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TWICKENHAM Qualifier for the London Junior Chess Championship Under 8

Last update 14.12.2018 22:09:35, Creator/Last Upload: paul_mck

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Starting rank crosstable

No.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdRk. TB1 
1MERRIMAN Keira 20w1 10b0 25w0 40b1 17w1 8b½133,5
2MACABENTA Kei 21b1 11w1 9b1 6w1 14b1 4w½15,5
3PATRE Shourya 22w1 12b0 21w1 -0 -0 -0272
4FELLOWES Billy 23b1 13w1 10b1 39w1 6b1 2b½25,5
5GUPTA Aarav 24w1 14b0 23w1 12w1 39b1 38b135
6WARD Cian 26b1 15w1 12b1 2b0 4w0 32w154
7MYDLAR Lara 27w1 16b1 14w0 30b1 11w0 24b164
8TEITELBAUM Teddy 28b1 17w1 39b0 15w1 9b½ 1w½74
9SHI Alexander 29w1 18b1 2w0 16b1 8w½ 10b½84
10DANE Antony 30b1 1w1 4w0 38b0 19b1 9w½143,5
11LYU Sixian 31w+ 2b0 24w1 17w1 7b1 14w145
12ALAM Ishaaq 32b1 3w1 6w0 5b0 23w1 30b194
13BRUHN Jonas 33w1 4b0 30w0 34b1 24w½ 25b0222,5
14BRUNI Mariano 34b1 5w1 7b1 25w1 2w0 11b0104
15CHUGH Amaira 36w1 6b0 37w1 8b0 30w0 21w1163
16D'AMORE Nykyta 37b1 7w0 32b1 9w0 26b1 39w0173
17DANE James 38w1 8b0 40w1 11b0 1b0 26w1183
18DING Yicheng 39b0 9w0 28b1 26w0 34w1 40b0282
19DING Yihua 40w1 25b0 38w0 37b1 10w0 23b½232,5
20DOSHI Shaan 1b0 30w0 29b½ 22w1 32b0 27w½292
21KANTHED Minnolli 2w0 33b1 3b0 32w0 36w1 15b0302
22KOTA Ashwath Kumar 3b0 32w0 33b0 20b0 29w0 37b0370
23LI Sophia 4w0 36b1 5b0 29w1 12b0 19w½242,5
24LIU William 5b0 34w1 11b0 33w1 13b½ 7w0252,5
25MAGIDOR-STERNBERG Uri 19w1 1b1 14b0 38w0 13w1153,5
26MALUS Sean 6w0 38b0 36w1 18b1 16w0 17b0312
27OGUGUA Kamsi Antonio 7b0 37w0 34b0 -1 40w0 20b½351,5
28PAI Ting-Kai 8w0 40b0 18w0 36b0 -0 -0380
29PRAFULLA Pratham 9b0 39w0 20w½ 23b0 22b1 33w1262,5
30RAGHAVAN Anagha 10w0 20b1 13b1 7w0 15b1 12w0193
31ROWNTREE-BAILLY Augustin 11b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0390
32SHARMA Harsh 12w0 22b1 16w0 21b1 20w1 6b0203
33SHOQAT Xavi 13b0 21w0 22w1 24b0 37w1 29b0322
34SONG Meilin 14w0 24b0 27w1 13w0 18b0 36b1332
35SYKES Arran -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0400
36TANOLI Malik Subhan 15b0 23w0 26b0 28w1 21b0 34w0361
37WEGG-PROSSER Alexander 16w0 27b1 15b0 19w0 33b0 22w1342
38WILKINSON-THORPE Elias 17b0 26w1 19b1 10w1 25b1 5w0114
39YANG Rachel 18w1 29b1 8w1 4b0 5w0 16b1124
40YUMER Tarkan 19b0 28w1 17b0 1w0 27b1 18w1213

Tie Break1: points (game-points)