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Campionat Absolut Territorial de Lleida Grup-I 2018

Darrera actualització02.12.2018 13:57:43, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Imma Montoliu Daroca

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1FMBarbero Sendic Alejandro2383 15w1 7b1 3w½ 2b½ 12w1 5b1 4b½ 8w1 9b½7145,538,550,5
2FMSole Pijuan Ferran2229 16b1 20w1 5b1 1w½ 3b1 4w0 12b1 9w0 7b16,5343,536,545,5
3Masague Artero Guerau2218 17w1 12b1 1b½ 4w1 2w0 7b1 5w½ 22b1 10w172443748
4Quintas Galeano Lluis2079 18b½ 22w1 23b1 3b0 14w1 2b1 1w½ 5w½ 12b½6443,536,546
5Arno Bendicho Arnau2055 19w1 14b1 2w0 10b1 8w1 1w0 3b½ 4b½ 15w05746,539,551
6Sole Gonzalez Edgar2014 20b0 17w0 16b0 28w1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01272628,528
7Palau Cabases Albert1958 21w1 1w0 15b½ 17b1 22w1 3w0 8b½ 27b1 2w059443747,5
8Sanuy Moncasi Albert1940 22b0 26w1 17b½ 15w1 5b0 27w1 7w½ 1b0 13w1510403343,5
9Gensana Berzunces Joan1914 23w½ 25b1 10w½ 12b0 13w1 14b0 17w1 2b1 1w½5,55413443,5
10Parramon Guillaumet Jaime1906 24b½ 18w1 9b½ 5w0 27b½ 12b0 23w1 14w1 3b04,51238,531,541
11Degracia Burgues Jose A.1891 25w½ 27b½ 19w½ 22b0 18w0 20b1 26w1 15b0 21w½41733,52836,5
12Ghenghiu Alex1857 26b1 3w0 20b1 9w1 1b0 10w1 2w0 13b½ 4w½58453848
13Palau Barrufet Vinyet1836 27w½ -0 24b½ 23w1 9b0 16w1 14b1 12w½ 8b04,51534,528,536,5
14Biosca Lacasa Jordi1833 28b1 5w0 22b½ 18w1 4b0 9w1 13w0 10b0 27w14,513383241
15Torrent Minguet Joan1833 1b0 28w1 7w½ 8b0 19b½ 24w1 22b½ 11w1 5b15,5638,531,541,5
16Alba Tarradelles Jose1822 2w0 19b0 6w1 26b½ 23w½ 13b0 27w0 21b0 24w022634,52837
17Cosialls Baz Daniel1822 3b0 6b1 8w½ 7w0 24b½ 21w1 9b0 23b1 22w151137,530,540
18Rodon Balcells Jaume1819 4w½ 10b0 27w1 14b0 11b1 22w0 19b0 24b1 26w14,514352938,5
19Urpi Torrents Ramon1804 5b0 16w1 11b½ -0 15w½ 23b½ 18w1 -0 -03,5183629,538
20Torrelles Hornos Robert1793 6w1 2b0 12w0 27b0 -0 11w0 25w1 26b0 -132433,528,535,5
21Ribera Veganzones Josep Maria1792 7b0 -1 -0 -0 25w½ 17b0 24w½ 16w1 11b½3,5213429,536
22Pera Lucas Eugeni1779 8w1 4b0 14w½ 11w1 7b0 18b1 15w½ 3w0 17b041642,535,546,5
23Bedoya Ribo Jordi1778 9b½ 24w1 4w0 13b0 16b½ 19w½ 10b0 17w0 25b02,525383240
24Esparbe Grau Jaime1763 10w½ 23b0 13w½ 25b½ 17w½ 15b0 21b½ 18w0 16b13,52034,52936,5
25Lopez Minguella Armand1742 11b½ 9w0 -0 24w½ 21b½ 26w0 20b0 -1 23w13,52330,52732,5
26Arno Bendicho Xenia1727 12w0 8b0 -1 16w½ -0 25b1 11b0 20w1 18b03,52232,52934,5
27Bonet Verdu Marcel1715 13b½ 11w½ 18b0 20w1 10w½ 8b0 16b1 7w0 14b03,51935,530,537,5
28Holgado Encinas Cesar1675 14w0 15b0 -0 6b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002826,531,527,5

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)