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Memorialul George-Emil Pessi - Blitz

Last update 14.09.2018 21:00:13, Creator: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 59),Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 58)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMMarin Mihail2442ROU 19w1 32b1 11w1 3b½ 2b1 9w1 6b1 4b1 5w18,55046,7542
2FMTomici Stefan2258ROU 23w1 8b1 14w1 5b1 1w0 3b1 4w0 9w1 12b175338,0037
3IMManea Alexandru2375ROU 30b1 13w1 22b1 1w½ 4b1 2w0 5b½ 12w1 9b½6,55134,0036
4IVrajitoru Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin1822ROU 27b1 9w1 5w½ 10b1 3w0 32b1 2b1 1w0 11w16,55133,0034,5
5WGMCosma Elena-Luminita2269ROU 15b1 12w1 4b½ 2w0 16b1 11w1 3w½ 6b1 1b0654,532,5033
6IMVasilescu Lucian-Mihail2182ROU 7w1 14b0 36w1 19b1 11w1 15b1 1w0 5w0 13b1647,528,0032
7IIDumitrescu Daniel1652ROU 6b0 35w1 12b1 13w1 9b0 10w0 31b1 22w1 14w164225,0027
8CMTomoae Marian1810ROU 26b1 2w0 33b1 9w0 30b1 22w0 10b1 24w1 15b1641,525,0027
9IMDavid Alexandru-Vasile2347ROU 29w1 4b0 23w1 8b1 7w1 1b0 13w1 2b0 3w½5,55327,7530,5
10IAvramescu Paul-Mihai2143ROU 37w1 31b½ 16w1 4w0 22b0 7b1 8w0 19w1 25b15,54324,7527
11Luncescu Christian2179GER 24b1 33w1 1b0 25w1 6b0 5b0 20w1 17w1 4b0547,520,5028
12AIMDobre Ana-Margareta-Alexandra1816ROU 34w1 5b0 7w0 21b1 37w1 20b1 16w1 3b0 2w054620,5027
13CMGrigore Gigi1857ROU 18w1 3b0 34w1 7b0 23w1 14b1 9b0 15w1 6w0545,521,5027
14IRadulescu Gabriel1766ROU 35b1 6w1 2b0 22w1 15b0 13w0 33b1 25w1 7b0542,519,5028
15IIManea Florin1675ROU 5w0 18b1 39w1 32b1 14w1 6w0 22b1 13b0 8w0541,518,5029
16FMVoiteanu Gabriel2188ROU 17b1 25w½ 10b0 31w1 5w0 19b1 12b0 30w½ 24b154120,7525
17IMoroianu George1661ROU 16w0 34b0 28w1 20b0 21w1 38b1 18w1 11b0 26w1535,518,0020
18IIJinga Vlad-Ionut1511ROU 13b0 15w0 37b0 -1 36w1 30w1 17b0 33w1 22b153417,5018
19IComan Mihnea-George1728ROU 1b0 28w1 38b1 6w0 31b½ 16w0 21w1 10b0 30b14,541,514,7521,5
20FCBunda Daniel1565ROU 22b0 30w0 26b1 17w1 25b1 12w0 11b0 31w½ 28b14,537,518,2520
21CMIosifescu Claudiu2129ROU 33b0 24w½ 27b1 12w0 17b0 26w1 19b0 34b1 31w14,53616,5018
22CMCernea Radu-Gheorghe1874ROU 20w1 36b1 3w0 14b0 10w1 8b1 15w0 7b0 18w0445,518,5026
23FCNica Dragos-Adrian1663ROU 2b0 26w1 9b0 27w1 13b0 33w0 29b1 28w0 32w1438,514,5018
24ICnejev Vladimir-Alexandru1619ROU 11w0 21b½ 29w0 34b½ 35b1 27w1 32w1 8b0 16w0436,513,2519
25CMNastase Stefan1796ROU 38w1 16b½ 31w½ 11b0 20w0 37b1 34w1 14b0 10w0436,512,2523,5
26IISaioc David1279ROU 8w0 23b0 20w0 28b1 29w1 21b0 39w1 32b1 17b043612,0016
27IRadu David (Cr)1412ROU 4w0 29b1 21w0 23b0 39w1 24b0 30b0 35w1 33b1433,511,0016
28IBancu Constantin1550ROU 32w0 19b0 17b0 26w0 -1 36b1 38w1 23b1 20w043111,5014
29IVladescu Ovidiu-Viorel1679ROU 9b0 27w0 24b1 38w0 26b0 -1 23w0 39b1 34w1430,512,5014
30FCCiolacu Romeo-Cristian1683ROU 3w0 20b1 32w0 36b1 8w0 18b0 27w1 16b½ 19w03,540,513,5018
31IIIloiu Liviu-Matei1492ROU 39w1 10w½ 25b½ 16b0 19w½ 34b½ 7w0 20b½ 21b03,53912,7522
32IMarin Victor-Mihai1872ROU 28b1 1w0 30b1 15w0 33b1 4w0 24b0 26w0 23b034210,0021
33IIIFratila Danut1602ROU 21w1 11b0 8w0 39b1 32w0 23b1 14w0 18b0 27w033810,5019
34IICiocani Iosif1354ROU 12b0 17w1 13b0 24w½ 38b1 31w½ 25b0 21w0 29b033610,2518
35Peta Marius-Petrut1001ROU 14w0 7b0 -1 37b0 24w0 39b0 36w1 27b0 38b1331,56,5011
36IIVintila Ionut-Vicentiu1421ROU -1 22w0 6b0 30w0 18b0 28w0 35b0 38w1 39b1331,56,0012
37CMArmeanu Ninel-Claudiu1605ROU 10b0 39b0 18w1 35w1 12b0 25w0 -0 -0 -02347,0013
38Balan Ionut-Calin1001ROU 25b0 -1 19w0 29b1 34w0 17w0 28b0 36b0 35w02325,0014
39CMRadu Mihai1851ROU 31b0 37w1 15b0 33w0 27b0 35w1 26b0 29w0 36w0231,56,0012

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break