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Campionat Territorial Absolut de Girona (196847)

Darrera actualització03.12.2018 11:22:11, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Jesús Caballero Maytin

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 9 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1FMVidal Zamora Alex 35b1 21w1 11b1 4w1 2b½ 3w1 6b- 5b1 13w17,55539,550,5
2Lazaro Pujol Abel 78b1 26w1 17b1 3w1 1w½ 5b1 4w½ 6b½ 15w17,5524048,5
3MKMendez Camarasa Fernando 40w1 9b1 14w1 2b0 18w1 1b0 43w+ 17w1 4b17533548,5
4MKBalague Camps Marc 44b1 29w1 13b1 1b0 14w1 12w1 2b½ 7w1 3w06,553,536,549,5
5MKSalagran Ferragut Guillem 53b1 54w1 15b1 12w½ 7b1 2w0 11b1 1w0 17b16,5513647,5
6Campo Echevarria Juan Francisco 1 22w1 28b½ 10w1 30b½ 26w½ 33b1 1w+ 2w½ -0653,533,549
7Diaz Munoz Sergi 65b1 38w1 12b½ 31w1 5w0 26b½ 18w1 4b0 19w1644,532,542
8MKAyllon Rodriguez Joan Pedro 75w1 10b½ 18w0 23b1 41b1 15w½ 9b½ 11w½ 24b1644,529,542,5
9Farre I Benseny Miquel 70w1 3w0 78b1 55b0 57w1 14b1 8w½ 12b½ 20w1643,528,540
10Pages Lopez David 61b1 8w½ 6b0 46w0 74b1 42w1 27w½ 44b1 18w164126,539
11WFMVilar Lopez Monica 50w1 20b1 1w0 18b½ 19w1 34b1 5w0 8b½ 12w½5,550,530,546
12Parramon Ros Francesc 52w1 19b1 7w½ 5b½ 43w1 4b0 17b½ 9w½ 11b½5,549,531,545,5
13MKFluvia Frigola Joan 63b1 46w1 4w0 20b½ 27w½ 32b1 26w1 15b½ 1b05,546,530,543
14MKParals Marce Luis 74b1 37w1 3b0 29w1 4b0 9w0 25b1 32w½ 26b15,5462844
15Fernandez Gutierrez Miquel 66w1 71b1 5w0 27b½ 42w1 8b½ 30w1 13w½ 2b05,545,53142,5
16MKGarcia Busquets Jordi 51w1 31b0 23w1 26b0 36w1 29b½ 28w0 42b1 27w15,5432639
17Cobos Navarro Francesc 39w1 27b1 2w0 42b½ 20w1 30b1 12w½ 3b0 5w0548,530,544,5
18Cros Garcia Marc 60b½ 48w1 8b1 11w½ 3b0 46w1 7b0 41w1 10b054628,542,5
19Ramirez Garcia Lluis 45b1 12w0 53b½ 35w1 11b0 22w½ 40b1 21w1 7b054525,541
20Gallart Vila Joan 59b1 11w0 72b+ 13w½ 17b0 56w1 21b½ 43w1 9b054326,539,5
21Barneda Ciurana Jordi 58w1 1b0 42w0 72b1 53w1 27b½ 20w½ 19b0 44w1541,524,538,5
22Ventura Prim Jaume 6b0 59w- 79w1 67b1 24w½ 19b½ 47w½ 54w½ 43b1540,52137,5
23Castella Margarit Joan Enric 41b½ 60w1 16b0 8w0 51b½ 58w1 48b1 24w0 52b15402337
24Guzman Maglaya Noli -0 58b1 75w1 41w0 22b½ 45w1 29b½ 23b1 8w0539,52537,5
25Vidal Zamora Cristina -0 -0 62b½ 63w½ 79b+ 68b1 14w0 48w1 41b1535,518,532,5
26Otones Lopez Antonio 79w1 2b0 50w1 16w1 6b½ 7w½ 13b0 30b½ 14w04,54927,545,5
27Massaguer Soles Francesc 81b+ 17w0 48b1 15w½ 13b½ 21w½ 10b½ 29w½ 16b04,545,52641,5
28Muratet Casadevall Elias 62b1 6w½ -0 65b1 -0 35w1 16b1 -0 -04,5442641,5
29Vilanova Guardiola Josep M. 64w1 4b0 52w1 14b0 58b1 16w½ 24w½ 27b½ -04,54425,541
30Suita Garceso Nemesi 56b1 36w1 31b½ 6w½ 46b1 17w0 15b0 26w½ -04,543,529,540
31Morales Castaneda Manuel 76b1 16w1 30w½ 7b0 33w0 50b½ 53w½ 49b½ 36w½4,542,525,540,5
32Garcia Caro Juan Alber 48b0 61w1 -0 39b1 59w1 13w0 45b1 14b½ -04,542,52339
33Gonzalez Escudero Josep -0 41w½ 60b1 54w1 31b1 6w0 -0 56b1 -04,5412437,5
34Xifra Tome Bernat -0 57w½ 45b1 37w1 56b1 11w0 -0 -0 53b+4,5402336,5
35Olcina Monells Jordi 1w0 70b½ 80w1 19b0 65w1 28b0 49b0 62w1 54b14,538,51936,5
36Zamora Alarcon Juli 69w1 30b0 39w1 43b0 16b0 52w1 41b0 58w1 31b½4,53822,535,5
37Sole Benegues Jordi 55w1 14b0 65w½ 34b0 49w0 57b1 56w0 70b1 59w14,53719,534,5
38Chalmeta Torredemer Jordi 77w1 7b0 55w0 57b0 72w1 53b0 60b1 45w1 39b½4,536,519,535
39Plantada Siurans Estanislau 17b0 67w1 36b0 32w0 71w0 76b1 75w1 55b1 38w½4,53517,533
40Vinolas Anglada Laura 3b0 45w0 76b1 74w½ 66b1 54w½ 19w0 59b½ 49w14,5341932
41Faixedas Vidal Jordi 23w½ 33b½ 71w1 24b1 8w0 43b0 36w1 18b0 25w044624,542,5
42Salomon Emmanuel Yves 49w1 -0 21b1 17w½ 15b0 10b0 65w1 16w0 50b½44422,541,5
43AFMHorta Gafarot Biel 57b1 -0 44w1 36w1 12b0 41w1 3b- 20b0 22w04432639,5
44Voegeli Max 4w0 64b1 43b0 66w½ 48b½ 51w1 54b1 10w0 21b044220,539
45Vila I Bague Arnau 19w0 40b1 34w0 52b1 47w1 24b0 32w0 38b0 65w1441,52039
46Gili Munoz Daniel 80w1 13b0 59w1 10b1 30w0 18b0 50w½ 47b½ -044124,539
47AIMBadosa Romanyo Albert 73w+ -0 56b½ 53w½ 45b0 49w1 22b½ 46w½ -04412237,5
48Jurado Coderch Heribert 32w1 18b0 27w0 50b½ 44w½ 71b1 23w0 25b0 66w144019,537
49Rueda Medina Alex 42b0 65w- 64w½ 70w1 37b1 47b0 35w1 31w½ 40b0439,518,536
50Burset Camps Guillem 11b0 76w1 26b0 48w½ 60b1 31w½ 46b½ -0 42w½4382036
51Recio Romaguera Enric 16b0 82w1 54b½ -0 23w½ 44b0 70w½ 68b½ 56w143717,534
52Hervas Carretero Flavio 12b0 62w1 29b0 45w0 67w1 36b0 57w1 66b1 23w0436,51833,5
53Foix Breto Antoni 5w0 68b1 19w½ 47b½ 21b0 38w1 31b½ -0 34w-3,542,52039,5
54Marques Reig Daniel 68w1 5b0 51w½ 33b0 63w1 40b½ 44w0 22b½ 35w03,54220,539
55Barat Serna Judit 37b0 74w1 38b1 9w1 -0 -0 -0 39w0 58b½3,54121,539
56Cobos Navarro Jorge 30w0 69b1 47w½ 71b1 34w0 20b0 37b1 33w0 51b03,540,520,538
57Verdaguer Planella Pol 43w0 34b½ 63b½ 38w1 9b0 37w0 52b0 69w1 60b½3,5391636,5
58Vigueras Ruiz Francisco 21b0 24w0 82b+ 75b1 29w0 23b0 63w1 36b0 55w½3,538,516,536,5
59Vegas Cortes Jose Maria 20w0 22b+ 46b0 78w1 32b0 -0 74b1 40w½ 37b03,5371835
60Roqueta Maffei Oscar Nahuel 18w½ 23b0 33w0 80b1 50w0 63b1 38w0 65b½ 57w½3,536,51634,5
61Sabria Mestras Jordi 10w0 32b0 77w1 -0 -0 67b½ 73w1 75b1 -03,534,51433
62Garcia Castany Josep 28w0 52b0 25w½ 64b½ 75w½ 65b0 76w1 35b0 72w+3,5341332
63Otones Pacheco Juan 13w0 80b½ 57w½ 25b½ 54b0 60w0 58b0 76w1 73w13,53213,530
64Camprubi Juanola Jordi 29b0 44w0 49b½ 62w½ -0 -0 77b1 71w½ 68w13,53211,530,5
65Martin Roldan Adam 7w0 49b+ 37b½ 28w0 35b0 62w1 42b0 60w½ 45b034016,537
66Duran Pibernat Toni 15b0 -0 69w1 44b½ 40w0 75b½ 71w+ 52w0 48b03341532
67Roura Cortada Pep 71w0 39b0 -1 22w0 52b0 61w½ 69b½ -0 74b1333,511,531,5
68Herce Carrera Javier 54b0 53w0 74b0 77w1 69b1 25w0 72b½ 51w½ 64b0332,513,531
69Ponsi Burgos Jordi 36b0 56w0 66b0 73b½ 68w0 -1 67w½ 57b0 75w13289,526
70Higueras Ruiz Blai 9b0 35w½ -0 49b0 73w1 74w½ 51b½ 37w0 -02,537,512,535,5
71Perdomo Raudales Javier Fern 67b1 15w0 41b0 56w0 39b1 48w0 66b- 64b½ -02,536,51533,5
72Vinolas Anglada Jude Biel -0 77b1 20w- 21w0 38b0 79w+ 68w½ -0 62b-2,53413,532,5
73Jimenez Oro Jaume 47b- 75b0 -0 69w½ 70b0 77w1 61b0 74w1 63b02,529927,5
74Masnou Resino Jordi 14w0 55b0 68w1 40b½ 10w0 70b½ 59w0 73b0 67w0237,51234,5
75Kostov Trayan 8b0 73w1 24b0 58w0 62b½ 66w½ 39b0 61w0 69b023612,533,5
76Compte Auge Lluis 31w0 50b0 40w0 79b0 77b1 39w0 62b0 63b0 80w1231,5630
77Hervas Fernandez Fernando 38b0 72w0 61b0 68b0 76w0 73b0 64w0 80w1 -1229,5328,5
78Bernadez Rodriguez Jaime 2w0 79b1 9w0 59b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0135,5833,5
79Casado Graboleda Jokin 26b0 78w0 22b0 76w1 25w- 72b- -0 -0 -0130,5628,5
80Barad Cunill Pere 46b0 63w½ 35b0 60w0 -0 -0 -0 77b0 76b00,528,5427
81Noguera Vila Arnau 27w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0027026
Noguera Vila Roger -0 51b0 58w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0027026

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Fide Tie-Break
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)