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Last update 16.09.2018 14:34:25, Creator/Last Upload: LEAL BARRIOS, Eugenio

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Gomez Gonzalez Javier2116ESP 32b1 19w1 11b½ 12w1 7b1 2w0 9b15,550529,5
2Pana Dorin2057ESP 33w1 20b1 9w0 25b1 18w1 1b1 7w1620630
3AGMSanchez Millan Eduardo2009ESP 34b1 21w1 13b1 8w1 9b1 4w1 6b1710731,5
4Lopez Molina Francisco2000ESP 35w1 22b1 14w1 7b½ 10w1 3b0 15w15,530531
5Martinez Fernandez Angeles1965ESP 41w- -1 57w1 12b1 8w0 38b14,5170325
6BaƱos Rosique Rafael1906ESP 37w1 25b1 15w1 9b0 20w1 14b1 3w0570533
7Lopez Molina Santiago Jorge1857ESP 38b1 27w1 17b1 4w½ 1w0 22b1 2b04,5130433,5
8Vizcaino Marin Jose Luis1839ESP 39w1 26b1 23w1 3b0 22w½ 5b1 10w04,5140432,5
9Culicovschi George1830MDA 40b1 31w1 2b1 6w1 3w0 15b1 1w0560534
10Carrasco Martinez Ivan1774ESP 42b½ 63w1 49b1 11w1 4b0 17w1 8b15,540530,5
11Alvarez Luis Jose L.1734ESP 43w1 41b1 1w½ 10b0 49w½ 51b0 44w14300329
12Garcia Lopez Pablo1728ESP 44b1 49w½ 42b1 1b0 5w0 26w1 21b½4310328,5
13Moncalvillo Hernan Juan C.1682ESP 45w1 51b1 3w0 41b0 44w1 49b0 54w14200428,5
14Ramos Orea Tomas1667ESP 46b1 57w1 4b0 27w1 21b1 6w0 23b04180429
15Zuazua Conde Ivan Javier1607ESP 48w1 61b1 6b0 31w1 23b1 9w0 4b04190428,5
16Nuevo Benitez Miguel Angel1602ESP 49b0 42w0 45b1 40w- 53w1 47b1 57w14240424
17Lopez Diaz Enrique1579ESP 50w1 62b1 7w0 64b1 41w1 10b0 49w15110525,5
18Martinez Ferrer Juan Antonio1547ESP 51b0 43w1 39b1 38w1 2b0 56w1 25b1590528
19Ruiz Valencia Miguel Angel1462ESP 52w1 1b0 41w0 43b1 50w1 54b1 51w04260422
20Lopez Del Moral Lopez De Ochoa Rafael1432ESP 53b1 2w0 40b1 51w1 6b0 57w1 27b1580530
21Concejero Munoz Manuel Dario1378ESP 54w1 3b0 48w1 62b1 14w0 41b½ 12w½4320328
22Gonzalez Mesas Angel1349ESP 55b1 4w0 44b1 56w1 8b½ 7w0 42b03,5330326
23Weber Garcia Alberto1269ESP 56w1 47b1 8b0 63w1 15w0 58b1 14w15120524,5
24Arsic Dorde0ESP 57b0 44w0 46b0 58b0 52w1 36w0 33b12590215
25Arsic Goran0ESP 58w1 6w0 53b1 2w0 46b1 62b1 18w04210428
26Arsic Novak0ESP 59b1 8w0 51w0 47b1 54w0 12b0 50w13420323
27Arsic Vukan0ESP 60w1 7b0 54w1 14b0 58w1 45b1 20w04230424
28Babarro Escudero Maria Luz0ESP 61b0 45w1 56b0 44w0 48b0 34b0 43w01610119
29Borisov Tymofiy0ESP 62w0 48b0 50w0 52b1 45w0 53b0 55w12580215,5
30Braitor Alina Dany0ESP 63b0 46w1 57b0 48w1 51b0 42w0 59b13440322,5
31Caballero Insaurriaga Guillermo0ESP 64w1 9b0 61w1 15b0 62w0 48b1 41w03390323,5
32Caruntu Flavius0ESP 1w0 50b1 62w0 54b0 47w0 43b1 58w02520221,5
33Caruntu Sara0ESP 2b0 52w1 63b0 46w0 59b0 60w0 24w01620117,5
34De Blas Rincon Laura0ESP 3w0 54b0 52b1 53w½ 42b0 28w1 35w13,5350322
35Diaz-Cano De Frutos Marta0ESP 4b0 53w0 55b1 59w1 56b0 46w½ 34b02,5490,5220,5
36Diaz-Cano De Frutos Paula0ESP 47w0 56b0 58w0 60b0 55w1 24b1 64w02570216,5
37Diaz-Cano Vinuesa Alejandro0ESP 6b0 55w1 64b0 61w1 57b0 59w1 56b14280418
38Dominguez Matilla Benjamin0ESP 7w0 58b1 47w1 18b0 64w1 63b1 5w04220425,5
39Dominguez Ramos Pedro0ESP 8b0 59w1 18w0 50b0 60w1 64b1 63w14270420,5
40Espasandin Gonzalez Manuel0ESP 9w0 60b1 20w0 16b+ 63b0 50b1 62w14250422,5
41Fernandez Silva Rafael0ESP 5b+ 11w0 19b1 13w1 17b0 21w½ 31b14,5160427
42Garcia Diaz Enrique0ESP 10w½ 16b1 12w0 49b0 34w1 30b1 22w14,5150428
43Garcia Mamajon Aaron0ESP 11b0 18b0 60w1 19w0 61b0 32w0 28b12530220
44Ghiurca Fabian Antonio0ESP 12w0 24b1 22w0 28b1 13b0 61w1 11b03460320,5
45Gonzalez Lozano Consuelo0ESP 13b0 28b0 16w0 55w1 29b1 27w0 -02550219,5
46Insall Heras Mateo Alexander0ESP 14w0 30b0 24w1 33b1 25w0 35b½ 53w02,5500,5220
47Kennedy Dave Alan0ESP 36b1 23w0 38b0 26w0 32b1 16w0 60b13450322,5
48Lima Madrid DIego0ESP 15b0 29w1 21b0 30b0 28w1 31w0 61b13470319
49Linares Briones Pablo0ESP 16w1 12b½ 10w0 42w1 11b½ 13w1 17b04290331,5
50Linares Garcia Marcos0ESP 17b0 32w0 29b1 39w1 19b0 40w0 26b02510223,5
51Marina Cosmin Madalin0ESP 18w1 13w0 26b1 20b0 30w1 11w1 19b15100528
52Moldovan Carla Maria0ESP 19b0 33b0 34w0 29w0 24b0 55b0 -11640013,5
53Relano Jorge0ESP 20w0 35b1 25w0 34b½ 16b0 29w1 46b13,5340324
54Rog Jakub0ESP 21b0 34w1 27b0 32w1 26b1 19w0 13b03380324,5
55Roque Bocanegra Mencia Maria0ESP 22w0 37b0 35w0 45b0 36b0 52w1 29b01630117
56Roque Lorenzo Javier0ESP 23b0 36w1 28w1 22b0 35w1 18b0 37w03410323
57Salazar Rodriguez Hector0ESP 24w1 14b0 30w1 5b0 37w1 20b0 16b03360327
58Sanchez Gomez Sara0ESP 25b0 38w0 36b1 24w1 27b0 23w0 32b13430323
59Sanchez Jimenez Rafael0ESP 26w0 39b0 -1 35b0 33w1 37b0 30w02600119,5
60Sanchez Moreno Sergio0ESP 27b0 40w0 43b0 36w1 39b0 33b1 47w02560219,5
61Staykov Zahariev Kristian0ESP 28w1 15w0 31b0 37b0 43w1 44b0 48w02540220
62Syedova Victoriya0ESP 29b1 17w0 32b1 21w0 31b1 25w0 40b03400323,5
63Vasile Sas Denis0ESP 30w1 10b0 33w1 23b0 40w1 38w0 39b03370326
64Zarco Garcia Pablo0ESP 31b0 -1 37w1 17w0 38b0 39w0 36b13480224,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)