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Klaipeda semifinal 2018

Last update 27.10.2018 18:36:04, Creator/Last Upload: sseleman

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Kozhakin Michail1423LTU 11w1 2b1 13w1 5w1 3b1 6b1 4w1 10b1 9b1945,55049,00
2Gluchaciov Nikolaj1716LTU 26b1 1w0 16b1 7b1 4w½ 3w1 9b½ 6w1 5b1747,549,534,75
3Saunoriute Milda1589LTU 20w1 23b1 7w1 10b½ 1w0 2b0 12w1 4b½ 11w16464928,25
4Jankus Giedrius1824LTU 27b1 7w0 18b1 8w1 2b½ 9w1 1b0 3w½ 6b½5,548,550,526,25
5Vaitonis Vytautas1818LTU 29w1 12b1 14w1 1b0 6b0 15w1 8b1 9w½ 2w05,54748,524,00
6Pidluznij Gleb1878LTU -0 24w1 11b1 12b1 5w1 1w0 14b1 2b0 4w½5,546,550,526,25
7Scekaciov Rostislav1508LTU 17w1 4b1 3b0 2w0 20w1 10b0 18b1 8w½ 13b15,542,546,524,75
8Pakalniskis Romas1603LTU 22w1 14b0 23w1 4b0 13w1 17b1 5w0 7b½ 10w15,539,542,523,75
9Zirnovas Martynas1834LTU 23w- 20b1 17w1 14b1 10w1 4b0 2w½ 5b½ 1w0546,550,523,75
10Barsciauskas Gintautas1591LTU 19b1 15w1 3w½ 9b0 7w1 13b1 1w0 8b0545,549,523,75
11Ionin Ilja1442LTU 1b0 19w1 6w0 13b0 27w1 22b1 15w1 14w1 3b0542,544,519,50
12Januseviciute Donata1581LTU 16b1 5w0 25b1 6w0 15b0 24w1 3b0 19w1 18b1538,54219,00
13Luksas Jonas1569LTU 15w½ 28b1 1b0 11w1 8b0 16w1 10w0 24b1 7w04,54344,517,25
14Piksrys Rutenis1562LTU 18b1 8w1 5b0 9w0 16b1 19w1 6w0 11b0 15w½4,540,544,520,25
15Fedorov Artem1171LTU 13b½ 21w1 10b0 18w½ 12w1 5b0 11b0 23w1 14b½4,5374019,00
16Stasius Matas1164LTU 12w0 29b1 2w0 28b1 14w0 13b0 25w1 22b1 20w½4,53435,513,00
17Vainauskas Haroldas1422LTU 7b0 26w1 9b0 21w1 24b1 8w0 23b1 -0 -0437,539,513,50
18Lukosiunas Vakaris1313LTU 14w0 22b1 4w0 15b½ 23w½ 25b1 7w0 21b1 12w04363915,00
19Saunorius Tomas1109LTU 10w0 11b0 22w1 23b½ 28w1 14b0 20w½ 12b0 25w143435,512,75
20Bertuzis Kipras1156LTU 3b0 9w0 26b1 27w1 7b0 23w0 19b½ 28w1 16b½432,53411,25
21Budiak Arsenij0LTU 15b0 28w½ 17b0 25w0 27b1 -1 18w0 26b1428,53012,75
22Biecaite Viktorija0LTU 8b0 18w0 19b0 26w1 29b1 11w0 28b1 16w0 27w1428,5309,00
23Lileikis Ernestas0LTU 9b+ 3w0 8b0 19w½ 18b½ 20b1 17w0 15b0 24w½3,5374114,75
24Bazaras Jokubas0LTU -0 6b0 29w1 25b1 17w0 12b0 26w1 13w0 23b½3,53435,59,25
25Pidluznij Matvej0LTU -0 27b1 12w0 24w0 21b1 18w0 16b0 29w1 19b033233,58,50
26Chacatrian Ruben0LTU 2w0 17b0 20w0 22b0 -1 29w1 24b0 27b½ 21w02,531,5337,75
27Jeriomin Jegor0LTU 4w0 25w0 -1 20b0 11b0 21w0 29b1 26w½ 22b02,530,5327,75
28Budiak Arina0LTU 13w0 21b½ 16w0 19b0 -1 22w0 20b0 29b0231,5338,75
29Chaldejev Andrej0LTU 5b0 16w0 24b0 -1 22w0 26b0 27w0 25b0 28w122829,56,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable