,5337,75
26Chaldejev Andrej0LTU 4b0 18w0 21b0 -1 22w0 25b0 27w0 29b0 23w12292829,56,50
27Jeriomin Jegor0LTU 3w0 29w0 -1 19b0 13b0 24w0 26b1 25w½ 22b02,52730,5327,75
28Lileikis Ernestas0LTU 2b+ 8w0 6b0 20w½ 16b½ 19b1 15w0 17b0 21w½3,523374114,75
29Pidluznij Matvej0LTU -0 27b1 9w0 21w0 24b1 16w0 18b0 26w1 20b03253233,58,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable