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Fase prèvia de Veterans de Barcelona 2018

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony27.11.2018 20:39:31, Creator/Last Upload: Jose A. Navarro Cardenas

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Tabela według listy startowej

NrNazwisko1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPktM-sce TB 1  TB 2  TB 3 
1Brusi Noguera Ricard Ll. 41w1 27b½ 22w1 6b½ 15w1 10b1 -0 -0 -05195241,548,5
2FMSimon Padros Emili 43b1 26w1 17b½ 14w½ 24b½ 33w½ 7b1 10w½ 3b½6551,54046,5
3Bautista Sanchez Joan 44w1 29b½ 27w½ 32b1 18w1 6b0 24w½ 23b1 2w½6847,53643
4Anguera Maestro Jaume 45b½ 68w1 50b1 33w½ 17b1 9w1 6w1 -0 -06451,540,548
5Palacin Martin Ricardo 46w0 64b1 41w½ 36b½ 32w1 27b1 20w½ 24b½ 29w16124132,538
6De La Plaza Gras Jordi 47b1 28w1 24b1 1w½ 7b1 3w1 4b0 9b½ 33w17151,54148
7Fernandez Perez Josep 49w1 32b1 20w½ 37b1 6w0 22b1 2w0 29b1 17w½674937,544,5
8Vallbona Domingo Joan 50b0 61w1 39b1 24w0 38b1 23w½ 33b0 53w1 30b15,51843,534,540,5
9Fabre Massana Miquel 51w½ 62b1 40w1 20b½ 29w1 4b0 26b1 6w½ -05,51447,536,543,5
10Mas Recorda Pere 52b1 31w1 33b½ 17w½ 14b1 1w0 34b1 2b½ 13w16,52483844,5
11Rodriguez Vega Blas 53w1 34b1 35w1 -0 33b½ 20w0 37b0 39w1 24b½52247,536,543
12Monedero Gonzalez Josep -0 63w1 43b½ 50w1 20b½ 29b0 40w1 26b1 18w1611413338
13Marchador Villalba Jordi 56b1 33w0 44b1 27w½ 35b1 24w½ 55b½ 37w1 10b05,515473642,5
14Rodriguez Regull German 57w1 36b1 37w½ 2b½ 10w0 40b1 29w0 32b½ 55w15,51645,535,542
15Franch Capdevila Ramon 58b1 35w0 45b1 31w1 1b0 26w0 41b1 34w1 21b16104232,539
16Rojas Fernandez Andres -0 65b1 46w1 29b0 42w+ 34w0 -0 -0 -0360413237
17Tejero Royo Fermi 59w1 38b1 2w½ 10b½ 4w0 36b½ 30w1 55b1 7b½6650,539,546,5
18Sumelzo Lozano Josep 61b1 37w0 47b1 38w1 3b0 55w0 44b1 49w1 12b05234434,541
19Marza Vendrell Conrad 62w½ 51b½ 49w1 34b½ 36w½ -0 45b1 28w½ 37b04,5344434,540
20Walter Travella German 63b1 39w1 7b½ 9w½ 12w½ 11b1 5b½ 33w0 36b05204939,546
21Albero Figueras Emili 64w1 40b½ 29w½ -0 39b½ 41b1 36w½ 62b1 15w0526413238
22Grau Garsaball Jaume 66b1 50w½ 1b0 53w1 37b1 7w0 62w½ 36b- -044444,534,541
23Montell Zabay Alberto -0 66w1 51b1 35b½ 40w½ 8b½ 75w1 3w0 38b½5254333,539,5
24Lopez Manzano Antoni 67w1 46b1 6w0 8b1 2w½ 13b½ 3b½ 5w½ 11w½5,513503946
25Lluverol Torrents Salvador 68b½ 45w½ 53b½ 52w½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -0275362833
26Santos Ramos Carlos 69w1 2b0 -0 51w1 44b1 15b1 9w0 12w0 45b½4,53543,53642,5
27Vives Bellber Tomas 70b1 1w½ 3b½ 13b½ 41w½ 5w0 49b0 51w1 44b½4,5334434,541
28Colom Andres Xavier 71w1 6b0 55w½ 41b0 52b1 45w½ 47w1 19b½ 75w½52740,53037
29Lanau Garcia Francesc 72b1 3w½ 21b½ 16w1 9b0 12w1 14b1 7w0 5b052148,539,546
30Andreu Termes Frederic -0 -0 66b1 56w1 45b½ 53w1 17b0 42w1 8w04,5374333,539,5
31Costa Trave Jaume 73w1 10b0 77w1 15b0 46w½ 62b0 -0 -0 -02,571393036,5
32Gonzalez Martin Fernando 74b1 7w0 58b1 3w0 5b0 63w1 52b1 14w½ 34b04,541413238
33Leon Escoda Manel 75w1 13b1 10w½ 4b½ 11w½ 2b½ 8w1 20b1 6b063534148
34Rins Julia Josep 76b1 11w0 79b1 19w½ 55w½ 16b1 10w0 15b0 32w15244434,541
35Llaverias Sanmarti Joan 77w1 15b1 11b0 23w½ 13w0 -0 53b0 58w1 54b14,53842,533,539,5
36Serra Vilaro Agusti 78b1 14w0 80b1 5w½ 19b½ 17w½ 21b½ 22w+ 20w1694234,540,5
37Franzoni Ladron De Guevara Enric 79w1 18b1 14b½ 7w0 22w0 46b1 11w1 13b0 19w15,517453642
38Gonzalez Moreno Antoni 80b1 17w0 82w1 18b0 8w0 57b½ 60w1 46b1 23w½52939,53137
39Peris Morte Joaquim 81w1 20b0 8w0 49b1 21w½ 75b0 65w1 11b0 59w14,540413439,5
40Menarguez Martinez Jose 82b1 21w½ 9b0 68w1 23b½ 14w0 12b0 52w1 49b044543,534,541
41Sanchez Esteban Emilio 1b0 70w1 5b½ 28w1 27b½ 21w0 15w0 75b0 66w½3,5514535,542
42Bayarri Ponsa Eduard -0 67b0 65w1 58w1 16b- 60b½ 48w1 30b0 -03,5524031,537
43Massanet Miret Pere 2w0 71b1 12w½ 55b0 60w½ 65b½ 57w½ 66b1 62w1528403036,5
44Tort Barenys Juan Jose 3b0 72w1 13w0 64b1 26w0 67b1 18w0 57b1 27w½4,5433930,536,5
45Vegara Gallego Pere 4w½ 25b½ 15w0 82b1 30w½ 28b½ 19w0 71b1 26w½4,5324434,541,5
46Ferre Navarro Joan 5b1 24w0 16b0 63w1 31b½ 37w0 59b1 38w0 68b14,542413238
47Garcia Guardiola Joan 6w0 73b1 18w0 -0 68b1 58w1 28b0 56w0 53b036239,53037
48Saez Lopez Carlos -0 -0 69b1 67w½ 62b0 68w1 42b0 70w½ 58b1450332732
49Mas Sayos Lluis 7b0 74w1 19b0 39w0 77b1 79w1 27w1 18b0 40w153138,529,535,5
50Romero Funieles Rafael De Jesus 8w1 22b½ 4w0 12b0 -0 -0 70w- -0 -01,58041,53239
51Cases Roque Ramon 9b½ 19w½ 23w0 26b0 65w0 78b1 64w1 27b0 73w14473729,535,5
52Gibert Juan Ramon 10w0 75b½ 62w1 25b½ 28w0 80b1 32w0 40b0 -036140,53137,5
53Alvarez Garmendia Jose Maria 11b0 76w1 25w½ 22b0 70w1 30b0 35w1 8b0 47w14,53941,53338,5
54Giralt Toro Julio -0 77b0 70w½ 73b1 75w0 64b0 61w1 65b1 35w03,5583426,531,5
55Mogharbel Choucair Farouk -0 78w1 28b½ 43w1 34b½ 18b1 13w½ 17w0 14b04,53643,53642
56Radigales Mauri Jaume 13w0 79b0 71w1 30b0 80w0 81b1 67w1 47b1 -044834,527,533
57Rastrollo Valverde Lluis 14b0 80w0 72b½ 79w1 67b½ 38w½ 43b½ 44w0 70b-36536,528,534
58Vidal Moll Francesc 15w0 81b1 32w0 42b0 71w1 47b0 80w1 35b0 48w03633729,535,5
59Bosch Ricart Joan 17b0 -0 73w½ 75b0 81w1 70b1 46w0 63w1 39b03,55734,52733
60Martinez Aguero Francisco -0 -0 74b½ 72w1 43b½ 42w½ 38b0 68w0 -02,5723729,534,5
61Montilla Rodriguez Jose Luis 18w0 8b0 76w½ -0 73b1 -0 54b0 -0 82w01,58134,526,532
62Martin Sanchez Antoni 19b½ 9w0 52b0 76b1 48w1 31w1 22b½ 21w0 43b04464333,539,5
63Amat Tarruella Jordi 20w0 12b0 81w1 46b0 82w1 32b0 71w0 59b0 78b136833,525,532
64Ayllon Barranco Miguel 21b0 5w0 78b1 44w0 79b0 54w1 51b0 76w½ 67w½36436,52935
65Garcia Domenech Francisco Javier -0 16w0 42b0 78w1 51b1 43w½ 39b0 54w0 72b13,5553629,534,5
66Cobo Sampron Ramon 22w0 23b0 30w0 71b0 69b1 72w1 79b1 43w0 41b½3,55634,52833,5
67Febrero Perez Lluis 24b0 42w1 -0 48b½ 57w½ 44w0 56b0 79w1 64b½3,5533930,536
68Castan Sanclemente Alejandro 25w½ 4b0 75w1 40b0 47w0 48b0 69w1 60b1 46w03,55438,530,537,5
69Nuñez Romeo Fausto 26b0 -0 48w0 81b0 66w0 -1 68b0 78w0 74b01822922,527,5
70Ylla Soro Rafael 27w0 41b0 54b½ 74w1 53b0 59w0 50b+ 48b½ 57w+4493426,531,5
71Climent Vidal Pere 28b0 43w0 56b0 66w1 58b0 82w1 63b1 45w0 -03673527,532,5
72Capdevila Castello Alberto 29w0 44b0 57w½ 60b0 76w½ 66b0 78w1 80b½ 65w02,5743326,531,5
73Bertran Llobet Juan 31b0 47w0 59b½ 54w0 61w0 74b½ -1 82w1 51b0370302428
74Vasquez Jimenez Fernando 32w0 49b0 60w½ 70b0 -0 73w½ -0 77b0 69w1277302429
75Garcia Alcober Virgilio 33b0 52w½ 68b0 59w1 54b1 39w1 23b0 41w1 28b½53039,53036
76Guinjoan Fradera Joan 34w0 53b0 61b½ 62w0 72b½ -0 81w1 64b½ 80w13,5593023,528,5
77Calvet Blesa Jordi 35b0 54w1 31b0 -0 49w0 -0 82b0 74w1 -027634,52732
78Alabart Paytubi Josep 36w0 55b0 64w0 65b0 -1 51w0 72b0 69b1 63w02783023,529
79Rebull Carbonell Javier 37b0 56w1 34w0 57b0 64w1 49b0 66w0 67b0 81b136635,528,534
80Artigas Crosas Ramir 38w0 57b1 36w0 -0 56b1 52w0 58b0 72w½ 76b02,573362833,5
81Aunes Cabañero Jose 39b0 58w0 63b0 69w1 59b0 56w0 76b0 -1 79w027928,52327,5
82Llopart Albareda Alfons 40w0 -1 38b0 45w0 63b0 71b0 77w1 73b0 61b136932,52530

TB 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
TB 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
TB 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)